Saturday, November 2, 2013

Make Haste, I will Stay in your Home Today

How's our home? How's our house? How do we respond if someone says to us "today, I will stay in your house"?

- "No way, I can not let a stranger in our house."
- "Oh no, I have to find an excuse, I am so ashamed of the mess and dirt. I can't let anyone see it."
- "No, I don't have the time to take care of any visitor. It's difficult to think of what food to serve and I have to fix the bedding."
-"No, I cannot afford another mouth to feed."
-"No, can't do. There's no one at home to attend to you. Gosh, I can't stand just staying at home."
-"Can you tell me a week in advance?"

What have we really done with our home?
Is it still a home or had it become a warehouse to store your collection of things?
Is it a museum to display your awards and all that promotes who you are?
Is it a bedspacing unit, just for sleepover?
Is it a common place where to each his own?
Is it all about you, insensitive to the people you live with and to your neighbors?
What is home?

Jesus offers to stay in our house. He knows us and calls by name in the same way He called Zacchaeus. He knows our iniquities, our shame, our sins, our guilt yet He offers to stay and be a part of our home.

When we allow Jesus to have room in our lives and in our homes, we are transformed because He knows also our possibilities.

Dear Lord Jesus,
You said, "Zacchaeus, come dowm, make haste for I must stay in your house today".
I hear You, Lord. And yes, Jesus, please stay in our house today. We need You. Without You, our home is crumbling. We need Your mercy for our home reflects the bondages that chain us. We need Your love for we desire love and to love.
We desire a familiar and intimate relationship with You and by Your grace, may we have authentic relationship with each other. Helping each other to journey into the depth, widths and length of Truth until we arrive into our eternal home.
You have given us a Church that reflects what home is, and with the intercession of Mother Mary, the communion of saints, may our home be transformed into a domestic church.
Yes, Lord, let it be today that You stay and remain in our home.