Saturday, June 21, 2014

GK Chesterton and the Diabolic

Excerpt from G.K. Chesterton, the Diabolist & “The Most Terrible Thing”

In the end, G.K. Chesterton recognized in The Diabolist the fearsome eternal ramifications and destructive temporal consequences of an intelligent, “reasonable”, winsome person who had chosen to live a life of inverted morality. His was a clever, unmoving “enlightenment” that led to the suicide of the soul. It was chilling. It was unnerving.

And it was the most terrible thing.

Of The Enemy

I think many people sense the great confrontation happening in the world. Excerpt of Anthony Esolen's Know The Enemy

“Such phenomena as joy, splendor, power, happiness, fortune, and strength magically attract the man of ressentiment,” says Scheler. Like Milton’s Satan, spying upon the naked couple in Eden, he has to look even while he wants to avert his eyes, because he still longs to possess those good things and yet he knows he cannot. The true apostate does not simply turn from one belief to another, but “is motivated by the struggle against the old belief and lives only for its negation.” No “improvement” will satisfy him. The apostate nun may say she wants only that women might serve as priests. Give her that, and watch the enmity grow. The person whose values have been deformed by ressentiment “does not want to cure the evil: the evil is merely a pretext for the criticism.”

If you let Satan dwell in Eden rather than in Hell, that won’t satisfy; he wants to destroy it, because he cannot share its goodness. “In Heaven much worse would be my lot,” says Satan. He lives only for the enmity; if God should forget about him, he would find it unendurable. If you allow people who cannot share a great good to pretend that their simulacrum of it is also good, you will not satisfy; they know it’s a sham, and as long as there are ordinary and healthy people around, the bare nerve will fire.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Upon This Rock

"The gates of hell will not prevail against it" (Matt 16:18), that is what we Catholics hold on to. The Church will last until the end of time. It is indestructible and the Truth it holds will remain available until Jesus returns.
Monsignor Pope explains the literal and figurative meaning of the words. I remember Jeff Cavins describing the place where Jesus spoke these words to Peter. It was upon a huge rock and below it was a cavelike opening which was believed by the locals as the entrance to hell and exit of the devil as it goes about prowling bringing souls to hell.

In spite of this confidence in the Divinely instituted Church which is the Catholic Church, we are still aware of the confrontation between good and evil. We wonder if it is possible to be on the wrong side of who we follow. Fr. Dwight Longenecker writes how to recognize the Antichrist based on the writings of Archbishop Fulton Sheen.

Abp Sheen wrote:
The Antichrist will not be so called; otherwise he would have no followers. He will not wear red tights, nor vomit sulphur, nor carry a trident nor wave an arrowed tail as Mephistopheles in Faust. This masquerade has helped the Devil convince men that he does not exist. When no man recognizes him, the more power he exercises.

His logic is simple: if there is no heaven there is no hell; if there is no hell, then there is no sin; if there is no sin, then there is no judge, and if there is no judgment then evil is good and good is evil. But above all these descriptions, Our Lord tells us that he will be so much like Himself that he would deceive even the elect–and certainly no devil ever seen in picture books could deceive even the elect.

this is the temptation to have a new religion without a Cross, a liturgy without a world to come, a religion to destroy a religion, or a politics which is a religion–one that renders unto Caesar even the things that are God’s.In the midst of all his seeming love for humanity and his glib talk of freedom and equality, he will have one great secret which he will tell to no one: he will not believe in God.

Because his religion will be brotherhood of Man without the fatherhood of God, he will deceive even the elect. He will set up a counter church which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. . . .

Thursday, June 19, 2014

In Fear and Trembling

We have been believers since childhood. Done the formula for our respective faith traditions. We have not killed and even in our mediocre faith, we are quite secured that we will make it to heaven. We are not bad people. So, surely we would know when the great enemy, the father of lies, is around to populate hell. For us, Christians, we are quite confident that we will spot the Anti-Christ.

Yet, St. Paul said in Philippians 2:12
"12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,"

The devil is a fallen angel and angels are superior to us in intellect and strength. It can quote Scriptures and it would not introduce itself as the antiChrist. Cunning and deceiving it would be. Subtle in ways while slowly inverting and perverting the Truth.

Looking back at history, one would wonder how some people could have gotten so many followers. Arius had totally divided Christianity, yet followers from bishops and courtiers he had. Even after his death, his teachings persisted.

One would wonder why Rodrigo Borgia was chosen and made Pope when he had created scandals in his earlier years and it was known that he had a mistress and children. Political leaders like Hitler had followers. Cults have come and go.

It is easy to be swept by images. It is easy to be wooed by great rhetoric. It is easy to be convinced of good intentions. We are often unthinking and not discerning.

It is the thirst for Truth that allows our mind to think and our faith to grow. Our biggest obstacle is our capacity for self-deception. In our attempt to justify ourselves, we convince ourselves of fallacy. We remain in a church that's comfortable and doesn't demand much of us. No need for the transforming love of God. No need for the promptings of the Holy Spirit to lead us into the depth, width, and length of Truth.

We can be our biggest enemy, yet we can also be our biggest friend. Discernment comes from being true to oneself; And when we go to God true to ourselves, it is the prayer that truly comes from the heart. Not just emotions, but of the truth that we possess. With such disposition, we can become pliable to the workings of the Holy Spirit leading us more into the fullness of Truth.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Breaking the Vicious Cycle

We have been listening and reading Chapter 5 of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. These are all hard teachings. By human effort would seem impossible to follow, yet with God they are not impossible. With the gifts of the Holy Spirit we can grow in love.

Chapter 5:21-26 talks about anguish towards others and the need for reconciliation.
Chapter 5: 27-30 talks about lust and adultery and sanctifying our senses.
Chapter 5: 31-32 talks about marriage as indissoluble.
Chapter 5: 33-37 talks about the value of our words and the vows, oath, and pledges we make.
Chapter 5: 38-42 talks about retaliation and the need to do the opposite.
Chapter 5: 43-48 talks of how we should treat our enemies and persecutors.

All these teachings are about practicing and living out the Gospel of love which every Christian can now do through the merits of Christ' death and resurrection. We see the fruits of the Holy Spirit working in our lives so we may truly learn HOW TO LOVE. Love isn't just a goody, giddy, mushy feeling that comes and goes. Love is a WAY as exemplified by Jesus who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

To the arrogant, it may all seem like stupidity. To the humanist, it may all seem like hypocrisy. One must remember though that there are two forces in this world, that of evil and that of goodness. As we are confronted daily with evil, GOD's GRACE is BREAKING THE VICIOUS CYCLE, so we can be in the CYCLE of LOVE. If we deplore the corruption, war, abortion, and violence in this world, we must say "yes" to the circle of love. We may fail time and again, but it is more to be striven for. Love is its own reward. This is the truest victory... only love can conquer evil.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Most holy and immaculate Virgin, Mother of Jesus and our loving Mother, being his Mother, you shared in his universal kingship. The prophets and angels proclaimed him King of peace. With loving fervor in our hearts we salute and honor you as Queen of peace.

We pray that your intercession may protect us and all people from hated and discord, and direct our hearts into the ways of peace and justice which your Son taught and exemplified. We ask your maternal care for our Holy Father who works to reconcile the nations in peace. We seek your guidance for our President and other leaders as they strive for world peace.

Glorious Queen of peace, grant us peace in our hearts, harmony in our families and concord throughout the world. Immaculate Mother, as patroness of our beloved country, watch over us and protect us with your motherly love. Amen.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Love Your Enemies


•• SMILE at your enemy.
St. Jane de Chantal found it difficult to forgive the man who accidentally killed her husband and she began with a little smile. You might argue that it is hypocritical but the effort of putting forth something positive for someone you feel negatively about is a big step towards healing and forgiveness.

•• PRAY for your enemy.
If the mere mention of the name of your enemy is difficult, just say "I pray for... You know who, Lord". You need not have any specific prayer intention, just let God's good purpose do the work.

•• WRITE A LETTER to your enemy
Let it all out in a letter and then DESTROY the letter. Unexpressed sentiments can be consuming but once we let it go, we feel differently.

BIG STEPS to loving your enemy

Do as St. John Paul II and take the initiative to talk to your enemy and find a way to understand the other person.

Untagging a person to the word "enemy" is a big step to treating that person just like you would treat other people in your life.

It may be difficult to do but the one thing that's for certain FORGIVING is the biggest gift we can give to ourselves.


"Sayang" is a common expression in Filipino. Literally, it means "what a waste!" Here are the occasions when I often hear it expressed as a reaction:

• a handsome priest : "sayang" from girls and old ladies
• a handsome gay : "sayang" from girls and old ladies
• a young girl getting pregnant
• resigning from work
• stay-at-home educated man or woman
• getting married at the peak of career

I used to get offended, too, by "sayang" reaction but the "sayang" is not so negative. It isn't really about double standards or trying to put one down. They just see other possibilities, but it is still up to us to make the right choice of what is truly more important.

However, in the "sayang" ads of Pantene #whipit series featuring single mom, Denise Laurel. She may have whipped it, but being a single mom is not just about her. It is also about the child. Perhaps she's doing her best and more than married moms do. Still, I have seen children from broken families, and no matter how many people try to fill in the love, there is still that brokenness in them that is truly difficult to heal. I would still wish for every child, a mom and a dad. With God's grace... great moms and dads. I'm sure Denise would want that, too.