If I were there
would I rejoice with Mary & Joseph for the newborn Jesus?
If I were there
would I smile at young Mary's lullabye as she cradles the Babe?
If I were there
would I joyfully laugh at Joseph fretting around to give mother and Child comfort?
If I were there
would I wonder at the tiny hands of Baby Jesus and see the wonders He will do?
If I were there
would I believe if Angels tell me that the Messiah would come thru this humble family?
If I were there
would there be awe for a God who would deem make Himself as vulnerable as a Child?
Here I am and I still could....
marvel at the Mysteries of Life.
Here I am and I still could
be amazed by the Splendour of such Love.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
If I Were There
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Words Speak to My Heart
This is the homily of Pope Benedict XVI on Christmas Eve of 2010. It's so beautiful and it speaks to my heart.
Homily Christmas Eve 2010
by Benedict XVI
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
"You are my son, this day I have begotten you" – with this passage from Psalm 2 the Church begins the liturgy of this holy night. She knows that this passage originally formed part of the coronation rite of the kings of Israel. The king, who in himself is a man like others, becomes the "Son of God" through being called and installed in his office. It is a kind of adoption by God, a decisive act by which he grants a new existence to this man, drawing him into his own being. The reading from the prophet Isaiah that we have just heard presents the same process even more clearly in a situation of hardship and danger for Israel: "To us a child is born, to us a son is given. The government will be upon his shoulder" (Is 9:6). Installation in the office of king is like a second birth. As one newly born through God’s personal choice, as a child born of God, the king embodies hope. On his shoulders the future rests. He is the bearer of the promise of peace. On that night in Bethlehem this prophetic saying came true in a way that would still have been unimaginable at the time of Isaiah. Yes indeed, now it really is a child on whose shoulders government is laid. In him the new kingship appears that God establishes in the world.
This child is truly born of God. It is God’s eternal Word that unites humanity with divinity. To this child belong those titles of honour which Isaiah’s coronation song attributes to him: Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Is 9:6). Yes, this king does not need counsellors drawn from the wise of this world. He bears in himself God’s wisdom and God’s counsel. In the weakness of infancy, he is the mighty God and he shows us God’s own might in contrast to the self-asserting powers of this world.
Truly, the words of Israel’s coronation rite were only ever rites of hope which looked ahead to a distant future that God would bestow. None of the kings who were greeted in this way lived up to the sublime content of these words. In all of them, those words about divine sonship, about installation into the heritage of the peoples, about making the ends of the earth their possession (Ps 2:8) were only pointers towards what was to come – as it were signposts of hope indicating a future that at that moment was still beyond comprehension. Thus the fulfilment of the prophecy, which began that night in Bethlehem, is both infinitely greater and in worldly terms smaller than the prophecy itself might lead one to imagine.
It is greater in the sense that this child is truly the Son of God, truly "God from God, light from light, begotten not made, of one being with the Father". The infinite distance between God and man is overcome.
God has not only bent down, as we read in the Psalms; he has truly "come down", he has come into the world, he has become one of us, in order to draw all of us to himself. This child is truly Emmanuel – God-with-us. His kingdom truly stretches to the ends of the earth. He has truly built islands of peace in the world-encompassing breadth of the holy Eucharist. Wherever it is celebrated, an island of peace arises, of God’s own peace. This child has ignited the light of goodness in men and has given them strength to overcome the tyranny of might. This child builds his kingdom in every generation from within, from the heart. But at the same time it is true that the "rod of his oppressor" is not yet broken, the boots of warriors continue to tramp and the "garment rolled in blood" (Is 9:4f) still remains.
So part of this night is simply joy at God’s closeness. We are grateful that God gives himself into our hands as a child, begging as it were for our love, implanting his peace in our hearts.
But this joy is also a prayer: Lord, make your promise come fully true. Break the rods of the oppressors. Burn the tramping boots. Let the time of the garments rolled in blood come to an end. Fulfil the prophecy that "of peace there will be no end" (Is 9:7). We thank you for your goodness, but we also ask you to show forth your power. Establish the dominion of your truth and your love in the world – the "kingdom of righteousness, love and peace".
"Mary gave birth to her first-born son" (Lk 2:7). In this sentence Saint Luke recounts quite soberly the great event to which the prophecies from Israel’s history had pointed. Luke calls the child the "first-born". In the language which developed within the sacred Scripture of the Old Covenant, "first-born" does not mean the first of a series of children. The word "first-born" is a title of honour, quite independently of whether other brothers and sisters follow or not. So Israel is designated by God in the Book of Exodus (4:22) as "my first-born Son", and this expresses Israel’s election, its singular dignity, the particular love of God the Father. The early Church knew that in Jesus this saying had acquired a new depth, that the promises made to Israel were summed up in him. Thus the Letter to the Hebrews calls Jesus "the first-born", simply in order to designate him as the Son sent into the world by God (cf. 1:5-7) after the ground had been prepared by Old Testament prophecy. The first-born belongs to God in a special way – and therefore he had to be handed over to God in a special way – as in many religions – and he had to be ransomed through a vicarious sacrifice, as Saint Luke recounts in the episode of the Presentation in the Temple. The first-born belongs to God in a special way, and is as it were destined for sacrifice. In Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross this destiny of the first-born is fulfilled in a unique way. In his person he brings humanity before God and unites man with God in such a way that God becomes all in all. Saint Paul amplified and deepened the idea of Jesus as first-born in the Letters to the Colossians and to the Ephesians: Jesus, we read in these letters, is the first-born of all creation – the true prototype of man, according to which God formed the human creature. Man can be the image of God because Jesus is both God and man, the true image of God and of man. Furthermore, as these letters tell us, he is the first-born from the dead. In the resurrection he has broken down the wall of death for all of us. He has opened up to man the dimension of eternal life in fellowship with God. Finally, it is said to us that he is the first-born of many brothers. Yes indeed, now he really is the first of a series of brothers and sisters: the first, that is, who opens up for us the possibility of communing with God. He creates true brotherhood – not the kind defiled by sin as in the case of Cain and Abel, or Romulus and Remus, but the new brotherhood in which we are God’s own family. This new family of God begins at the moment when Mary wraps her first-born in swaddling clothes and lays him in a manger. Let us pray to him: Lord Jesus, who wanted to be born as the first of many brothers and sisters, grant us the grace of true brotherhood. Help us to become like you. Help us to recognize your face in others who need our assistance, in those who are suffering or forsaken, in all people, and help us to live together with you as brothers and sisters, so as to become one family, your family.
At the end of the Christmas Gospel, we are told that a great heavenly host of angels praised God and said: "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!" (Lk 2:14). The Church has extended this song of praise, which the angels sang in response to the event of the holy night, into a hymn of joy at God’s glory – "we praise you for your glory". We praise you for the beauty, for the greatness, for the goodness of God, which becomes visible to us this night.
The appearing of beauty, of the beautiful, makes us happy without our having to ask what use it can serve. God’s glory, from which all beauty derives, causes us to break out in astonishment and joy. Anyone who catches a glimpse of God experiences joy, and on this night we see something of his light.
But the angels’ message on that holy night also spoke of men: "Peace among men with whom he is pleased". The Latin translation of the angels’ song that we use in the liturgy, taken from Saint Jerome, is slightly different: "peace to men of good will". The expression "men of good will" has become an important part of the Church’s vocabulary in recent decades. But which is the correct translation? We must read both texts together; only in this way do we truly understand the angels’ song. It would be a false interpretation to see this exclusively as the action of God, as if he had not called man to a free response of love. But it would be equally mistaken to adopt a moralizing interpretation as if man were so to speak able to redeem himself by his good will. Both elements belong together: grace and freedom, God’s prior love for us, without which we could not love him, and the response that he awaits from us, the response that he asks for so palpably through the birth of his son. We cannot divide up into independent entities the interplay of grace and freedom, or the interplay of call and response. The two are inseparably woven together. So this part of the angels’ message is both promise and call at the same time. God has anticipated us with the gift of his Son.
God anticipates us again and again in unexpected ways.
He does not cease to search for us, to raise us up as often as we might need. He does not abandon the lost sheep in the wilderness into which it had strayed. God does not allow himself to be confounded by our sin. Again and again he begins afresh with us. But he is still waiting for us to join him in love. He loves us, so that we too may become people who love, so that there may be peace on earth.
Saint Luke does not say that the angels sang. He states quite soberly: the heavenly host praised God and said: "Glory to God in the highest" (Lk 2:13f.). But men have always known that the speech of angels is different from human speech, and that above all on this night of joyful proclamation it was in song that they extolled God’s heavenly glory. So this angelic song has been recognized from the earliest days as music proceeding from God, indeed, as an invitation to join in the singing with hearts filled with joy at the fact that we are loved by God. Cantare amantis est, says Saint Augustine: singing belongs to one who loves. Thus, down the centuries, the angels’ song has again and again become a song of love and joy, a song of those who love.
At this hour, full of thankfulness, we join in the singing of all the centuries, singing that unites heaven and earth, angels and men. Yes, indeed, we praise you for your glory. We praise you for your love. Grant that we may join with you in love more and more and thus become people of peace. Amen.
A video highlighting the Pope's message.
Homily Christmas Eve 2010
by Benedict XVI
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
"You are my son, this day I have begotten you" – with this passage from Psalm 2 the Church begins the liturgy of this holy night. She knows that this passage originally formed part of the coronation rite of the kings of Israel. The king, who in himself is a man like others, becomes the "Son of God" through being called and installed in his office. It is a kind of adoption by God, a decisive act by which he grants a new existence to this man, drawing him into his own being. The reading from the prophet Isaiah that we have just heard presents the same process even more clearly in a situation of hardship and danger for Israel: "To us a child is born, to us a son is given. The government will be upon his shoulder" (Is 9:6). Installation in the office of king is like a second birth. As one newly born through God’s personal choice, as a child born of God, the king embodies hope. On his shoulders the future rests. He is the bearer of the promise of peace. On that night in Bethlehem this prophetic saying came true in a way that would still have been unimaginable at the time of Isaiah. Yes indeed, now it really is a child on whose shoulders government is laid. In him the new kingship appears that God establishes in the world.
This child is truly born of God. It is God’s eternal Word that unites humanity with divinity. To this child belong those titles of honour which Isaiah’s coronation song attributes to him: Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Is 9:6). Yes, this king does not need counsellors drawn from the wise of this world. He bears in himself God’s wisdom and God’s counsel. In the weakness of infancy, he is the mighty God and he shows us God’s own might in contrast to the self-asserting powers of this world.
Truly, the words of Israel’s coronation rite were only ever rites of hope which looked ahead to a distant future that God would bestow. None of the kings who were greeted in this way lived up to the sublime content of these words. In all of them, those words about divine sonship, about installation into the heritage of the peoples, about making the ends of the earth their possession (Ps 2:8) were only pointers towards what was to come – as it were signposts of hope indicating a future that at that moment was still beyond comprehension. Thus the fulfilment of the prophecy, which began that night in Bethlehem, is both infinitely greater and in worldly terms smaller than the prophecy itself might lead one to imagine.
It is greater in the sense that this child is truly the Son of God, truly "God from God, light from light, begotten not made, of one being with the Father". The infinite distance between God and man is overcome.
God has not only bent down, as we read in the Psalms; he has truly "come down", he has come into the world, he has become one of us, in order to draw all of us to himself. This child is truly Emmanuel – God-with-us. His kingdom truly stretches to the ends of the earth. He has truly built islands of peace in the world-encompassing breadth of the holy Eucharist. Wherever it is celebrated, an island of peace arises, of God’s own peace. This child has ignited the light of goodness in men and has given them strength to overcome the tyranny of might. This child builds his kingdom in every generation from within, from the heart. But at the same time it is true that the "rod of his oppressor" is not yet broken, the boots of warriors continue to tramp and the "garment rolled in blood" (Is 9:4f) still remains.
So part of this night is simply joy at God’s closeness. We are grateful that God gives himself into our hands as a child, begging as it were for our love, implanting his peace in our hearts.
But this joy is also a prayer: Lord, make your promise come fully true. Break the rods of the oppressors. Burn the tramping boots. Let the time of the garments rolled in blood come to an end. Fulfil the prophecy that "of peace there will be no end" (Is 9:7). We thank you for your goodness, but we also ask you to show forth your power. Establish the dominion of your truth and your love in the world – the "kingdom of righteousness, love and peace".
"Mary gave birth to her first-born son" (Lk 2:7). In this sentence Saint Luke recounts quite soberly the great event to which the prophecies from Israel’s history had pointed. Luke calls the child the "first-born". In the language which developed within the sacred Scripture of the Old Covenant, "first-born" does not mean the first of a series of children. The word "first-born" is a title of honour, quite independently of whether other brothers and sisters follow or not. So Israel is designated by God in the Book of Exodus (4:22) as "my first-born Son", and this expresses Israel’s election, its singular dignity, the particular love of God the Father. The early Church knew that in Jesus this saying had acquired a new depth, that the promises made to Israel were summed up in him. Thus the Letter to the Hebrews calls Jesus "the first-born", simply in order to designate him as the Son sent into the world by God (cf. 1:5-7) after the ground had been prepared by Old Testament prophecy. The first-born belongs to God in a special way – and therefore he had to be handed over to God in a special way – as in many religions – and he had to be ransomed through a vicarious sacrifice, as Saint Luke recounts in the episode of the Presentation in the Temple. The first-born belongs to God in a special way, and is as it were destined for sacrifice. In Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross this destiny of the first-born is fulfilled in a unique way. In his person he brings humanity before God and unites man with God in such a way that God becomes all in all. Saint Paul amplified and deepened the idea of Jesus as first-born in the Letters to the Colossians and to the Ephesians: Jesus, we read in these letters, is the first-born of all creation – the true prototype of man, according to which God formed the human creature. Man can be the image of God because Jesus is both God and man, the true image of God and of man. Furthermore, as these letters tell us, he is the first-born from the dead. In the resurrection he has broken down the wall of death for all of us. He has opened up to man the dimension of eternal life in fellowship with God. Finally, it is said to us that he is the first-born of many brothers. Yes indeed, now he really is the first of a series of brothers and sisters: the first, that is, who opens up for us the possibility of communing with God. He creates true brotherhood – not the kind defiled by sin as in the case of Cain and Abel, or Romulus and Remus, but the new brotherhood in which we are God’s own family. This new family of God begins at the moment when Mary wraps her first-born in swaddling clothes and lays him in a manger. Let us pray to him: Lord Jesus, who wanted to be born as the first of many brothers and sisters, grant us the grace of true brotherhood. Help us to become like you. Help us to recognize your face in others who need our assistance, in those who are suffering or forsaken, in all people, and help us to live together with you as brothers and sisters, so as to become one family, your family.
At the end of the Christmas Gospel, we are told that a great heavenly host of angels praised God and said: "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!" (Lk 2:14). The Church has extended this song of praise, which the angels sang in response to the event of the holy night, into a hymn of joy at God’s glory – "we praise you for your glory". We praise you for the beauty, for the greatness, for the goodness of God, which becomes visible to us this night.
The appearing of beauty, of the beautiful, makes us happy without our having to ask what use it can serve. God’s glory, from which all beauty derives, causes us to break out in astonishment and joy. Anyone who catches a glimpse of God experiences joy, and on this night we see something of his light.
But the angels’ message on that holy night also spoke of men: "Peace among men with whom he is pleased". The Latin translation of the angels’ song that we use in the liturgy, taken from Saint Jerome, is slightly different: "peace to men of good will". The expression "men of good will" has become an important part of the Church’s vocabulary in recent decades. But which is the correct translation? We must read both texts together; only in this way do we truly understand the angels’ song. It would be a false interpretation to see this exclusively as the action of God, as if he had not called man to a free response of love. But it would be equally mistaken to adopt a moralizing interpretation as if man were so to speak able to redeem himself by his good will. Both elements belong together: grace and freedom, God’s prior love for us, without which we could not love him, and the response that he awaits from us, the response that he asks for so palpably through the birth of his son. We cannot divide up into independent entities the interplay of grace and freedom, or the interplay of call and response. The two are inseparably woven together. So this part of the angels’ message is both promise and call at the same time. God has anticipated us with the gift of his Son.
God anticipates us again and again in unexpected ways.
He does not cease to search for us, to raise us up as often as we might need. He does not abandon the lost sheep in the wilderness into which it had strayed. God does not allow himself to be confounded by our sin. Again and again he begins afresh with us. But he is still waiting for us to join him in love. He loves us, so that we too may become people who love, so that there may be peace on earth.
Saint Luke does not say that the angels sang. He states quite soberly: the heavenly host praised God and said: "Glory to God in the highest" (Lk 2:13f.). But men have always known that the speech of angels is different from human speech, and that above all on this night of joyful proclamation it was in song that they extolled God’s heavenly glory. So this angelic song has been recognized from the earliest days as music proceeding from God, indeed, as an invitation to join in the singing with hearts filled with joy at the fact that we are loved by God. Cantare amantis est, says Saint Augustine: singing belongs to one who loves. Thus, down the centuries, the angels’ song has again and again become a song of love and joy, a song of those who love.
At this hour, full of thankfulness, we join in the singing of all the centuries, singing that unites heaven and earth, angels and men. Yes, indeed, we praise you for your glory. We praise you for your love. Grant that we may join with you in love more and more and thus become people of peace. Amen.
A video highlighting the Pope's message.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Reaching the Unreachable
In light of the Sandy Hook shooting tragedy caused by a 20-year old young man suffering from mental illness, there have been articles on mental illness. My mother suffers from episodic dementia due to Alzheimer but the stories here are about children. The challenge to their parents as caregivers are tremendous. It is heartwrenching and at the same time, it is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. There is the love that perseveres amidst the odds, and frustrations over things they can not change. There is the courage to face the fears and adjust to the best possible option that would be good for the sick and society at large.
Here are their stories:
One of the most frustrating part of dementia (or perhaps any other mental illness) is the futile effort of reaching the unreachable. They are physically present but they belong to another world. Nothing can appease them. One can not explain the situation away. You have to hold on and hope the dementia ends. Sometimes it feels like it will never end. Sometimes it scares you that it might end in tragedy.
Since no words can really reach them, often, I keep quiet and just caress the hair while continually saying a prayer mentally. I also put Ipod on the speaker dock and play the Rosarycast - the entire four mysteries , and it quiets her for a time. I distract her with DVDs of Sound of Music, King and I, and Shirley Temple movies. The episodes of dementia can really be straining- physically, emotionally, and mentally for both the caregiver and the sufferer.
Like most caregiver, caring for a loved one can not be done alone. I have my sister who alternates with me. And there are occasions when both had to be present. You learn to weave your life in this tapestry. When to clean up, when to garden etc. You learn to adjust things, hobbies like crochet when the situation requires just sitting down with her.
My Advantage. I live in a highly urbanized city in the Philippines but there's a difference. We live in a Family Compound. This is were I grew up and living out my childhood as a childhood is supposed to be. The culture is not individualistic. People from all walks of life are generally nice , respectful, and helpful of the elderly. Although, there is the busyness of modern life, there are still avenues of integrating one's life with other people.
Little things can help a lot. My cousin would always ask if there's anything needed at grocery or market since that is her destination. There would be someone who would be willing to bring out the garbage. My niece would bathe the dog. Even my sister abroad helps out by talking to my mother on the phone. Referrals for doctors when someone is sick. And of course, there are the prayer warriors and God's cheering squad. In turn, my sister gives food to others. When allowable, she drives for the young ones. Since, I am home based, I am the junction- connecting people, relaying messages. I do sweep the yard and beyond the boundaries. I help out tutoring the students when they need it.
There is without a doubt room for improvement. We have excess of things we csn let go. We have to keep on discerning priorities. There is definitely room for helping hands. Some people are so near and yet so far in their hearts to care. Still, we can not expect from others to understand what we are going through.
Little things we can do for each other and somehow we get by and still living out God's purpose in our individual lives. It is not to say that everything is sweet and easy, it is difficult. There are times when one's body can get so tired, the emotions so drained, the mind so heavy and even God seems to be absent. Here (http://vitae2day.blogspot.com/2012/07/my-life-into-prayer.html?m=1 ), I asked God to. turn my life into a prayer.
Still, it is all worth it... the opportunity to love and serve as I have been loved and served. To find those jewels- precious moment that give as a glimpse of what truly love is.
Here are their stories:
One of the most frustrating part of dementia (or perhaps any other mental illness) is the futile effort of reaching the unreachable. They are physically present but they belong to another world. Nothing can appease them. One can not explain the situation away. You have to hold on and hope the dementia ends. Sometimes it feels like it will never end. Sometimes it scares you that it might end in tragedy.
Since no words can really reach them, often, I keep quiet and just caress the hair while continually saying a prayer mentally. I also put Ipod on the speaker dock and play the Rosarycast - the entire four mysteries , and it quiets her for a time. I distract her with DVDs of Sound of Music, King and I, and Shirley Temple movies. The episodes of dementia can really be straining- physically, emotionally, and mentally for both the caregiver and the sufferer.
Like most caregiver, caring for a loved one can not be done alone. I have my sister who alternates with me. And there are occasions when both had to be present. You learn to weave your life in this tapestry. When to clean up, when to garden etc. You learn to adjust things, hobbies like crochet when the situation requires just sitting down with her.
My Advantage. I live in a highly urbanized city in the Philippines but there's a difference. We live in a Family Compound. This is were I grew up and living out my childhood as a childhood is supposed to be. The culture is not individualistic. People from all walks of life are generally nice , respectful, and helpful of the elderly. Although, there is the busyness of modern life, there are still avenues of integrating one's life with other people.
Little things can help a lot. My cousin would always ask if there's anything needed at grocery or market since that is her destination. There would be someone who would be willing to bring out the garbage. My niece would bathe the dog. Even my sister abroad helps out by talking to my mother on the phone. Referrals for doctors when someone is sick. And of course, there are the prayer warriors and God's cheering squad. In turn, my sister gives food to others. When allowable, she drives for the young ones. Since, I am home based, I am the junction- connecting people, relaying messages. I do sweep the yard and beyond the boundaries. I help out tutoring the students when they need it.
There is without a doubt room for improvement. We have excess of things we csn let go. We have to keep on discerning priorities. There is definitely room for helping hands. Some people are so near and yet so far in their hearts to care. Still, we can not expect from others to understand what we are going through.
Little things we can do for each other and somehow we get by and still living out God's purpose in our individual lives. It is not to say that everything is sweet and easy, it is difficult. There are times when one's body can get so tired, the emotions so drained, the mind so heavy and even God seems to be absent. Here (http://vitae2day.blogspot.com/2012/07/my-life-into-prayer.html?m=1 ), I asked God to. turn my life into a prayer.
Still, it is all worth it... the opportunity to love and serve as I have been loved and served. To find those jewels- precious moment that give as a glimpse of what truly love is.
Monday, December 17, 2012
When Darkness Comes
Senate and Congress passed the Reproductive Health bill marked as urgent by President Noynoy
Aquino. The gloom coming from the tragedy of the Sandy Hook shooting had not dispelled, yet we see another avenue for the degradation of human life.
It is sometimes hard to comprehend how God believing people can not be shaken into the truth. Busy-ness, fame, limelight, fear, repulsion, ambition can do cloud our visions. Though we love God and accept God's love for us, we do not yet know how to love.
TRUTH is the WAY to the fullness of LIFE; And the fullness of life is LOVE. Jesus became Man and showed as the depth, breadth, and width of truth and love that we must journey. Still, many settles for the seashore. A little bit of water to touch our legs and an occasional splashing of the waves that beckon us to be part of the Ocean of Truth- to be co-workers and partakers of God's divinity.
God allows the darkness to cast upon our lives, so that those who carry the light can shine brighter. No shades of grey to choose from and one must find the conviction to make that choice. Padre Pio once said that the time had comewhen there is no middle ground. It's black and white and that should make things easier; But, alas, we must continue to desire Truth, seek it and live it. We can be deceived ... it feels like love, it sounds like love, it smells like love, it looks like love but it was just a poor itation of love we have settled for masking in sheepskin.
So amidst the darkness that seem to hover over us, we light the candle and pass on the flame to others. We pray. We desire that is true and beautiful . We seek. We reveive. We give what we receive. We choose love. We choose life. We choose truth. We choose beauty. In other words, WE CHOOSE GOD.
Aquino. The gloom coming from the tragedy of the Sandy Hook shooting had not dispelled, yet we see another avenue for the degradation of human life.
It is sometimes hard to comprehend how God believing people can not be shaken into the truth. Busy-ness, fame, limelight, fear, repulsion, ambition can do cloud our visions. Though we love God and accept God's love for us, we do not yet know how to love.
TRUTH is the WAY to the fullness of LIFE; And the fullness of life is LOVE. Jesus became Man and showed as the depth, breadth, and width of truth and love that we must journey. Still, many settles for the seashore. A little bit of water to touch our legs and an occasional splashing of the waves that beckon us to be part of the Ocean of Truth- to be co-workers and partakers of God's divinity.
God allows the darkness to cast upon our lives, so that those who carry the light can shine brighter. No shades of grey to choose from and one must find the conviction to make that choice. Padre Pio once said that the time had comewhen there is no middle ground. It's black and white and that should make things easier; But, alas, we must continue to desire Truth, seek it and live it. We can be deceived ... it feels like love, it sounds like love, it smells like love, it looks like love but it was just a poor itation of love we have settled for masking in sheepskin.
So amidst the darkness that seem to hover over us, we light the candle and pass on the flame to others. We pray. We desire that is true and beautiful . We seek. We reveive. We give what we receive. We choose love. We choose life. We choose truth. We choose beauty. In other words, WE CHOOSE GOD.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
The Message of RH Bill
There is much to be sad about...
the RH Bill was passed on second reading at 113-104 votes.
Today, there was the shooting incident in Connecticut in an Elementary School. In China, there was also stabbing outside a school.
Everyone is shocked and shaken by the incident. With our technology, we just don't just hear or read the news, we also see it. Yet, in spite of, the human tragedy that surrounds us, we are still willful people who wouldn't let go of our chains.
The RH bill resounds with the message that "CHILDREN are burdens that carry with them a pricetag".
The RH bill says "don't trust and believe in GOD... YOU, a human being knows better".
The RH bill says "MOTHERHOOD is a degradation".
The RH bill says "WOMAN should consider their womanhood a liability, a sickness".
The RH bill says "SEX is defensive".
The RH bill puts MONEY as the ultimate measure and goal of humanity.
In spite of, the medical, anthropological, psychological studies done on reproductive health - artificial contraception and abortion- so many intelligent, well-meaning people and organizations are riding it. Perhaps the boob tube had really dulled our minds. Perhaps, we have become lazy and never go beyond the headlines. Perhaps we just follow but never really knew who we are following.
One thing is clear, there is a spiritual
battle and souls are being won and lost to one side or the other.
the RH Bill was passed on second reading at 113-104 votes.
Today, there was the shooting incident in Connecticut in an Elementary School. In China, there was also stabbing outside a school.
Everyone is shocked and shaken by the incident. With our technology, we just don't just hear or read the news, we also see it. Yet, in spite of, the human tragedy that surrounds us, we are still willful people who wouldn't let go of our chains.
The RH bill resounds with the message that "CHILDREN are burdens that carry with them a pricetag".
The RH bill says "don't trust and believe in GOD... YOU, a human being knows better".
The RH bill says "MOTHERHOOD is a degradation".
The RH bill says "WOMAN should consider their womanhood a liability, a sickness".
The RH bill says "SEX is defensive".
The RH bill puts MONEY as the ultimate measure and goal of humanity.
In spite of, the medical, anthropological, psychological studies done on reproductive health - artificial contraception and abortion- so many intelligent, well-meaning people and organizations are riding it. Perhaps the boob tube had really dulled our minds. Perhaps, we have become lazy and never go beyond the headlines. Perhaps we just follow but never really knew who we are following.
One thing is clear, there is a spiritual
battle and souls are being won and lost to one side or the other.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
A Case Against God
Have you ever wondered why a poor family has to have eight children while a two income couple has only one child? Surely Winnie Monsod would be a better economist than God. Just divide income to the mouths to be fed, bodies to be clothed.
Have you ever wondered why poor families would be so many and increasing in population? Surely Fr. Joaquin Bernas SJ loves the poor more than God. He will not have the unlearned multiply.
Have you ever wondered why a woman at the height of her career gets pregnant? Surely Lea Salonga is a better career planner than God. She is an internationally renowned artist.
Have you ever wondered why it is a woman who had to carry a child in her womb for nine months? Surely Kimi Coquangco cares more about women than God. She would make sure it is convenient.
Have you ever wondered why the so called First World Countries are contracepting and aborting? Surely Miriam Defensor Santiago knows more of the global community than God. She has a better perspective being a part of the International Tribunal Court.
Have you ever wondered why safe and satisfying sex life elusive? Surely Pia Cayetano has found the right prescription. She will legislate it.
Have you ever wondered why there is social inequity? Surely Risa Hontiveros has better social equity programs than God.
Surely Noynoy Aquino is a better president than God. He knows what it is like to head a family and leading such a big populace is a no-no.
Surely the freethinkers are right, all these are random collision or the gods must be crazy.
Surely Edcel Lagman, the Binays, the Marcoses, the Villanuevas knew better than God. They had their kingdoms under control.
Yet, I am sure, God has a good purpose for every human life irregardless of the circumstances of their births. Whether they were born in poverty or in sin, each life was conceived in His heart, and called by name to participate in His Divine plan. And in spite of our cases against Him, there exists a DIVINE JUSTICE. Everyone is capable of knowing, giving, and receiving love and it begins with His love.
Have you ever wondered why poor families would be so many and increasing in population? Surely Fr. Joaquin Bernas SJ loves the poor more than God. He will not have the unlearned multiply.
Have you ever wondered why a woman at the height of her career gets pregnant? Surely Lea Salonga is a better career planner than God. She is an internationally renowned artist.
Have you ever wondered why it is a woman who had to carry a child in her womb for nine months? Surely Kimi Coquangco cares more about women than God. She would make sure it is convenient.
Have you ever wondered why the so called First World Countries are contracepting and aborting? Surely Miriam Defensor Santiago knows more of the global community than God. She has a better perspective being a part of the International Tribunal Court.
Have you ever wondered why safe and satisfying sex life elusive? Surely Pia Cayetano has found the right prescription. She will legislate it.
Have you ever wondered why there is social inequity? Surely Risa Hontiveros has better social equity programs than God.
Surely Noynoy Aquino is a better president than God. He knows what it is like to head a family and leading such a big populace is a no-no.
Surely the freethinkers are right, all these are random collision or the gods must be crazy.
Surely Edcel Lagman, the Binays, the Marcoses, the Villanuevas knew better than God. They had their kingdoms under control.
Yet, I am sure, God has a good purpose for every human life irregardless of the circumstances of their births. Whether they were born in poverty or in sin, each life was conceived in His heart, and called by name to participate in His Divine plan. And in spite of our cases against Him, there exists a DIVINE JUSTICE. Everyone is capable of knowing, giving, and receiving love and it begins with His love.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Dehuman Rights
Advent is the season of the presence and expectation of the eternal. For this very reason, it is in a particular way a period of joy, an interiorized joy that no suffering can diminish.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
When Giving becomes a Baggage
I have encountered a lot of people who carry angst within them because of the ingratitude of the people they have given to. Carrying a list of "what I have done for you, him, her, them" is equally as heavy a baggage to the list of "the wrong things you (him, her, them) have done to me".
Like unforgiveness, holding on to the list of ingrates equally ties us to the past. We simply can't get past the help we have extended years ago. It even diminishes the gift because the giving had become a lending or a barter trade wherein something is expected.
Making an account of what we have given and forever making others beholden to that account make us a greater ingrate. It becomes an act of ingratitude towards God who is the Source of all good and blessings. We are conduits of grace, stewards of blessings, co-workers in truth. Thus, as followers of Christ, we are supposed to live a life of generosity and gratitude.
Give and let go and let God.
(Prayer of Saint Ignatius of Loyola)
Teach us, good Lord,
to serve you as you deserve,
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labour and not to ask for any reward,
save that of knowing that we do your will.
Like unforgiveness, holding on to the list of ingrates equally ties us to the past. We simply can't get past the help we have extended years ago. It even diminishes the gift because the giving had become a lending or a barter trade wherein something is expected.
Making an account of what we have given and forever making others beholden to that account make us a greater ingrate. It becomes an act of ingratitude towards God who is the Source of all good and blessings. We are conduits of grace, stewards of blessings, co-workers in truth. Thus, as followers of Christ, we are supposed to live a life of generosity and gratitude.
Give and let go and let God.
(Prayer of Saint Ignatius of Loyola)
Teach us, good Lord,
to serve you as you deserve,
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labour and not to ask for any reward,
save that of knowing that we do your will.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Am I My Brother's Keeper?
We have heard of bishops "protecting" pedophiles, school management protecting the pedophile coach and trainor, wives not reporting abusive husbands. Fraternity brothers would not tell on the crimes of his brods. There are families who would help family member accused of crime to escape into another country.
It is difficult when the grave sins are within our circle of family whether it be biological family, religious family, or workplace that had become like family to us. Self-denial sets in even when there are indications to the reality of the situation. Even when words get around outside the circle, there is always disbelief. Even when convinced with the reality, there is always wishful thinking that things will be resolved within the circle. No matter what, we tend to be protective of our circle of biological, spiritual, and emotional kinship.
Those outside the circle can easily condemn those within the circle as negligent, complicit, or harboring a criminal. They should have done this and that. The reality is, if anyone would be in their position, they would have reacted/ responded the same way.
It is not an excuseable reaction but it is expected. Often, things have to take a worst turn before someone within the circle do something. But how must we handle it?
Even good people will find within their circle of affinity someone who is erring gravely - drug involvement, smuggling, sexual abuse, physical abuse, homicide, estafa, adultery, corruption or other degrees of legal impediments. Thus, we ask, am I my brother's keeper? How? And how far?
We can examine our responses thru the story of Cain and Abel. We may not be Cain who had killed, but there could be Cains and Abels in our circle. Then the LORD said to Cain, "Where is Abel your brother?" And he said, "I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?" (Genesis 4:9 NASB)
"Where?" is a difficult question. It isn't just a question of location; It also asked of the state of life of the person. It asked beyond the externals but also what is happening within that person. Where is Abel your brother? The degree of affinity is also stated in the question.
There may be moments in our lives when the Lord had actually been asking us. Where is Abby's child in the womb? Where is Abby now? Where is the altar boy? Where is the youth leader? Where is your mother? Where is your child? Where is your brother?
The paradoxical thing about it is this goes beyond the "well, it's between him/her and God". Certainly God knows where and what is happening to others, but in asking us about others, God is awakening us to our responsibility towards others. And within our circle, there may be someone God is asking us, "where". How can we honestly answer it? Have I been totally indifferent to the plight of another? Have I extended the help I could have given? Have I caused others to sin?
It is difficult when the grave sins are within our circle of family whether it be biological family, religious family, or workplace that had become like family to us. Self-denial sets in even when there are indications to the reality of the situation. Even when words get around outside the circle, there is always disbelief. Even when convinced with the reality, there is always wishful thinking that things will be resolved within the circle. No matter what, we tend to be protective of our circle of biological, spiritual, and emotional kinship.
Those outside the circle can easily condemn those within the circle as negligent, complicit, or harboring a criminal. They should have done this and that. The reality is, if anyone would be in their position, they would have reacted/ responded the same way.
It is not an excuseable reaction but it is expected. Often, things have to take a worst turn before someone within the circle do something. But how must we handle it?
Even good people will find within their circle of affinity someone who is erring gravely - drug involvement, smuggling, sexual abuse, physical abuse, homicide, estafa, adultery, corruption or other degrees of legal impediments. Thus, we ask, am I my brother's keeper? How? And how far?
We can examine our responses thru the story of Cain and Abel. We may not be Cain who had killed, but there could be Cains and Abels in our circle. Then the LORD said to Cain, "Where is Abel your brother?" And he said, "I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?" (Genesis 4:9 NASB)
"Where?" is a difficult question. It isn't just a question of location; It also asked of the state of life of the person. It asked beyond the externals but also what is happening within that person. Where is Abel your brother? The degree of affinity is also stated in the question.
There may be moments in our lives when the Lord had actually been asking us. Where is Abby's child in the womb? Where is Abby now? Where is the altar boy? Where is the youth leader? Where is your mother? Where is your child? Where is your brother?
The paradoxical thing about it is this goes beyond the "well, it's between him/her and God". Certainly God knows where and what is happening to others, but in asking us about others, God is awakening us to our responsibility towards others. And within our circle, there may be someone God is asking us, "where". How can we honestly answer it? Have I been totally indifferent to the plight of another? Have I extended the help I could have given? Have I caused others to sin?
Monday, September 17, 2012
The Street Person - The Independent
People do admit that conception occurs during fertilization but they reason out that the fetus is completely dependent on the mother and thus, has no right yet.
We are all dependent in some way to others in different stages of our lives. Even the rich may not be able to make it on his/her own and would probably not make it without his/her gadgets or househelps.
We are not absolutely dependent and not absolutely independent. If independence is the measure of personhood and quality of life, the street person would rank the highest. He is not dependent on the climate. He can eat or go hungry. He can take a bath or not, it doesn't matter. He is not dependent on the economy or whoever is elected. Yes, the street person is free, absolutely independent... because he doesn't care. He doesn't care who lives or dies. He doesn't care if he lives or dies. He doesn't care.
And yet, this street person who is so independent when picked up and brought to the shelter by Mother Teresa and her missionaries, this street person was willing to give up his independence. He depended on the sisters for food and bath but he was happy. Even if Mother Teresa would talk about the loving God in heaven, the street person was interested in living. Why? Because he wants to be with her.
The street person received care and became capable of caring. He lost a part of his independence but he learned to be connected with other human beings.
Loving entails losing a part of our independence but it certainly is worth living for.
We are all dependent in some way to others in different stages of our lives. Even the rich may not be able to make it on his/her own and would probably not make it without his/her gadgets or househelps.
We are not absolutely dependent and not absolutely independent. If independence is the measure of personhood and quality of life, the street person would rank the highest. He is not dependent on the climate. He can eat or go hungry. He can take a bath or not, it doesn't matter. He is not dependent on the economy or whoever is elected. Yes, the street person is free, absolutely independent... because he doesn't care. He doesn't care who lives or dies. He doesn't care if he lives or dies. He doesn't care.
And yet, this street person who is so independent when picked up and brought to the shelter by Mother Teresa and her missionaries, this street person was willing to give up his independence. He depended on the sisters for food and bath but he was happy. Even if Mother Teresa would talk about the loving God in heaven, the street person was interested in living. Why? Because he wants to be with her.
The street person received care and became capable of caring. He lost a part of his independence but he learned to be connected with other human beings.
Loving entails losing a part of our independence but it certainly is worth living for.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Narrow Door
The letter of the late Cardinal Martini of Milan had been used by some to discredit the Catholic Church as no longer relevant today. Others want to make some sense of it and bring out some points to ponder on.
I don't know the late Cardinal. However, in reading his letter, I saw a man who cares for the Catholic Church and cares for people. But what he saw in his milieu was a dying church. He, himself, was old and sick. Frustrated but still caring for souls, he wanted to break open the narrow gate to let people in.
Throughout history, there were many personalities who cling to the Church but what to change the Church to accomodate people. There are many more who resort to man-made religion and organizations that will accomodate them. Understandably, it is nice to be included just the way you are. Tolerance to second marriages, gay marriages, women pastors, artificial contraception, abortion, and so on.
It is always sad when someone you care about leaves the Church. And it is a joy when others join the Church. Often, the reason why Catholics leave the Church would exactly be the same reason why non-Catholics join the Church. Such is the paradoxes of life.
However, no matter how much we want as many people to be in that road leading to fullness of life and joy; We do not own the road and the gate; Neither do the Catholic Church.
As Pope Paul VI wrote:
"Since the Church did not make either of these [natural & evangelical] laws, she cannot be their arbiter—only their guardian and interpreter. It could never be right for her to declare lawful what is in fact unlawful, since that, by its very nature, is always opposed to the true good of man." (Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI, 1968)
No matter how much we love people, we have to allow them to make their choice. Though prayer is often undermined as a passive thing, it is the best we can do for others. It is through prayers that people are moved to a spirit-guided action. Only then, can we find compassion (and not exasperation) with each other over the beautiful but difficult road we tread.
"Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. (Luke 13:24 NASB)
Cardinal Martini's letter http://www.indcatholicnews.com/news.php?viewStory=21013
I don't know the late Cardinal. However, in reading his letter, I saw a man who cares for the Catholic Church and cares for people. But what he saw in his milieu was a dying church. He, himself, was old and sick. Frustrated but still caring for souls, he wanted to break open the narrow gate to let people in.
Throughout history, there were many personalities who cling to the Church but what to change the Church to accomodate people. There are many more who resort to man-made religion and organizations that will accomodate them. Understandably, it is nice to be included just the way you are. Tolerance to second marriages, gay marriages, women pastors, artificial contraception, abortion, and so on.
It is always sad when someone you care about leaves the Church. And it is a joy when others join the Church. Often, the reason why Catholics leave the Church would exactly be the same reason why non-Catholics join the Church. Such is the paradoxes of life.
However, no matter how much we want as many people to be in that road leading to fullness of life and joy; We do not own the road and the gate; Neither do the Catholic Church.
As Pope Paul VI wrote:
"Since the Church did not make either of these [natural & evangelical] laws, she cannot be their arbiter—only their guardian and interpreter. It could never be right for her to declare lawful what is in fact unlawful, since that, by its very nature, is always opposed to the true good of man." (Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI, 1968)
No matter how much we love people, we have to allow them to make their choice. Though prayer is often undermined as a passive thing, it is the best we can do for others. It is through prayers that people are moved to a spirit-guided action. Only then, can we find compassion (and not exasperation) with each other over the beautiful but difficult road we tread.
"Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. (Luke 13:24 NASB)
Cardinal Martini's letter http://www.indcatholicnews.com/news.php?viewStory=21013
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Oh Father!
Oh Father! You sound so tired, exasperated, and almost cynical. You don't want to be flippant but you seem like half-heartedly forced into a dialogue or conversation with someone who isn't up to your level. I sure hope I am sensing it wrong.
You talk about freedom, but it is the RH Bill who is making it mandatory for employers and medical facilities to provide for artificial contraceptives. That is a clear imposition of the pro-artificial contraception to those who do not believe in it (whether it is base on faith, science, logic, economics, superstition). Without the RH Bill, those who believe and not believe in Artificial Contraception will equally have s freedom of choice.
The government is entrusted with the wealth (or debt) of the nation. Certainly, it can use tax money according to its discretion or indiscretion. It can use it to give free cigarettes or San Miguel Beer, but the citizens can air their protest for some may think cigarette smoking is evil and alcohol had been the culprit of many abuses against women and children. Surely, the government can capacitate the vast number of "uninstructed" poor through its subsidy but then, respectable governance must have a good criteria for doing so.
So be it, if it is the will of the government to give as freebies a wide array of artificial contraceptives to the uninstructed poor. Hopefully, Father, they won't be coerced into doing so like before as documented by BBC and PRI. I am sure you will rally behind them and fight for their constitutional right to choose.
I sure hope, father, that those who will be giving it will really inform the receivers of the many studies on it. Hopefully, Juan Tamad will really give the poor the different options and not just push for the one with least effort and least instruction.
Unfortunately, father, I can not believe that free artificial contraception will prevent abortion. Just look around, where there is a proliferation of artificial contraception, abortion proliferates as the ultimate contaception.
Everyone wants responsible parenthood, but that stems from a responsible marriage. The RH Bill would like to provide for contraception without spousal consent. Wouldn't that be isolating spouses from each other? Wouldn't the use of artificial contraception disable a woman or a girl from saying "no" to sexual proposals? Wouldn't there be more extra-marital affairs? Wouldn't a child's paternity become questionable?
And in cases of rape of minors, no parental consent is required for the rape victim to avail of reproductive health care. Wouldn't it be contrary to the responsible parenthood the bill would want to encourage. And at such crucial time.
Oh father, you say the poor are in shackles, and no freedom of choice that will make them responsible parents. What shackles could that be? Is it the shackle of being financially less? Oh father, I'm sure you know that rich or poor can equally be good and responsible parents. Is it the shackle of having to raise 2+ children? Parents who are irresponsible will be irresponsible whether with one child or more.
Could the shackle be... based on the dogma of some "enlightened elite" that it is wrong for the "benighted poor" to have children?
I know it is difficult for those living comfortably to look at the uninstructed poor and with so many children to feed. It is a typical reaction. I, myself, come from a brood of six. Four girls in one room, two boys in another room. Being a fifth child shouting, "Good night to all everybody". Haha. Fond memories. I'm sure it was difficult for my father who was the breadwinner and equally difficult for my mother cooking, teaching, and caring for six kids. But I can assure you they never made us feel unwanted. And they are wonderful and responsible parents.
With the existing laws on maternal care and child protection, I wonder why insist in RH Bill!
I'm sure even with little education, fertility is but natural and not a sickness. I think they have removed artificial contraception as essential medicine in the amended version. It is a natural law of choice and consequence (cause and effect) that having heterosexual relations can lead to pregnancy. Will that be a part of sex education? Or natural law is not the concern, but more on the unnatural contraception. I hope it is not the sexEd module of planned parenthood- "happy, healthy, and hot" that will be used. But then, we want responsible parenthood but we don't want to burden them with educating their childten about sex.
Oh, father, indeed, "thinkers" of many faith-based groups do not believe as the Catholic Church. Surely, they have the choice to be in "one mind" with USAID. The Social Acceptability Project of Family Planning surely was effective in making targetted groups and individuals to be "one mind". I almost thought you are in "one mind" with them because you sounded a bit like them and their training manual.
Oh, father, we sure want to embrace a pluralistic society. Oh, that certainly is difficult for good governance. To be without law is the
most pluralistic way of governance. Everything is licensed. Roads with no lines. Roads with no signposts. Surely, we will annihilate ourselves quick. Population control through no control. Yes, I understand, we all go through that illusion we can make heaven out of earth and pretend there is no enemy. Devil is such a superstitious nonsense anyways.
Oh father, if you were an atheist, I wouldn't bother. But anyone who trruly believes in God can not possibly accept artificial contraception as alright. God is the Creator of human life. It isn't about the intentions of conceiving or not. It is about the sexual act. It is in the sexual act and only in the sexual act of a man and a woman that God creates human life. Any unnatural intervention and degradation of the sexual act is a direct rejection of the Author of human life. I didnot think so in the past but now I am convinced that artificial contraception is evil.
God understands our fears and weaknesses and will still love us. But the law of choice and consequences will still be enforce, no matter how we think we can get away from it.
As for me, I can not be for RH Bill. I would rather look at LIFE as more than a RIGHT, but truly a GIFT. With that, I can live with the reality that this is not heaven, and be happy with the glimpse of it.
Reaction to:
You talk about freedom, but it is the RH Bill who is making it mandatory for employers and medical facilities to provide for artificial contraceptives. That is a clear imposition of the pro-artificial contraception to those who do not believe in it (whether it is base on faith, science, logic, economics, superstition). Without the RH Bill, those who believe and not believe in Artificial Contraception will equally have s freedom of choice.
The government is entrusted with the wealth (or debt) of the nation. Certainly, it can use tax money according to its discretion or indiscretion. It can use it to give free cigarettes or San Miguel Beer, but the citizens can air their protest for some may think cigarette smoking is evil and alcohol had been the culprit of many abuses against women and children. Surely, the government can capacitate the vast number of "uninstructed" poor through its subsidy but then, respectable governance must have a good criteria for doing so.
So be it, if it is the will of the government to give as freebies a wide array of artificial contraceptives to the uninstructed poor. Hopefully, Father, they won't be coerced into doing so like before as documented by BBC and PRI. I am sure you will rally behind them and fight for their constitutional right to choose.
I sure hope, father, that those who will be giving it will really inform the receivers of the many studies on it. Hopefully, Juan Tamad will really give the poor the different options and not just push for the one with least effort and least instruction.
Unfortunately, father, I can not believe that free artificial contraception will prevent abortion. Just look around, where there is a proliferation of artificial contraception, abortion proliferates as the ultimate contaception.
Everyone wants responsible parenthood, but that stems from a responsible marriage. The RH Bill would like to provide for contraception without spousal consent. Wouldn't that be isolating spouses from each other? Wouldn't the use of artificial contraception disable a woman or a girl from saying "no" to sexual proposals? Wouldn't there be more extra-marital affairs? Wouldn't a child's paternity become questionable?
And in cases of rape of minors, no parental consent is required for the rape victim to avail of reproductive health care. Wouldn't it be contrary to the responsible parenthood the bill would want to encourage. And at such crucial time.
Oh father, you say the poor are in shackles, and no freedom of choice that will make them responsible parents. What shackles could that be? Is it the shackle of being financially less? Oh father, I'm sure you know that rich or poor can equally be good and responsible parents. Is it the shackle of having to raise 2+ children? Parents who are irresponsible will be irresponsible whether with one child or more.
Could the shackle be... based on the dogma of some "enlightened elite" that it is wrong for the "benighted poor" to have children?
I know it is difficult for those living comfortably to look at the uninstructed poor and with so many children to feed. It is a typical reaction. I, myself, come from a brood of six. Four girls in one room, two boys in another room. Being a fifth child shouting, "Good night to all everybody". Haha. Fond memories. I'm sure it was difficult for my father who was the breadwinner and equally difficult for my mother cooking, teaching, and caring for six kids. But I can assure you they never made us feel unwanted. And they are wonderful and responsible parents.
With the existing laws on maternal care and child protection, I wonder why insist in RH Bill!
I'm sure even with little education, fertility is but natural and not a sickness. I think they have removed artificial contraception as essential medicine in the amended version. It is a natural law of choice and consequence (cause and effect) that having heterosexual relations can lead to pregnancy. Will that be a part of sex education? Or natural law is not the concern, but more on the unnatural contraception. I hope it is not the sexEd module of planned parenthood- "happy, healthy, and hot" that will be used. But then, we want responsible parenthood but we don't want to burden them with educating their childten about sex.
Oh, father, indeed, "thinkers" of many faith-based groups do not believe as the Catholic Church. Surely, they have the choice to be in "one mind" with USAID. The Social Acceptability Project of Family Planning surely was effective in making targetted groups and individuals to be "one mind". I almost thought you are in "one mind" with them because you sounded a bit like them and their training manual.
Oh, father, we sure want to embrace a pluralistic society. Oh, that certainly is difficult for good governance. To be without law is the
most pluralistic way of governance. Everything is licensed. Roads with no lines. Roads with no signposts. Surely, we will annihilate ourselves quick. Population control through no control. Yes, I understand, we all go through that illusion we can make heaven out of earth and pretend there is no enemy. Devil is such a superstitious nonsense anyways.
Oh father, if you were an atheist, I wouldn't bother. But anyone who trruly believes in God can not possibly accept artificial contraception as alright. God is the Creator of human life. It isn't about the intentions of conceiving or not. It is about the sexual act. It is in the sexual act and only in the sexual act of a man and a woman that God creates human life. Any unnatural intervention and degradation of the sexual act is a direct rejection of the Author of human life. I didnot think so in the past but now I am convinced that artificial contraception is evil.
God understands our fears and weaknesses and will still love us. But the law of choice and consequences will still be enforce, no matter how we think we can get away from it.
As for me, I can not be for RH Bill. I would rather look at LIFE as more than a RIGHT, but truly a GIFT. With that, I can live with the reality that this is not heaven, and be happy with the glimpse of it.
Reaction to:
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
The Battlefield of Life, Who's Winning?
Some people do not ever want to question God. Perhaps it is to them a manifestation of lack of trust or reverence. I do question God because I want to know - Him and His ways. However, in doing so, one must be prepared because sometimes the answer - the truth can surprise us, shock us, or amaze us.
There was one point when I did not question God but told Him point blank that "God, I think You are losing in the battle". Looking back, I am amazed at my nerve to say that. But He does answer all prayers including such irreverent accusations.
The answer: The battle between God and the Enemy had been won by God. It is me and humanity who is in the battlefield. Am I winning or losing? Are there more people winning or losing?
The battlefield is in the choices we make. Winning or losing, how do I gauge that. It depends on the destination where I want to go. There is only one road with two ends. One is the fullness of life and the other is living death. We are battling between life and death always by the choices we make. God wills and desires for each of us the fullness of life but He allows us to make that choice.
Yes, some choices are difficult to make. Sometimes, we can't see if it is life-giving or death-hugging. We are clouded by our fears, insecurities, needs, and pain. There will always be opposing voices enticing us to a particular direction. Still, if one is conscious of the battlefield; Mistakes can always be set aright with another choice.
Yet, the greatest loser in the battlefield is the one who doesn't even know he is in one. Just riding the tides and going along with the times. Just when I thought it was a battle between good and evil, God and the devil, light and darkness; I was just an onlooker getting wounded in the fight.
When we realize we are in the battlefield, we get a chance to examine our lives and where it is heading for. We can put up our armour. We can be aware of the temptations along the way. We realize we are not alone in the field.
When we know we are in the battlefield; We stop trying to win God to our side but rather strive to be on the side of God.
There was one point when I did not question God but told Him point blank that "God, I think You are losing in the battle". Looking back, I am amazed at my nerve to say that. But He does answer all prayers including such irreverent accusations.
The answer: The battle between God and the Enemy had been won by God. It is me and humanity who is in the battlefield. Am I winning or losing? Are there more people winning or losing?
The battlefield is in the choices we make. Winning or losing, how do I gauge that. It depends on the destination where I want to go. There is only one road with two ends. One is the fullness of life and the other is living death. We are battling between life and death always by the choices we make. God wills and desires for each of us the fullness of life but He allows us to make that choice.
Yes, some choices are difficult to make. Sometimes, we can't see if it is life-giving or death-hugging. We are clouded by our fears, insecurities, needs, and pain. There will always be opposing voices enticing us to a particular direction. Still, if one is conscious of the battlefield; Mistakes can always be set aright with another choice.
Yet, the greatest loser in the battlefield is the one who doesn't even know he is in one. Just riding the tides and going along with the times. Just when I thought it was a battle between good and evil, God and the devil, light and darkness; I was just an onlooker getting wounded in the fight.
When we realize we are in the battlefield, we get a chance to examine our lives and where it is heading for. We can put up our armour. We can be aware of the temptations along the way. We realize we are not alone in the field.
When we know we are in the battlefield; We stop trying to win God to our side but rather strive to be on the side of God.
Monday, September 10, 2012
The Apostle of Love
If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
Oh St. Paul, you are so demanding. You mean angelic tongues does not necessarily mean the person has love. Well, yes, there are many people who can talk eloquently of love and beauty but would turn out to be mean and capable of doing so many bad things against others. So, we are reminded to walk the talk. Ok, love is more than great rhetorics, pep talk, and inspiring speeches. LOVE is MORE.
If I have the gift of prophecy,
Hold on, St Paul, I hear so many people say, "how blessed they are," and it would seem like they are highly favored by God. And, wow, even special gifts like prophecy may not be a manifestation of loving. Oh yes, being blessed may not necessarily make one a blessing for others. Some people may be so gifted but they can use their gifts for evil. LOVE is MORE than the gifts.
and know all mysteries and all knowledge;
St. Paul, you say knowledge isn't enough, too. So reason and intellect may not bring forth love. I can accept that, too. Children can be most loving though unreasonable and the uneducated can possess much goodness. So the saying, to know you is to love you, is but a partial manifestation of love. Knowledge like the gifts and the angelic speech may be used for the detriment of others. LOVE is MORE.
and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
Now, this is getting harder, St. Paul, you are saying faith is not enough. Luther insisted on faith alone. Alright, he just added the word "alone". But isn't believing the beginning of living. Well, alright, majority of the people of this pilgrim world are believers and yet there are wars, killings, and slander. Oh, St Paul, one can have such strong faith and still be nothing. This is hard, love is more than faith. LOVE is MORE.
And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor,
Actions like giving and feeding do not necessarily equate to love? Well, corrupt politicians can be quite giving yet stealing. But how about feeding, Jesus had taught us to feed the hungry. Still, it is not the be all and end all of love. Denouncing materialism to the point of giving up possessions and coupled with good intentions and still not love. LOVE is MORE. It is more than the actions and intentions.
and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3 NASB)
St. Paul, giving up something may still have an absence of love? Even giving up one's life to be burned? Some do give up their families for another person and some give up their faith for fame. Okay, not all giving up may not make love. LOVE is MORE.
Good words, good actions, good thoughts and intentions, good talents and power, good knowledge, good belief, and good actions may not by itself equate to goodness or love. Love is more than each one of these.
Then, you went on with specific things, St. Paul. You began with patience. Yes, patience can be manifested in words, actions, surrender, thought, reason, faith, and intentions. And so are the other virtues.
So, love is integrity - a wholeness of the person that bears and rejoices in truth in all that who we are. Love isn't duplicity or worst multiple personality. It is faithfulness to God who is Truth whether we are alone or with people. Whether we are at work or on vacation, in the dining room or in the bedroom. Truth in thoughts, words, and action.
In spite of, love being universally sought; It takes a lifetime to learn the ways of love. It takes a lot of grace and work to be a loving person.
Ok, St Paul, love is free but LOVE isn't CHEAP.
Oh St. Paul, you are so demanding. You mean angelic tongues does not necessarily mean the person has love. Well, yes, there are many people who can talk eloquently of love and beauty but would turn out to be mean and capable of doing so many bad things against others. So, we are reminded to walk the talk. Ok, love is more than great rhetorics, pep talk, and inspiring speeches. LOVE is MORE.
If I have the gift of prophecy,
Hold on, St Paul, I hear so many people say, "how blessed they are," and it would seem like they are highly favored by God. And, wow, even special gifts like prophecy may not be a manifestation of loving. Oh yes, being blessed may not necessarily make one a blessing for others. Some people may be so gifted but they can use their gifts for evil. LOVE is MORE than the gifts.
and know all mysteries and all knowledge;
St. Paul, you say knowledge isn't enough, too. So reason and intellect may not bring forth love. I can accept that, too. Children can be most loving though unreasonable and the uneducated can possess much goodness. So the saying, to know you is to love you, is but a partial manifestation of love. Knowledge like the gifts and the angelic speech may be used for the detriment of others. LOVE is MORE.
and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
Now, this is getting harder, St. Paul, you are saying faith is not enough. Luther insisted on faith alone. Alright, he just added the word "alone". But isn't believing the beginning of living. Well, alright, majority of the people of this pilgrim world are believers and yet there are wars, killings, and slander. Oh, St Paul, one can have such strong faith and still be nothing. This is hard, love is more than faith. LOVE is MORE.
And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor,
Actions like giving and feeding do not necessarily equate to love? Well, corrupt politicians can be quite giving yet stealing. But how about feeding, Jesus had taught us to feed the hungry. Still, it is not the be all and end all of love. Denouncing materialism to the point of giving up possessions and coupled with good intentions and still not love. LOVE is MORE. It is more than the actions and intentions.
and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3 NASB)
St. Paul, giving up something may still have an absence of love? Even giving up one's life to be burned? Some do give up their families for another person and some give up their faith for fame. Okay, not all giving up may not make love. LOVE is MORE.
Good words, good actions, good thoughts and intentions, good talents and power, good knowledge, good belief, and good actions may not by itself equate to goodness or love. Love is more than each one of these.
Then, you went on with specific things, St. Paul. You began with patience. Yes, patience can be manifested in words, actions, surrender, thought, reason, faith, and intentions. And so are the other virtues.
So, love is integrity - a wholeness of the person that bears and rejoices in truth in all that who we are. Love isn't duplicity or worst multiple personality. It is faithfulness to God who is Truth whether we are alone or with people. Whether we are at work or on vacation, in the dining room or in the bedroom. Truth in thoughts, words, and action.
In spite of, love being universally sought; It takes a lifetime to learn the ways of love. It takes a lot of grace and work to be a loving person.
Ok, St Paul, love is free but LOVE isn't CHEAP.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Mary's Pondering Heart
The Annunciation...
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to Thy Word."
My God and my Savior, You are within me. You will be inside me.
What mystery is this... You will be Flesh of my flesh, Blood of my blood. Yet, I am just a creature and You are God.
Yes, my Son is my Savior and my God. For You, I cast all plans aside that my womb may be Your Tabernacle.
The Visitation...
It was a long and rough ride, my Child, my God. There she is, Elizabeth, the child in her womb is leaping with joy.
Why am I telling You all these, my Son and my God when I know You know it all.
Still, my Child, bear with a mother's whim, though I am but a child of God.
You are within me, yet You are greater than me. Oh, my Son - my Savior and God, my heart is filled with joy. It overflows.
'My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.
The Nativity...
A little Babe, I cradle You. You who had known me before I was formed in the womb.
Still, I wonder why You have chosen me, when a manger and a swaddling cloth is all I have.
You know everything, my Child. You know I love You.
The Presentation
Here You are my Child, complying with our rituals. I lift You up and yet You are above all these things. Simon and the Jews await You and so does the whole of humanity -a New Israel, a Light to the Gentiles. Again, I say "Yes" to You even if a sword shall pierce my heart. I have so long borne You in my heart. In my heart forever You will be. I have loved God so early on, but now I love You even more. My heart overflows, let it be pierced for You so that it may flood the world with Thy Love.
The Finding in the Temple
Oh my Son, my Savior, and my God. Be patient with me, Your mother who worries and frets. I trust in You and Your Grace and Wisdom; but a mother's heart still I have. And I say "Yes" to You, my Son and my God. I will seek You and know I will find You if I keep focused on God's Will.
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to Thy Word."
My God and my Savior, You are within me. You will be inside me.
What mystery is this... You will be Flesh of my flesh, Blood of my blood. Yet, I am just a creature and You are God.
Yes, my Son is my Savior and my God. For You, I cast all plans aside that my womb may be Your Tabernacle.
The Visitation...
It was a long and rough ride, my Child, my God. There she is, Elizabeth, the child in her womb is leaping with joy.
Why am I telling You all these, my Son and my God when I know You know it all.
Still, my Child, bear with a mother's whim, though I am but a child of God.
You are within me, yet You are greater than me. Oh, my Son - my Savior and God, my heart is filled with joy. It overflows.
'My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.
The Nativity...
A little Babe, I cradle You. You who had known me before I was formed in the womb.
Still, I wonder why You have chosen me, when a manger and a swaddling cloth is all I have.
You know everything, my Child. You know I love You.
The Presentation
Here You are my Child, complying with our rituals. I lift You up and yet You are above all these things. Simon and the Jews await You and so does the whole of humanity -a New Israel, a Light to the Gentiles. Again, I say "Yes" to You even if a sword shall pierce my heart. I have so long borne You in my heart. In my heart forever You will be. I have loved God so early on, but now I love You even more. My heart overflows, let it be pierced for You so that it may flood the world with Thy Love.
The Finding in the Temple
Oh my Son, my Savior, and my God. Be patient with me, Your mother who worries and frets. I trust in You and Your Grace and Wisdom; but a mother's heart still I have. And I say "Yes" to You, my Son and my God. I will seek You and know I will find You if I keep focused on God's Will.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Something There
I knew there was simething there,
and now it's gone.
It could have been a gift,
but now I won't know.
I know there was something there,
they can call it anything.
Still, it is flesh and blood of my own
that was something there.
It is just something, too small
a bottle or a box will do.
Like a garbage it can
be thrown or flushed away.
An unbreakable bond breaks my heart
for that something there is a part of me.
An unbreakable bond wounds my soul
for that something there is a fruit of mine.
An unbreakable bond where I came from,
I could have been that something there.
I can pretend and numb myself
to that something there.
Past is past, yet I never learn
from that something there.
I could have celebrated life
and cherish it;
But I chose death for that
something there.
I didn't know I chose mine, too;
And each day I die from the cold.
Blaming them. Blaming me.
Blaming that something there.
I could have seen.
I could have lived.
I could have changed.
One discretion after another,
a choice that can not be undone.
Now, I hold on to a Hand that heals.
A love that forgives and cleanses my shame.
It was His Hand I rejected;
Yet, it is His Hand that reaches
into the wounds of my being.
Hoping each day to restore
the dignity of His inheritance.
Teaching day after day
the integrity of life and love.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Look Who's Laughing Now
The Advocate: Henchman, how is our RH Bill going along?
Henchman: Advocate, the pro and the anti are stuck solid. It's fierce and feisty.
The Advocate: Have they read the contents?
Henchman: Advocate, majority do not really like to read, only those who are seriously into it. People read headlines or just listen to their favorite media personalities. People read when they need to plagiarize.
Advocate: Bwahaha! So what do you think they are fighting for?
Henchman: Advocate, the anti-RH has so many items in contention. They are so finicky on the details.
Advocate: That is not good. They might want to put particulars which would be obstacles to our purpose.
Henchman: Advocate, most pro-RH have this blanket idea that this bill is for the poor. To give them free artificial contraception. We have been doing that without the bill and that is already in the other bill.
Advocate: Bwahaha! Quiet. That is good when they have this blanket idea. Learn henchman, it's called social acceptability. It makes them feel like they are the good people.
Henchman: Yes, Advocate, they call the anti-RH Pharisees and Saccharines or something that sounds like that.
Advocate: Bwahaha! Yes, I love it. Demonize the opponent. So they think they are doing what Jesus Christ would have done.
Henchman: Yes, Advocate.,that is what the ignorant majority think... but how could Jesus do that when He is God, the source of life.
Advocate: Bwahaha! They have forgotten that. Social conditioning, my henchman, we have imvested money and time for that.
Henchman: You mean, Advocate, that they do not realize they are insulting the Creator! No wonder you are so happy.
Advocate: Henchman, you knoe our strategies. Have you dug out dirts?
Henchman: Advocate, yes, from past and some we have to insinuate and put some malice. We are surely undermining their moral authority.
Advocate: Bwahaha! Divide and conquer. They are such pesky stumbling block.
Henchman: Well Advocate, it doesn't stop them from still airing their view. They say they are not about quantity, they are just... you know faithful to JC.
Advocate: Henchman, you know we can't change that! But we are after souls.
Henchman: Advocate, will it really help the poor?
Advocate: Bwahaha! Basic math, henchman. Divide the bread by the number of family members.
Henchman: Really, Advocate, I hear that all the time. I bet it was your idea.
Advocate: Of course, henchman, they forgot the multiplication of loaves and fishes.
Advocate: How are the women reacting?
Henchman: Advocate, those women who are ambitious and don't want any sidetracks are empowered by this bill eventhough they don't need this bill. Then, there are those... you know soft-hearted women who still like children and motherhood.
Henchman: Advocate, I was just thinking. How can this empower women? The wives or young girl friends can not say "no" to men with men having condoms ready.
Advocate: That is so, but we tell them that at least, they are free from fear of having children from it.
Henchman: And if they have children, the men wouldn't want it because they would think that the women got pregnant just to trap the men.
Advocate: Exactly, henchman. Divide and conquer. And they could even questiom, "is that my child, prove it". Bwahaha. Medical expense for Paternity test. It would be cheaper to have abortion to end dispute.
Henchman: Advocate, the poor woman would know what she had done. It will weaken her forever.
Advocate: Exactly. Man against women. Women against Man. I love it! So empowering.
Henchman: Advocate, they say this is for social justice. Wouldn't there be more broken families?
Advocate: Exactly, then there would be single parents and that usually leads to poverty. Vicious cycle.
Henchman: Advocate, you are really... Well, why are the same-sex couples entering the picture.
Advocate: Learn, henchman, confuse their identities. Make this a confusing world with confused needs.
Henchman: Is that good for the women?
Advocate: Henchman, henchman,,, same-sex attraction is the same as the artificial which is unnatural contraception. Don't you see.
Henchman: Oh, I see now, Advocate, you do hate life and the Giver of life.
Advocate: We have covered everything. Politics, Medicine, media, youth, academes, men, women, poor, middle. Bwahaha.
Henchman: How did you do it?
Advocate: This world is about money and vanity. Give them financial grants and they become beholden. Appeal to their vanity, feed their egos with praises. Boom.
Advocate: So, henchman, how's our enlisted people and groups?
Henchman: Advocate, we are watching over them, monitoring their words, tweets, shows. Completely guarded and rated. Our allies, champions, and influentials-- they are saying what we have taught them. They are as trained. Same language, same smile, same strategy. Almost robotic, if I may say so.
Advocate: Bwahaha! Bwahaha!
Henchman: Many good people blinded, Advocate?
Advocate: Yes, henchman! Self-righteousness blinds the eye into thinking it's enlightenment. Disobeying one but forgot to check who they are obeying. No one is self-made.
Advocate: As we say to the people, your will be done. Well, after we have formed and conditioned it.
Advocate: So be it, henchman! So be it!
Henchman: Advocate, I have a personal question.
Advocate: Ummh, go ahead.
Henchman: Advocate... do you hate women?
Advocate: In a way, I do. I hate life and a woman is the first haven and protector of life.
Advocate: I... I just can't accept it. A woman... a mere human being given the privilege of bringing forth.... the Messiah. A woman... looking so fragile could have such strength. A woman... looking so beautiful should be a soul bearing a soul.
Advocate: The fall... of woman is death. I can not serve life. I can not serve a God who had chosen a woman over an angel. I can't.
Henchman: Advocate, the pro and the anti are stuck solid. It's fierce and feisty.
The Advocate: Have they read the contents?
Henchman: Advocate, majority do not really like to read, only those who are seriously into it. People read headlines or just listen to their favorite media personalities. People read when they need to plagiarize.
Advocate: Bwahaha! So what do you think they are fighting for?
Henchman: Advocate, the anti-RH has so many items in contention. They are so finicky on the details.
Advocate: That is not good. They might want to put particulars which would be obstacles to our purpose.
Henchman: Advocate, most pro-RH have this blanket idea that this bill is for the poor. To give them free artificial contraception. We have been doing that without the bill and that is already in the other bill.
Advocate: Bwahaha! Quiet. That is good when they have this blanket idea. Learn henchman, it's called social acceptability. It makes them feel like they are the good people.
Henchman: Yes, Advocate, they call the anti-RH Pharisees and Saccharines or something that sounds like that.
Advocate: Bwahaha! Yes, I love it. Demonize the opponent. So they think they are doing what Jesus Christ would have done.
Henchman: Yes, Advocate.,that is what the ignorant majority think... but how could Jesus do that when He is God, the source of life.
Advocate: Bwahaha! They have forgotten that. Social conditioning, my henchman, we have imvested money and time for that.
Henchman: You mean, Advocate, that they do not realize they are insulting the Creator! No wonder you are so happy.
Advocate: Henchman, you knoe our strategies. Have you dug out dirts?
Henchman: Advocate, yes, from past and some we have to insinuate and put some malice. We are surely undermining their moral authority.
Advocate: Bwahaha! Divide and conquer. They are such pesky stumbling block.
Henchman: Well Advocate, it doesn't stop them from still airing their view. They say they are not about quantity, they are just... you know faithful to JC.
Advocate: Henchman, you know we can't change that! But we are after souls.
Henchman: Advocate, will it really help the poor?
Advocate: Bwahaha! Basic math, henchman. Divide the bread by the number of family members.
Henchman: Really, Advocate, I hear that all the time. I bet it was your idea.
Advocate: Of course, henchman, they forgot the multiplication of loaves and fishes.
Advocate: How are the women reacting?
Henchman: Advocate, those women who are ambitious and don't want any sidetracks are empowered by this bill eventhough they don't need this bill. Then, there are those... you know soft-hearted women who still like children and motherhood.
Henchman: Advocate, I was just thinking. How can this empower women? The wives or young girl friends can not say "no" to men with men having condoms ready.
Advocate: That is so, but we tell them that at least, they are free from fear of having children from it.
Henchman: And if they have children, the men wouldn't want it because they would think that the women got pregnant just to trap the men.
Advocate: Exactly, henchman. Divide and conquer. And they could even questiom, "is that my child, prove it". Bwahaha. Medical expense for Paternity test. It would be cheaper to have abortion to end dispute.
Henchman: Advocate, the poor woman would know what she had done. It will weaken her forever.
Advocate: Exactly. Man against women. Women against Man. I love it! So empowering.
Henchman: Advocate, they say this is for social justice. Wouldn't there be more broken families?
Advocate: Exactly, then there would be single parents and that usually leads to poverty. Vicious cycle.
Henchman: Advocate, you are really... Well, why are the same-sex couples entering the picture.
Advocate: Learn, henchman, confuse their identities. Make this a confusing world with confused needs.
Henchman: Is that good for the women?
Advocate: Henchman, henchman,,, same-sex attraction is the same as the artificial which is unnatural contraception. Don't you see.
Henchman: Oh, I see now, Advocate, you do hate life and the Giver of life.
Advocate: We have covered everything. Politics, Medicine, media, youth, academes, men, women, poor, middle. Bwahaha.
Henchman: How did you do it?
Advocate: This world is about money and vanity. Give them financial grants and they become beholden. Appeal to their vanity, feed their egos with praises. Boom.
Advocate: So, henchman, how's our enlisted people and groups?
Henchman: Advocate, we are watching over them, monitoring their words, tweets, shows. Completely guarded and rated. Our allies, champions, and influentials-- they are saying what we have taught them. They are as trained. Same language, same smile, same strategy. Almost robotic, if I may say so.
Advocate: Bwahaha! Bwahaha!
Henchman: Many good people blinded, Advocate?
Advocate: Yes, henchman! Self-righteousness blinds the eye into thinking it's enlightenment. Disobeying one but forgot to check who they are obeying. No one is self-made.
Advocate: As we say to the people, your will be done. Well, after we have formed and conditioned it.
Advocate: So be it, henchman! So be it!
Henchman: Advocate, I have a personal question.
Advocate: Ummh, go ahead.
Henchman: Advocate... do you hate women?
Advocate: In a way, I do. I hate life and a woman is the first haven and protector of life.
Advocate: I... I just can't accept it. A woman... a mere human being given the privilege of bringing forth.... the Messiah. A woman... looking so fragile could have such strength. A woman... looking so beautiful should be a soul bearing a soul.
Advocate: The fall... of woman is death. I can not serve life. I can not serve a God who had chosen a woman over an angel. I can't.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Look Who's Talking
The one who accuses someone of being a BLIND FOLLOWER is often the one who is blind to who he is following.
The one who accuses one of IMPOSING one's faith begins to impose his.
When you hear of INFORMED CHOICE, you know the information he has chosen.
ACCESSIBLE means "you are on your own, kid. Just do it."
If someone says "you are HOLIER than thou", don't get mad, he/she is only saying she/he is "more enlightened than you".
When you hear "BIGOT", it is shouting "just accept me".
"ADVOCACY", hey, it is about me, my needs, my preference, my choice.
When someone says "you are NOT ATTUNED TO THE TIMES", he is saying, "don't rock the boat. I am presently not ready to change my lifestyle".
So when someone talks about their CONSCIENCE, I need no convincing, I have already justified myself.
SPIRITUAL but not religious.... I am copping out.
The one who accuses another of being a DICTATOR simply wants to do the dicdating.
When someone calls an idea "HILARIOUS", a reflex reaction when "the truth hurts".
The NARROWEST viewpoint is the one that has to cover lies.
Religious FANATIC, so accuses the Darwinist fanatic. Then, there go the environmental fanatic, socialist fanatic, population control fanatic standimg aghast as someone outrightly declares being a Bieber fanatic.
If you have been called a "HYPOCRITE", don't worry, you both are. So am I.
The biggest LOSER in a battle is the one who doesn't even know he/she is in one.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Freedom for All
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Man and woman I free you from each other. I give you DIVORCE.
Awww! Don't I hear a clap, clap, clap.
Yes, really! I give you the right to make mistakes and try again. How many times, you ask! Oh, as much as you want.
You have to ask why. Isn't it obvious. It is hard work to make it work. You have more important work to do.
The children? Oh, I propose only two. You can remarry so there will be a replacement parent to provide for the family.
You are asking if it would be good for the children. Come on, no more fightings, no more putting up with an undesireable spouse. No more third parties.
What! You are confused what marriage is for! Oh, marry for whatever purpose you want, there is nothing to be afraid of anymore.
Haha, you are asking why marry. Good question. We are insecure people, we need the word "marriage". At least, we can make it profitable for those who want to.
What? You are asking about family value. I am giving you the right to have your ideal family. You are empowered to write your script and choose the characters in it. You can rewrite as you go along and erase the characters you don't want.
Don't you just love it! This is exciting, It is a tragedy to be alone and lonely in this over-populated world.
It doesn't sound realistic to you, aha! It is as real as your reality shows.
What? What happens to you when the show has ended? Of course, you start a new one. Haven't you learned enough from television.
Oh women, you are afraid your children might be abused by their stepfathers. Just waive your right and give the children to the men.
And don't you worry about the children. We are working on the child's right to be free from parental intervention.
Children must have freedom in their sex education and reproductive rights as early as possible.
Oh why aren't the children listening here. Still playing and watching cartoons ha! We will change that.
Oh men, of course, you will still be working. Oh, you would rather be single again... that is exactly what we are giving you. Tie the knot. Cut the knot. Two separate threads of life. A little bit if loose ends but there will be much for you to work on, you won't even notice.
Broken families? That is a discriminatory and hate speech, we will not allow anyone to call it as such even if it is. This is freedom.
Oh, the Catholic Church will not accept it? Oh, that kill joy of humanity. Just leave it. There are so many religions that would accept it. Choose one or start one or just no-religion religion.
Am I making you sad? Oh no, I am giving you the free pursuit of happiness.
You are uncertain? Don't be stupid, this is freedom. Don't get stuck. Just do it.
Okay, okay. Stop grumbling. I make you man free for man and you, woman free for woman. I give you freedom in "SAME-SEX MARRIAGE".
Cool! Isn't it? We are such freedom loving people.
Of course, you would have divorce as well. You do make mistakes and it's hard work to make things work. There are more important things you can do.
What, you are asking what difference it will make? Well... let me think. I see. It will make marriage free for all. We are freedom loving people. Hooray for us.
Oh, you are thinking. Stop it. Look, you will be accepted as a couple. You can have the benefits just like the rest. You don't have to be alone and lonely in this over-populated world.
Oh, you are thinking of family? Well, you were a child of parents, too, so you must be eligible to adopt children. There are many children from poor parents. You can have them.
Hey, you people should be happy. I am giving you everything you want. And if problems crop up, we will have more laws to cover it.
Fine. We free you from humanity. We give you EUTHANASIA and ASSISTED SUICIDE.
Imagine you can wipe out humanity by eliminating yourself. So easy.
Don't try to be funny. You are asking what if you changed your mind. Don't be stupid, there are no second thoughts here. Don't think about it... just focus on your freedom.
Abuse? Yeah right! Who cares, you are being freed from people anyway.
Look at it this way. It takes a lot of work to take care of the sick and the elderly. It is a great burden on your pocket. Be free from that.
And it is hard work to live and make life work. Be free from that and you will be assisted.
Oh, now you are thinking of religious belief. Leave that killjoy Catholic Church, we will give you New Age. It is a great concoction of everything you want. This will free you from religion and tradition. You make your own dogma and change it along the way. Well, that doesn't sound like a dogma but we can redefine everything. Always new.
People, you are free. No one to dictate to you. Nothing is imposed on you. I am freeing you.
You make me laugh, you are asking if I will give peace in this world. I give you freedom.
Can't you see people, this is good governance. I am giving you pain killer. We numb your pain but your RESTLESSNESS, we can do nothing for. We are freedom loving people.
Awww! Don't I hear a clap, clap, clap.
Yes, really! I give you the right to make mistakes and try again. How many times, you ask! Oh, as much as you want.
You have to ask why. Isn't it obvious. It is hard work to make it work. You have more important work to do.
The children? Oh, I propose only two. You can remarry so there will be a replacement parent to provide for the family.
You are asking if it would be good for the children. Come on, no more fightings, no more putting up with an undesireable spouse. No more third parties.
What! You are confused what marriage is for! Oh, marry for whatever purpose you want, there is nothing to be afraid of anymore.
Haha, you are asking why marry. Good question. We are insecure people, we need the word "marriage". At least, we can make it profitable for those who want to.
What? You are asking about family value. I am giving you the right to have your ideal family. You are empowered to write your script and choose the characters in it. You can rewrite as you go along and erase the characters you don't want.
Don't you just love it! This is exciting, It is a tragedy to be alone and lonely in this over-populated world.
It doesn't sound realistic to you, aha! It is as real as your reality shows.
What? What happens to you when the show has ended? Of course, you start a new one. Haven't you learned enough from television.
Oh women, you are afraid your children might be abused by their stepfathers. Just waive your right and give the children to the men.
And don't you worry about the children. We are working on the child's right to be free from parental intervention.
Children must have freedom in their sex education and reproductive rights as early as possible.
Oh why aren't the children listening here. Still playing and watching cartoons ha! We will change that.
Oh men, of course, you will still be working. Oh, you would rather be single again... that is exactly what we are giving you. Tie the knot. Cut the knot. Two separate threads of life. A little bit if loose ends but there will be much for you to work on, you won't even notice.
Broken families? That is a discriminatory and hate speech, we will not allow anyone to call it as such even if it is. This is freedom.
Oh, the Catholic Church will not accept it? Oh, that kill joy of humanity. Just leave it. There are so many religions that would accept it. Choose one or start one or just no-religion religion.
Am I making you sad? Oh no, I am giving you the free pursuit of happiness.
You are uncertain? Don't be stupid, this is freedom. Don't get stuck. Just do it.
Okay, okay. Stop grumbling. I make you man free for man and you, woman free for woman. I give you freedom in "SAME-SEX MARRIAGE".
Cool! Isn't it? We are such freedom loving people.
Of course, you would have divorce as well. You do make mistakes and it's hard work to make things work. There are more important things you can do.
What, you are asking what difference it will make? Well... let me think. I see. It will make marriage free for all. We are freedom loving people. Hooray for us.
Oh, you are thinking. Stop it. Look, you will be accepted as a couple. You can have the benefits just like the rest. You don't have to be alone and lonely in this over-populated world.
Oh, you are thinking of family? Well, you were a child of parents, too, so you must be eligible to adopt children. There are many children from poor parents. You can have them.
Hey, you people should be happy. I am giving you everything you want. And if problems crop up, we will have more laws to cover it.
Fine. We free you from humanity. We give you EUTHANASIA and ASSISTED SUICIDE.
Imagine you can wipe out humanity by eliminating yourself. So easy.
Don't try to be funny. You are asking what if you changed your mind. Don't be stupid, there are no second thoughts here. Don't think about it... just focus on your freedom.
Abuse? Yeah right! Who cares, you are being freed from people anyway.
Look at it this way. It takes a lot of work to take care of the sick and the elderly. It is a great burden on your pocket. Be free from that.
And it is hard work to live and make life work. Be free from that and you will be assisted.
Oh, now you are thinking of religious belief. Leave that killjoy Catholic Church, we will give you New Age. It is a great concoction of everything you want. This will free you from religion and tradition. You make your own dogma and change it along the way. Well, that doesn't sound like a dogma but we can redefine everything. Always new.
People, you are free. No one to dictate to you. Nothing is imposed on you. I am freeing you.
You make me laugh, you are asking if I will give peace in this world. I give you freedom.
Can't you see people, this is good governance. I am giving you pain killer. We numb your pain but your RESTLESSNESS, we can do nothing for. We are freedom loving people.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Hear Ye, Woman... I set you Free
Hear ye, woman, you are now liberated. I give you Women's Reproductive Health Right.
Liberated from what you ask? From men, from children, from home.
Hear ye, woman, you decide babymaking... when, quantity, quality. You can also accept or reject.
Sounds like a factory to you? Well, yes, that is why it is called reproduction. It is like a production line.
How does it work, you ask? There are so many methods to choose from. Pills, injections, patches, IUD and abortion. You see... I have given you many choices.
Effect on you? Oh come on, we are in an advanced age. You are high technology. If something crops up, there will always be a solution that can be offered to you.
How about men? Well, nothing much. I assure you no participation in the production line.
What do you mean, then what? You will have a freer relationship with them. They are like you know... as in a factory, you are open to them without fear.
You feel like I am prostituting you? Oh no, I am your advocate. I am liberating you.
You are asking about child support? Gosh, I am liberating you from having children.. and still you are asking. I am giving you financial independence. Oh well, we will still have child support from men if paternity test validates the parenthood.
You are asking why all these? Oh gosh, woman, questions like that is exactly why you need to abide by this right. I am so exasperated with you. You are so stupid.
Now you ask what you will do with your life. Oh, you are so exasperating. You have to work. Make money. Get famous. Travel.
Can you still have children? Oh, you are so... Of course, you can. There is In Vitro, so it does not interfere much.
Okay, if you insist! You can get pregnant but remember one is enough, two at most. You only have two hands.
Remember, you can have as many houses and cars as you want. Dresses and shoes. Plastic surgery and anti-aging. You will be beautiful, and young. You can buy all the products out there offered to you.
Necessary? you ask. Are you crazy, the world is overpopulated, there won't be enough food for you.
Am I scaring you? No! But I am telling you, the world has too much garbage. Climate change. Poverty. Corruption. Drugs. You wouldn't want to take care of children at this time when taking care of yourself is difficult enough.
Am I making you miserable? Come on, you can maintain a good figure, look young, learn a lot. You can be rich and famous. You would be so desired and admired.
What! You are asking about love? For heaven's sake, don't be an idiot. You are a factory! Just follow the methods!
Liberated from what you ask? From men, from children, from home.
Hear ye, woman, you decide babymaking... when, quantity, quality. You can also accept or reject.
Sounds like a factory to you? Well, yes, that is why it is called reproduction. It is like a production line.
How does it work, you ask? There are so many methods to choose from. Pills, injections, patches, IUD and abortion. You see... I have given you many choices.
Effect on you? Oh come on, we are in an advanced age. You are high technology. If something crops up, there will always be a solution that can be offered to you.
How about men? Well, nothing much. I assure you no participation in the production line.
What do you mean, then what? You will have a freer relationship with them. They are like you know... as in a factory, you are open to them without fear.
You feel like I am prostituting you? Oh no, I am your advocate. I am liberating you.
You are asking about child support? Gosh, I am liberating you from having children.. and still you are asking. I am giving you financial independence. Oh well, we will still have child support from men if paternity test validates the parenthood.
You are asking why all these? Oh gosh, woman, questions like that is exactly why you need to abide by this right. I am so exasperated with you. You are so stupid.
Now you ask what you will do with your life. Oh, you are so exasperating. You have to work. Make money. Get famous. Travel.
Can you still have children? Oh, you are so... Of course, you can. There is In Vitro, so it does not interfere much.
Okay, if you insist! You can get pregnant but remember one is enough, two at most. You only have two hands.
Remember, you can have as many houses and cars as you want. Dresses and shoes. Plastic surgery and anti-aging. You will be beautiful, and young. You can buy all the products out there offered to you.
Necessary? you ask. Are you crazy, the world is overpopulated, there won't be enough food for you.
Am I scaring you? No! But I am telling you, the world has too much garbage. Climate change. Poverty. Corruption. Drugs. You wouldn't want to take care of children at this time when taking care of yourself is difficult enough.
Am I making you miserable? Come on, you can maintain a good figure, look young, learn a lot. You can be rich and famous. You would be so desired and admired.
What! You are asking about love? For heaven's sake, don't be an idiot. You are a factory! Just follow the methods!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
The Great Marriage
Faith and reason, as some people would like to depict it, is contrary to each other; But truly, it is a marriage of faith and reason that allows us to grow and make informed choices.
Like all true marriages, the marriage of faith and reason does not take away their differences or uniqueness. Faith is faith and reason is reason. However, in their marriage, they begin to compliment each other. Faith feeds reason; And reason feeds faith. Only in the marriage of faith and reason can we journey to the depth, breadth, width of Truth. We can touch, feel, see, and know that which is bigger than us.
The great divorce of faith and reason, thus, is of immense consequence to living. As one becomes unfaithful, one becomes more unreasonable; And as one becomes unreasonable, the more one becomes unfaithful. It is paradoxical that one who loves reason to the abject rejection of faith is actually debilitating his/her reason. It is, likewise, with one who loves faith divorced from reason would be actually clinging to a false faith. Divorce of faith and reason leads to fanaticism or idolatry.
Another great marriage is that of Truth and Freedom. Truth sets us freer and freedom walks us to the truth. Even though truth is truth and freedom is freedom, totally different from each other; The great marriage makes them complimentary and nourishing each other.
When freedom is divorced from truth, there is only a license. Much like a driver's license, it does not follow that one can reach one's destination. Divorced from truth, love of freedom is bondage. There is no real choice because the truth is made unavailable. On the other hand, truth divorced from freedom is dictatorship. It has the roadmap and guidepost but without the driver's license, it cannot move.
The great divorce of truth and freedom leads to chaos and oppression while the great marriage of truth and freedom is the road to fullness of life.
Like all true marriages, the marriage of faith and reason does not take away their differences or uniqueness. Faith is faith and reason is reason. However, in their marriage, they begin to compliment each other. Faith feeds reason; And reason feeds faith. Only in the marriage of faith and reason can we journey to the depth, breadth, width of Truth. We can touch, feel, see, and know that which is bigger than us.
The great divorce of faith and reason, thus, is of immense consequence to living. As one becomes unfaithful, one becomes more unreasonable; And as one becomes unreasonable, the more one becomes unfaithful. It is paradoxical that one who loves reason to the abject rejection of faith is actually debilitating his/her reason. It is, likewise, with one who loves faith divorced from reason would be actually clinging to a false faith. Divorce of faith and reason leads to fanaticism or idolatry.
Another great marriage is that of Truth and Freedom. Truth sets us freer and freedom walks us to the truth. Even though truth is truth and freedom is freedom, totally different from each other; The great marriage makes them complimentary and nourishing each other.
When freedom is divorced from truth, there is only a license. Much like a driver's license, it does not follow that one can reach one's destination. Divorced from truth, love of freedom is bondage. There is no real choice because the truth is made unavailable. On the other hand, truth divorced from freedom is dictatorship. It has the roadmap and guidepost but without the driver's license, it cannot move.
The great divorce of truth and freedom leads to chaos and oppression while the great marriage of truth and freedom is the road to fullness of life.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
One Compassionate Choice at a Time
Caring for the sick is an invitation to learn true compassion. It is not an easy road and one could hardly imagine the lives of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Bro. Richie Fernando S.J., Fr. Richard Ho-Lung and their companions. How did they develop such compassion? Why were they not exasperated?
It is easy to be filled with pity for someone suffering in sickness, or the poor people camped out in evacuation centers. To look at dirty, little ones begging for money. The face of anxiety, pain, and fears. However, to stay with these for a prolonged period is not easy. One is faced with situations not easily changed and may not change. One is faced with circumstances that is not entirely in one's hands. It is so easy to be filled with anguish and have pity and exasperation at the same time.
Love can be strained and really be put to the fire. I can only describe it as "I hate the Philippines I love", or "I hate the poor that I love" or "I hate the person I love".
It is difficult to separate the undesireable situation and the person(s) in it. It is difficult to believe that God is at work in the situation. And yet, within us, we want to care for people and we want to trust God who had created a beautiful world and had blessed us. It would have been easier to be indifferent.
Mother Teresa tries to see the Jesus she loves in all the people she encounters. She is all focused in filling up the thirst of Jesus on the cross. She loves Jesus as unconditional as humanly possible.
Compassion, the true love of others, is then manifestation of how much we love Jesus. To love Jesus even in "distressing disguise". Yes, Mother Teresa is not blind to the "distressing" situations but she is able to see beyond it - a disguise of something opposite of distressing.
Mother Teresa and the rest like her is able to muster compassion and persevere in it by the power of faith. They are sustained by the Sacraments and lived a sacramental life. Their lives were growing in virtues.
Through the Sacraments, these compassionate people lived in Him, through Him, and with Him. In turn, Jesus was able to work in them, through them, and with
For struggling wanna be saints like me, authentic compassion is something to be striven for. An examimed choice/ response can manifest the indifference, exasperation, or compassion and from there make a willful choice to grow in compassion. One compassionate choice at a time.
It is easy to be filled with pity for someone suffering in sickness, or the poor people camped out in evacuation centers. To look at dirty, little ones begging for money. The face of anxiety, pain, and fears. However, to stay with these for a prolonged period is not easy. One is faced with situations not easily changed and may not change. One is faced with circumstances that is not entirely in one's hands. It is so easy to be filled with anguish and have pity and exasperation at the same time.
Love can be strained and really be put to the fire. I can only describe it as "I hate the Philippines I love", or "I hate the poor that I love" or "I hate the person I love".
It is difficult to separate the undesireable situation and the person(s) in it. It is difficult to believe that God is at work in the situation. And yet, within us, we want to care for people and we want to trust God who had created a beautiful world and had blessed us. It would have been easier to be indifferent.
Mother Teresa tries to see the Jesus she loves in all the people she encounters. She is all focused in filling up the thirst of Jesus on the cross. She loves Jesus as unconditional as humanly possible.
Compassion, the true love of others, is then manifestation of how much we love Jesus. To love Jesus even in "distressing disguise". Yes, Mother Teresa is not blind to the "distressing" situations but she is able to see beyond it - a disguise of something opposite of distressing.
Mother Teresa and the rest like her is able to muster compassion and persevere in it by the power of faith. They are sustained by the Sacraments and lived a sacramental life. Their lives were growing in virtues.
Through the Sacraments, these compassionate people lived in Him, through Him, and with Him. In turn, Jesus was able to work in them, through them, and with
For struggling wanna be saints like me, authentic compassion is something to be striven for. An examimed choice/ response can manifest the indifference, exasperation, or compassion and from there make a willful choice to grow in compassion. One compassionate choice at a time.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Prayer of St. (Padre) Pio
Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to have You present so that I do not forget You. You know how easily I abandon You.
Stay with me, Lord, because I am weak and I need Your strength, that I may not fall so often.
Stay with me, Lord, for You are my life, and without You, I am without fervor.
Stay with me, Lord, for You are my light, and without You, I am in darkness.
Stay with me, Lord, to show me Your will.
Stay with me, Lord, so that I hear Your voice and follow You.
Stay with me, Lord, for I desire to love You very much, and always be in Your company.
Stay with me, Lord, if You wish me to be faithful to You.
Stay with me, Lord, for as poor as my soul is, I wish it to be a place of consolation for You, a nest of Love.
Stay with me, Jesus, for it is getting late and the day is coming to a close, and life passes, death, judgement, eternity approaches. It is necessary to renew my strength, so that I will not stop along the way and for that, I need You. It is getting late and death approaches. I fear the darkness, the temptations, the dryness, the cross, the sorrows. O how I need You, my Jesus, in this night of exile!
Stay with me tonight, Jesus, in life with all its dangers, I need You.
Let me recognize You as Your disciples did at the breaking of bread, so that the Eucharistic Communion be the light which disperses the darkness, the force which sustains me, the unique joy of my heart.
Stay with me, Lord, because at the hour of my death, I want to remain united to You, if not by Communion, at least by grace and love.
Stay with me, Jesus, I do not ask for divine consolation, because I do not merit it, but, the gift of Your Presence, oh yes, I ask this of You!
Stay with me, Lord, for it is You alone I look for. Your Love, Your Grace, Your Will, Your Heart, Your Spirit, because I love You and ask no other reward but to love You more and more.
With a firm love, I will love You with all my heart while on earth and continue to love You perfectly during all eternity.
Compassion is a tough road and love can be strained. The real battle is let love prevail...
It's possible only with Jesus, in Jesus, and through Jesus.
Stay with me, Lord, because I am weak and I need Your strength, that I may not fall so often.
Stay with me, Lord, for You are my life, and without You, I am without fervor.
Stay with me, Lord, for You are my light, and without You, I am in darkness.
Stay with me, Lord, to show me Your will.
Stay with me, Lord, so that I hear Your voice and follow You.
Stay with me, Lord, for I desire to love You very much, and always be in Your company.
Stay with me, Lord, if You wish me to be faithful to You.
Stay with me, Lord, for as poor as my soul is, I wish it to be a place of consolation for You, a nest of Love.
Stay with me, Jesus, for it is getting late and the day is coming to a close, and life passes, death, judgement, eternity approaches. It is necessary to renew my strength, so that I will not stop along the way and for that, I need You. It is getting late and death approaches. I fear the darkness, the temptations, the dryness, the cross, the sorrows. O how I need You, my Jesus, in this night of exile!
Stay with me tonight, Jesus, in life with all its dangers, I need You.
Let me recognize You as Your disciples did at the breaking of bread, so that the Eucharistic Communion be the light which disperses the darkness, the force which sustains me, the unique joy of my heart.
Stay with me, Lord, because at the hour of my death, I want to remain united to You, if not by Communion, at least by grace and love.
Stay with me, Jesus, I do not ask for divine consolation, because I do not merit it, but, the gift of Your Presence, oh yes, I ask this of You!
Stay with me, Lord, for it is You alone I look for. Your Love, Your Grace, Your Will, Your Heart, Your Spirit, because I love You and ask no other reward but to love You more and more.
With a firm love, I will love You with all my heart while on earth and continue to love You perfectly during all eternity.
Compassion is a tough road and love can be strained. The real battle is let love prevail...
It's possible only with Jesus, in Jesus, and through Jesus.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Compassion or Exasperation
With the floods that struck much of Luzon, we see on television poor people needing to be rescued and given relief. One FB post says, "how pitiable are the children, and still you don't want to pass the RH Bill."
And on a daily noon time show wherein most of the contestants are poor, the "star" host preached how ingrained it is in our culture that bigger family is synonymous with happy family but ... blah, blah.
Both individuals are good-hearted people even quite religious in their own ways. They have a right to speak out their mind and they sincerely believe that poor people should have less children for the sake of the children that they could have but shouldn't have. The RH bill is, of course, more than that since the DOH are already providing artificial contraception to the poor. It is, however, the rallying point of government towards poverty alleviation.
Nonetheless, my musing takes me to how people respond to the difficulties or problems of other people whether it be financial poverty, sickness, broken relationship, and the like. We have sympathy for others misfortunes. We have a sense of seeing something wrong in the picture. Most of us have a heart that goes out for those suffering but we respond differently.
There are those who are altogether indifferent to the plight of other people; But for those who are not indifferent, there are also differences in response.
Some people respond with "pathos with exasperation". I see your suffering and I feel for you. I am willing to be with you and help you even out of my comfort zone. There is authentic pity for the sufferer but there is also a presence of anger. There is always someone or something to take the absolute blame except the one's self.
Esperanza and Rosa would react to poor people with children, "oh, why do you keep having children. Just get ligated while we help you with your needs." In utter distaste for the suffering, they subconsciously wish away the sufferer. Ka Popoy, on the other hand, would blame it on the government and wish away the government with his idea of government.
Such response to poverty, sickness, crimes is becoming quite common. There is self-righteousness and thus, a feeling of superiority over the sufferer or aggrieved. There is a need to take control over others who are inferior. Idealistic without realism, thinking they can bring heaven on earth. In spite of, the well-meaning intention, they tend to trample on the dignity, integrity, and freedom of some people who are unlike them. Sometimes, they become worst than the indifferent.
The most common is "pathos with exhilaration". I see your suffering and I feel for you. I will help you even out of my comfort zone. These are the joyful givers. They feel good helping others. Although, there is a consciousness of the difference between them and the sufferer, there is a mutual blessing. There is no judgment given on the sufferer and whether or not the suffering goes away or not, the important thing is that something was done.
Majority would perhaps fall in this category, simply doing what one can do. There is no obsessive drive to change the world, but enough to make a difference in this world. This isn't mediocrity, this is living with respect. They hold the world together, keeping it sane and keeping it from it's self-destructive impulses.
Then, there is true compassion. I feel for you and I am willing to help you even out of my comfort zone. It is heroic virtue that tries to know what it is like to be in the sufferer shoes. This brings forth understanding. This allows them to truly know the needs and the help that can be extended without stepping on the intrinsic right, dignity, and integrity of the sufferer. They are changed and they change people's lives beyond the superficial. They stay though the journey together may require time, patience, and emotional/ mental investment. More than that is the need for humility- to recognize that one can easily be in the other's place. No matter what, there is a sense of connection to the sufferer. We are participants that caused such sufferings but we can also be participants to the alleviations of such sufferings. They don't bring instant result but they are the true movers that are realistically responding to the needs of the times. These are our living saints. This is true CHARITY .
The less we center our lives on "me", "my needs", "my ideals", "my way" etc, the clearer I see "me" and my neighbors; Then, I can have an able response to life - response ability.
And on a daily noon time show wherein most of the contestants are poor, the "star" host preached how ingrained it is in our culture that bigger family is synonymous with happy family but ... blah, blah.
Both individuals are good-hearted people even quite religious in their own ways. They have a right to speak out their mind and they sincerely believe that poor people should have less children for the sake of the children that they could have but shouldn't have. The RH bill is, of course, more than that since the DOH are already providing artificial contraception to the poor. It is, however, the rallying point of government towards poverty alleviation.
Nonetheless, my musing takes me to how people respond to the difficulties or problems of other people whether it be financial poverty, sickness, broken relationship, and the like. We have sympathy for others misfortunes. We have a sense of seeing something wrong in the picture. Most of us have a heart that goes out for those suffering but we respond differently.
There are those who are altogether indifferent to the plight of other people; But for those who are not indifferent, there are also differences in response.
Some people respond with "pathos with exasperation". I see your suffering and I feel for you. I am willing to be with you and help you even out of my comfort zone. There is authentic pity for the sufferer but there is also a presence of anger. There is always someone or something to take the absolute blame except the one's self.
Esperanza and Rosa would react to poor people with children, "oh, why do you keep having children. Just get ligated while we help you with your needs." In utter distaste for the suffering, they subconsciously wish away the sufferer. Ka Popoy, on the other hand, would blame it on the government and wish away the government with his idea of government.
Such response to poverty, sickness, crimes is becoming quite common. There is self-righteousness and thus, a feeling of superiority over the sufferer or aggrieved. There is a need to take control over others who are inferior. Idealistic without realism, thinking they can bring heaven on earth. In spite of, the well-meaning intention, they tend to trample on the dignity, integrity, and freedom of some people who are unlike them. Sometimes, they become worst than the indifferent.
The most common is "pathos with exhilaration". I see your suffering and I feel for you. I will help you even out of my comfort zone. These are the joyful givers. They feel good helping others. Although, there is a consciousness of the difference between them and the sufferer, there is a mutual blessing. There is no judgment given on the sufferer and whether or not the suffering goes away or not, the important thing is that something was done.
Majority would perhaps fall in this category, simply doing what one can do. There is no obsessive drive to change the world, but enough to make a difference in this world. This isn't mediocrity, this is living with respect. They hold the world together, keeping it sane and keeping it from it's self-destructive impulses.
Then, there is true compassion. I feel for you and I am willing to help you even out of my comfort zone. It is heroic virtue that tries to know what it is like to be in the sufferer shoes. This brings forth understanding. This allows them to truly know the needs and the help that can be extended without stepping on the intrinsic right, dignity, and integrity of the sufferer. They are changed and they change people's lives beyond the superficial. They stay though the journey together may require time, patience, and emotional/ mental investment. More than that is the need for humility- to recognize that one can easily be in the other's place. No matter what, there is a sense of connection to the sufferer. We are participants that caused such sufferings but we can also be participants to the alleviations of such sufferings. They don't bring instant result but they are the true movers that are realistically responding to the needs of the times. These are our living saints. This is true CHARITY .
The less we center our lives on "me", "my needs", "my ideals", "my way" etc, the clearer I see "me" and my neighbors; Then, I can have an able response to life - response ability.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Artificial Plant Lover
Neighbor1: Neighbor, why do you keep planting on that pot and yet I never see anything growing from it.
Neighbor2: Oh neighbor, I like planting but I don't like growing plants. It's too much effort. I don't have the time. I have other plans.
Neighbor1: Really! So what do you do?
Neighbor2: I poison the soil or sometimes I put the seed in a plastic then plant it.
Neighbor1: What if a plant still grows, in spite of, what you do?
Neighbor2: Oh, I simply pull it and throw it away.
Neighbor1: Well, why don't you just stop planting?
Neighbor2: I can't. I like planting. It makes me feel good.
Neighbor1: It doesn't make sense. What, then, is the purpose of planting?
Neighnor2: Nothing... just for my pleasure.
Neighbor2: Oh neighbor, I like planting but I don't like growing plants. It's too much effort. I don't have the time. I have other plans.
Neighbor1: Really! So what do you do?
Neighbor2: I poison the soil or sometimes I put the seed in a plastic then plant it.
Neighbor1: What if a plant still grows, in spite of, what you do?
Neighbor2: Oh, I simply pull it and throw it away.
Neighbor1: Well, why don't you just stop planting?
Neighbor2: I can't. I like planting. It makes me feel good.
Neighbor1: It doesn't make sense. What, then, is the purpose of planting?
Neighnor2: Nothing... just for my pleasure.
Monday, July 30, 2012
The Church that Honors the Creator
No one can be against family planning or responsible parenthood. Planning is a good thing, it means preparation is required for marriage. Being a responsible parent is a good thing, it entails spousal mutual respect and self-giving sacrifice for the good of the children.
Unfortunately, those good terms are being used to propagate artificial contraception. Family planning and/or responsible parenthood is incongruous with RECKLESSNESS and that is exactly what artificial contraception does.
At the time when I wasn't against artificial contraception, the question that rose to my mind was "isn't natural family planning any different from artificial contraception, in the aspect that both intends birth control?" This was a crucial question because the answer makes a big difference in our relationship with God.
Any believer in God believes that God is the Creator of human life.
This leads to what the sexual act is. Every human being comes from the sexual union of a man and a woman; Thus, it is in the sexual act (not the intention) where God practices (or manifests) His Creatorship. The human sexual act is not a mere reproduction or regeneration but a co-creatorship act.
★Thus, any unnatural or artificial INTERVENTION in the sexual act is an intervention with God.
★Any DEVALUATION in the sexual act is a devaluation of God's creative power.
★Any FORCE (rape/ sexual abuse) in the sexual act is an assault on God.
In this perspective:
♥ No wonder, then, that the Catholic Church is strictest on the sexual act like pre-marital and extra-marital sex, masturbation, sodomy, same-gender sex artificial contraception €tc.
♥ No wonder, then, that the Catholic Church is the prime advocate of chastity and monogamy and does not recklessly allow second marriage or divorce.
♥ No wonder, then, that the Catholic Church, in as much as it is pro-life, it is against artificial contraception, in vitro fertilization, and embryonic stem cell.
♥ No wonder, then, that even if it was .01% of the clergy, the sexual abuse was the biggest crisis the Catholic Church had to face.
♥ No wonder, that most atheists, in spite of the scientific, medical, social, economic, constitutiona, land psychological bases against artificial contraception still advocate it.
The firm stand and teaching of the Catholic Church had convinced me of the Divinity of the Church. It was beyond intellectual, artistic, and emotional sense; I was convicted. The Catholic Church honors the Creatorship of God. The Catholic Church is for God, with God and through God.
Unfortunately, those good terms are being used to propagate artificial contraception. Family planning and/or responsible parenthood is incongruous with RECKLESSNESS and that is exactly what artificial contraception does.
At the time when I wasn't against artificial contraception, the question that rose to my mind was "isn't natural family planning any different from artificial contraception, in the aspect that both intends birth control?" This was a crucial question because the answer makes a big difference in our relationship with God.
Any believer in God believes that God is the Creator of human life.
This leads to what the sexual act is. Every human being comes from the sexual union of a man and a woman; Thus, it is in the sexual act (not the intention) where God practices (or manifests) His Creatorship. The human sexual act is not a mere reproduction or regeneration but a co-creatorship act.
★Thus, any unnatural or artificial INTERVENTION in the sexual act is an intervention with God.
★Any DEVALUATION in the sexual act is a devaluation of God's creative power.
★Any FORCE (rape/ sexual abuse) in the sexual act is an assault on God.
In this perspective:
♥ No wonder, then, that the Catholic Church is strictest on the sexual act like pre-marital and extra-marital sex, masturbation, sodomy, same-gender sex artificial contraception €tc.
♥ No wonder, then, that the Catholic Church is the prime advocate of chastity and monogamy and does not recklessly allow second marriage or divorce.
♥ No wonder, then, that the Catholic Church, in as much as it is pro-life, it is against artificial contraception, in vitro fertilization, and embryonic stem cell.
♥ No wonder, then, that even if it was .01% of the clergy, the sexual abuse was the biggest crisis the Catholic Church had to face.
♥ No wonder, that most atheists, in spite of the scientific, medical, social, economic, constitutiona, land psychological bases against artificial contraception still advocate it.
The firm stand and teaching of the Catholic Church had convinced me of the Divinity of the Church. It was beyond intellectual, artistic, and emotional sense; I was convicted. The Catholic Church honors the Creatorship of God. The Catholic Church is for God, with God and through God.
Artificial Contraception,
Catholic Church,
Home Sweet Home
No matter how exciting or fufilling our work may be, at the end of the day, it is home we long for.
When storm gathers around us, even if there is a leak on the roof, it is home where we would rather be.
That sense of home so often neglected. The familiar surroundings no matter how imperfect.
The space where people you care for are expected.
The memories of nurturing and nourishing. A sense of warmth and healing.
Home, a small word that shapes a big world.
Home, a small word that
gives a glimpse of an eternal Home.
When storm gathers around us, even if there is a leak on the roof, it is home where we would rather be.
That sense of home so often neglected. The familiar surroundings no matter how imperfect.
The space where people you care for are expected.
The memories of nurturing and nourishing. A sense of warmth and healing.
Home, a small word that shapes a big world.
Home, a small word that
gives a glimpse of an eternal Home.
Monday, July 23, 2012
A Talk with Lady Poverty
MC Borg: Good day, Lady Poverty. You are one of the most popular personality. Everybody is talking about you. How do you feel about it?
Lady Poverty: Oh yes. Politicians, religious leaders, atheists, actors, saints, sinners, students, NGOs. Everyone is talking about me. Uuugh. Fame can be isolating. I feel so all alone.
MC Borg: Alone? I thought there is just too much of your breed.
Lady Poverty: Look... everyone is talking about me. Everyone. I wonder if I have a kin. And they talk about me but they hardly talk TO me.
MC Borg: Oh, I am so sorry for you. But aren't you featured in most docu-magazine shows and even game shows.
Lady Poverty: Oh, yes. Often, they tell us what to say or how to feel so they can promote their agenda. And in game shows... yes. The drama of it all to get the sympathy. We can make those rich showbiz people cry and their fans will love them more.
MC Borg: Have you become cynical of life being Lady Poverty?
Lady Poverty: No, not at all. I love life and I still believe in dreams and good things. But fame can sometimes be annoying, it's like you are always being USED.
MC Borg: Ok Maam Lady Poverty. May I asked what was the worst they have said about you?
Lady Poverty: That rich, international Lass Songster. Oh, the way she talks about me... as if I am not fulfilling a purpose in life. As if I am a failure. A good for nothing. Well... definitely, I will not fit into her standard of fame and fortune.
MC Borg: You are angry Lady Poverty! Don't get mad, do you have a purpose?
Lady Poverty: I am doing what I am supposed to. I labor and do my part for this tapestry of life. And to add to that, I have to bear the cudgels of Sammy Greed and Johnny Sloth. Keeping the balance of this life.
MC Borg: Are you a child of.. Sammy Greed and Johnny Sloth?
Lady Poverty: No, not me. But yes, I have kins who are illegitimate children of Sammy Greed and Johnny Sloth .
MC Borg: Who is the real you?
Lady Poverty: There is such a freedom and joy in being me. I know what is truly important in life and that is what I focus and use my energy for.
Sometimes, I may be an eyesore to some people but there is beauty in me... so disguised by the ravages of life. I use my gifts freely, giving freely unconditionally. Some may call it stupidity, but it is the true freedom of being and becoming. I may not move stock market prices or television ratings but I can move mountains.
MC Borg: Don't you wish there is no you?
Lady Poverty: This isn't heaven and this isn't hell. Will. there be no Sammy Greeds or Johnny Sloths in this world ever? No. Will there be no one embracing freely the life of Lady Poverty? No.
MC Borg: Paradoxically, you are so simple yet so complicated. But are those works of governments, faith-based groups, missionaries, NGOs meaningless and for nothing?
Lady Poverty: No, I am not saying that. They do tame some of the breed of Sammy Greed and Johnny Sloth redirecting their gifts for a greater purpose. You know those groups, the rich meeting the poor. It had been around for ages and some are actually changed. Some of the rich are less extravagant, some of the poor become more enthusiastic of their skills and talents. For some, it remains a compartment of their life.
Then, there are groups who are catering for the victims of different forms of injustice like war, calamity, broken family, sickness. This is far more difficult because they bring physical survival relief but they also need to bring along healing, trust, hope, and love.
Unfortunately, a greater majority of the rich- the elite just want our breed to disappear... by elimination. By death.
MC Borg: If you have a wish, what would it be?
Lady Poverty: I wish they would talk less about me, I don't need the publicity. They can put their efforts in being a better person and bringing out the better persons in others. If they encounter me in this road of life, I wish they can just smile and see in us that we all came from One God, One Creator. We are kins. We are brothers and sisters. No more and no less.
Lady Poverty: Oh yes. Politicians, religious leaders, atheists, actors, saints, sinners, students, NGOs. Everyone is talking about me. Uuugh. Fame can be isolating. I feel so all alone.
MC Borg: Alone? I thought there is just too much of your breed.
Lady Poverty: Look... everyone is talking about me. Everyone. I wonder if I have a kin. And they talk about me but they hardly talk TO me.
MC Borg: Oh, I am so sorry for you. But aren't you featured in most docu-magazine shows and even game shows.
Lady Poverty: Oh, yes. Often, they tell us what to say or how to feel so they can promote their agenda. And in game shows... yes. The drama of it all to get the sympathy. We can make those rich showbiz people cry and their fans will love them more.
MC Borg: Have you become cynical of life being Lady Poverty?
Lady Poverty: No, not at all. I love life and I still believe in dreams and good things. But fame can sometimes be annoying, it's like you are always being USED.
MC Borg: Ok Maam Lady Poverty. May I asked what was the worst they have said about you?
Lady Poverty: That rich, international Lass Songster. Oh, the way she talks about me... as if I am not fulfilling a purpose in life. As if I am a failure. A good for nothing. Well... definitely, I will not fit into her standard of fame and fortune.
MC Borg: You are angry Lady Poverty! Don't get mad, do you have a purpose?
Lady Poverty: I am doing what I am supposed to. I labor and do my part for this tapestry of life. And to add to that, I have to bear the cudgels of Sammy Greed and Johnny Sloth. Keeping the balance of this life.
MC Borg: Are you a child of.. Sammy Greed and Johnny Sloth?
Lady Poverty: No, not me. But yes, I have kins who are illegitimate children of Sammy Greed and Johnny Sloth .
MC Borg: Who is the real you?
Lady Poverty: There is such a freedom and joy in being me. I know what is truly important in life and that is what I focus and use my energy for.
Sometimes, I may be an eyesore to some people but there is beauty in me... so disguised by the ravages of life. I use my gifts freely, giving freely unconditionally. Some may call it stupidity, but it is the true freedom of being and becoming. I may not move stock market prices or television ratings but I can move mountains.
MC Borg: Don't you wish there is no you?
Lady Poverty: This isn't heaven and this isn't hell. Will. there be no Sammy Greeds or Johnny Sloths in this world ever? No. Will there be no one embracing freely the life of Lady Poverty? No.
MC Borg: Paradoxically, you are so simple yet so complicated. But are those works of governments, faith-based groups, missionaries, NGOs meaningless and for nothing?
Lady Poverty: No, I am not saying that. They do tame some of the breed of Sammy Greed and Johnny Sloth redirecting their gifts for a greater purpose. You know those groups, the rich meeting the poor. It had been around for ages and some are actually changed. Some of the rich are less extravagant, some of the poor become more enthusiastic of their skills and talents. For some, it remains a compartment of their life.
Then, there are groups who are catering for the victims of different forms of injustice like war, calamity, broken family, sickness. This is far more difficult because they bring physical survival relief but they also need to bring along healing, trust, hope, and love.
Unfortunately, a greater majority of the rich- the elite just want our breed to disappear... by elimination. By death.
MC Borg: If you have a wish, what would it be?
Lady Poverty: I wish they would talk less about me, I don't need the publicity. They can put their efforts in being a better person and bringing out the better persons in others. If they encounter me in this road of life, I wish they can just smile and see in us that we all came from One God, One Creator. We are kins. We are brothers and sisters. No more and no less.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Acceptance and Forgiveness
The media coverage on (Comedy King) Dolphy's life and death had died down and now left to the annals of history. The one thing that struck a note in the many media mileage was when Zsa Zsa Padilla thanked her daughter Karylle for her ACCEPTANCE and FORGIVENESS. Karylle (a singer, actress, and host herself) was but a young girl when Zsa Zsa left her marriage to dentist, Dr. M. Tatlonghari for Dolphy. Karylle isn't a publicity hound so I have no idea when her relationship with her mom went for the better. I don't know when she has gotten to be in good terms (if ever) with Dolphy. I don't know if her dad and her mom are in good terms.
Still, it brings into focus the wounds of broken family. Families would always be imperfect but the brokenness cause by polygamy is even more.
In spite of Christianity, it is prevalent. Erap Estrada, Ramon Revilla Sr. FPJ, Mayor Pablo Cuneta. Many are into their nth marriage with annulments becoming easier or through Protestant marriage. My own mother was a child of a father who had many wives(?). Friends and relatives had children of broken marriage.
To a certain extent, it is as old as time and legitimizing it with divorce only worsens it. Acceptance and forgiveness is a must for everyone in this battlefield of good and evil. Howver, my encounter with children of broken marriage make it seem a double struggle when acceptance and forgiveness are needed towards their parents.
Acceptance is difficult, most especially if it is a fault we see in our parents. There will always be that invisible umbilical cord that binds us to our mother and father. They are the best for us no matter what; We always want to associate with what we know of love.
Acceptance without condoning an error or a bad choice is possible. It is to separate the sin from the sinner, to separate the choice from the person. Sure, there is shared consequence for every choice. We will be affected even if it is not our choosing. But we can endeavour to look at a person as a whole and not define them by one choice. It is, then, that we can open up the possibilities of choice for ourselves and others. There are experiences in our lives that we can say are "given". When we know the given, it is easier to find the solution. There is something thar can be done, and we are not stuck in a past that can not be erased. Some bad experiences are like lumps or blockages that keep love from flowing freely. The healing of these blockages is what forgiveness is. It could be just as painful but it is a healing and purgative pain. It restores our relationship with our humanity. It restores our relationship with others. It brings back the worth of every person and a chamce to grow in wholeness.
It is heartbreaking to see the wounded child in my mother resurface when she's having dementia. It is heartbreaking to see so many people like broken vessels walking so fragile in this life. But as shown by the example of Karylle, something better and beautiful can still happen with acceptance and forgiveness.
Still, it brings into focus the wounds of broken family. Families would always be imperfect but the brokenness cause by polygamy is even more.
In spite of Christianity, it is prevalent. Erap Estrada, Ramon Revilla Sr. FPJ, Mayor Pablo Cuneta. Many are into their nth marriage with annulments becoming easier or through Protestant marriage. My own mother was a child of a father who had many wives(?). Friends and relatives had children of broken marriage.
To a certain extent, it is as old as time and legitimizing it with divorce only worsens it. Acceptance and forgiveness is a must for everyone in this battlefield of good and evil. Howver, my encounter with children of broken marriage make it seem a double struggle when acceptance and forgiveness are needed towards their parents.
Acceptance is difficult, most especially if it is a fault we see in our parents. There will always be that invisible umbilical cord that binds us to our mother and father. They are the best for us no matter what; We always want to associate with what we know of love.
Acceptance without condoning an error or a bad choice is possible. It is to separate the sin from the sinner, to separate the choice from the person. Sure, there is shared consequence for every choice. We will be affected even if it is not our choosing. But we can endeavour to look at a person as a whole and not define them by one choice. It is, then, that we can open up the possibilities of choice for ourselves and others. There are experiences in our lives that we can say are "given". When we know the given, it is easier to find the solution. There is something thar can be done, and we are not stuck in a past that can not be erased. Some bad experiences are like lumps or blockages that keep love from flowing freely. The healing of these blockages is what forgiveness is. It could be just as painful but it is a healing and purgative pain. It restores our relationship with our humanity. It restores our relationship with others. It brings back the worth of every person and a chamce to grow in wholeness.
It is heartbreaking to see the wounded child in my mother resurface when she's having dementia. It is heartbreaking to see so many people like broken vessels walking so fragile in this life. But as shown by the example of Karylle, something better and beautiful can still happen with acceptance and forgiveness.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
In Search of Beauty
We live in a materialistic and consumer oriented world and still it leaves us craving for beauty. There are so many beauty products and equipments. Technology can mass produce beautiful merchandise. There are make-overs, cosmetic surgery, reimaging, reinvention, renovation. Still, we always look at the past as more beautiful - the places were far beautiful then; So, were the actors and actresses then. Fashion, likewise, was beautiful. When people wants to get away, it is to nature unspoilt by humanity and its so called progress.
Much of modernism and consumerism had left us with self-centeredness, hoarding, use, and abuse. We are clueless to what love, truth, and beauty are.
Beauty is the face of love but love isn't just visual and static. It is an experienced reality. The language of love is truth and so the experience of beauty must communicate truth.
Pope Benedict XVI recalling a concert performance of the music of Johann Sebastian Bach -- in Munich in Bavaria -- conducted by Leonard Bernstein. "At the conclusion of the final selection, one of the Cantate, I felt -- not through reasoning, but in the depths of my heart -- that what I had just heard had spoken truth to me, truth about the supreme composer, and it moved me to give thanks to God. Seated next to me was the Lutheran bishop of Munich. I spontaneously said to him: "Whoever has listened to this understands that faith is true" -- and the beauty that irresistibly expresses the presence of God's truth. (Gen Audience, Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Aug. 31, 2011)
St. Augustine in coming to know Christianity. “Belatedly I loved thee, O Beauty so ancient and so new, belatedly I loved thee. For see, thou wast within and I was without, and I sought thee out there. Unlovely, I rushed heedlessly among the lovely things thou hast made. Thou wast with me, but I was not with thee. These things kept me far from thee; even though they were not at all unless they were in thee. Thou didst call and cry aloud, and didst force open my deafness. Thou didst gleam and shine, and didst chase away my blindness. Thou didst breathe fragrant odors and I drew in my breath; and now I pant for thee. I tasted, and now I hunger and thirst. Thou didst touch me, and I burned for thy peace.” (Augustine of Hippo, Confessions)
Malcolm Muggeridge, on the other hand, entitled his book on the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta as "Something Beautiful for God".
The illusion of beauty that modernism and consumerism offer, so often, degrades the human spirit. It does not celebrate the splendor of the truth. Authentic beauty goes beyond what we see because it leaves an imprint in the heart and soul. It touches the person - the whole person and lifts it higher to greater truths.
And our restless hearts will always impel us to search for beauty.
Much of modernism and consumerism had left us with self-centeredness, hoarding, use, and abuse. We are clueless to what love, truth, and beauty are.
Beauty is the face of love but love isn't just visual and static. It is an experienced reality. The language of love is truth and so the experience of beauty must communicate truth.
Pope Benedict XVI recalling a concert performance of the music of Johann Sebastian Bach -- in Munich in Bavaria -- conducted by Leonard Bernstein. "At the conclusion of the final selection, one of the Cantate, I felt -- not through reasoning, but in the depths of my heart -- that what I had just heard had spoken truth to me, truth about the supreme composer, and it moved me to give thanks to God. Seated next to me was the Lutheran bishop of Munich. I spontaneously said to him: "Whoever has listened to this understands that faith is true" -- and the beauty that irresistibly expresses the presence of God's truth. (Gen Audience, Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Aug. 31, 2011)
St. Augustine in coming to know Christianity. “Belatedly I loved thee, O Beauty so ancient and so new, belatedly I loved thee. For see, thou wast within and I was without, and I sought thee out there. Unlovely, I rushed heedlessly among the lovely things thou hast made. Thou wast with me, but I was not with thee. These things kept me far from thee; even though they were not at all unless they were in thee. Thou didst call and cry aloud, and didst force open my deafness. Thou didst gleam and shine, and didst chase away my blindness. Thou didst breathe fragrant odors and I drew in my breath; and now I pant for thee. I tasted, and now I hunger and thirst. Thou didst touch me, and I burned for thy peace.” (Augustine of Hippo, Confessions)
Malcolm Muggeridge, on the other hand, entitled his book on the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta as "Something Beautiful for God".
The illusion of beauty that modernism and consumerism offer, so often, degrades the human spirit. It does not celebrate the splendor of the truth. Authentic beauty goes beyond what we see because it leaves an imprint in the heart and soul. It touches the person - the whole person and lifts it higher to greater truths.
And our restless hearts will always impel us to search for beauty.
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