Thursday, June 26, 2014

Buddy Sheep and Shepherd

It is great when the shepherd and the sheep get along like buddies, but if all the shepherd does is to be a buddy then he becomes a sheep and the sheepfold will be lost. Then, the robber comes along and the sheepfold is taken in to a different pasture.

Yes, the (ordained) shepherd smell like the sheep and acted like a sheep. When the sheepfold got stolen by the enemy, the shepherd still acting like the buddy was stolen, too.

With the sheepfold and the shepherd still together, they are clueless that they have been buddying up in the enemy fold. The voice that had been leading them was that of the thief and the liar.

TEF: Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Subjected to Gender Ideologists .

Rorate Caeli: Update from the Irish Redemptorists: “The devil got into me”

Warning: Contains photos of priests in drag. Viewer discretion advised.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Mother Teresa's Letter

Mother Teresa in her Sari / photo from wikipedia

It was a simple letter but it was quite touching to read. Here is someone who loves God and loves humanity. Truly "something beautiful for God" as Malcolm Muggeridge puts it.

Excerpt from Catholic Herald: Mother Teresa sent me a personal message bashed out on an old typewriter. This is what it said
“…I think today, more than ever the world is upside down and is suffering so much because there is so little love in homes, and in family life people have no time for each other, and I feel if we could only bring back into our families and homes the life that Jesus, Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth, I am sure that peace and joy will be there.

“During this coming Christmas let us pray more fervently for peace, so that there will be peace that comes from respecting the rights of everyone – even the unborn child. Today Jesus comes to us as the unborn child and His own receives Him not. Let many of our Catholic families help young [the] mother-to-be, to welcome the baby in her womb as the gift of God’s love for her and for her family.

“Keep the joy of loving ever burning in your heart and share this joy with others by your love and service. Allow God to use you as His instrument to bring this peace and joy in the lives of all you meet during this coming Christmas.”

Monday, June 23, 2014

St. John the Baptist and Christianity Today

Mundabor reflects on how John the Baptist would fit in our inclusive, merciful, and pastoral evangelization. Yes, I don't think St. John the Baptist would be popular with what he preached. Just as he was not liked by the people who feel offended and judged then, so will it be now. There will always be people who wouldn't want to hear the Truth.

To a certain extent, the world had never changed. Yet, it had changed so much that it could be alarming.

Most of the followers of John the Baptist became followers of Jesus. The question now is, will those who claim to be followers of Jesus heed St. John the Baptist's call and stance? That is the alarming change... what the supposed to be "Christianity" had become.

Aborting A Relationship

Abortion will hurt no matter how many excuses or justifications we make because it is aborting a relationship. It is a definitive end of relationship and the other party didn't even have a say.

We have known people just walking-out of our lives and that hurts. Yet, abortion is ending a relationship forever and in that perspective, we know it is murder. It can not be undone.

Murder is a harsh word and this is probably the first time I used it with abortion, but it is the sad reality and it is the hard truth.

Greater mercy, compassion, and care is given to one who had undergone abortion than to the ones who are legally called murderers. Hopefully many will accept it. Hopefully many will not even consider having abortion - the greatest deception done to women.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Awesome Love

The awesome love that God gives in the Eucharist - to give Himself in the form of bread and wine.

The Eucharist is more than a personal relationship. It is more than a book and reader relationship. It is more than a sinner and Messiah relationship.

It is an INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP. It is a gift of self from the very source of love and life. The Perfect gives Himself to the imperfect. The Perfect Love gives Himself to the imperfect lover. The Life Giver who gives Himself to a creature. I am continually in awe in this Mystery of Love.

Thank You, Lord, for this Mystery of Love. Thank You, Lord, for You have deigned to grant us this miracle daily in the hands of a priest. Thank You, Lord, for being there in the Eucharist-body, blood, soul, and divinity.