A new pentecost for Pope Francis? Islamic prayers to be held at Vatican. This is part of the continuing saga of the Holy Land Pilgrimage wherein Jesus was not the focus of his pilgrimage but the fraternal(?) EMBRACE. Vatican calls it a break from politics but it would seem to me like a pursuit of an all-too-political peace. Vatican clarifies also that it is "not praying together" but "together praying".
That reminds me of the story of the two seminarians caught smoking. One said, "Father, I smoked while I pray." The other said, "Father, I prayed while I smoke."
Meanwhile, a horrible description of Church desecration in Milan. The Eucharist, the image of Jesus and Mary... outrageous desecration in the See of St. Ambrose, St. Charles Borromeo, Pope Paul VI, and Cardinal Martini. Acts of Reconsecration and Reparation will be done.
In Besançon, France, the church had become a place for performances.
It's all too sad to think, but the Church, the true church will always be there until the end of time. Yes, as promised by our Messiah. We have 2000 years of spiritual wealth. Lives given up and a great deal of sacrifice and conviction made it possible to preserve. What will happen tomorrow? For the majority, it is faith in the same old life. For the seekers and lovers of truth... ?