My first Holy Communion was in grade 2. I'm sure we were given instructions as to the import of the event, but at grade 2, I wasn't really interested. We practiced how to march to the altar and we learned the songs.
During one of the rehearsals, I lost the veil that was lent to us and Sr. Francisca asked me to go back to the church and looked for it. Oh my! Sr. Francisca is a terror whom we children do not want to cross. She doesn't spank or anything physical but she has the look and the voice that scares you. And so it was a terrible First Holy Communion prepl for me.
The event itself, however, was different. I remember what I was wearing and the Judas pouch we carry. I remember I was so happy, radiantly happy. It is those moments when you just know without fully understanding that SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL HAPPENED.
The experience of something beautiful leaves an imprint in the heart of something beyond the physical world and giving us a glimpse of the supernatural.
There are many moments like this. Malcolm Muggeridge must have experienced it too when he encountered Mother Teresa of Calcutta and her mission. Pope Bemedict XVI related in one of his homilies his reaction listening to a puano concert of being elevated. Different events, yet, something beautiful happens.
When something beauriful happens, we get to peek to a Greater Beauty. It doesn't automatically bring us to a conversion but it does bring us to a higher reality - of a God reaching to us.