Friday, June 6, 2014

Blog Out

Another blogger had made his final blog statement. It is actually the first time I have read his blog. Kevin Tierney of Common Sense Catholicism laments what is happening to Catholic Blogosphere. In particular, he did not like the way Simcha Fischer responded to LifeSiteNews' Hilary White on her feature on Pope Francis' kissing the hand of the pro-homosexual advocate Fr. de Paolis. Yes, it did echo... echo... echo.

Much of this world, on both sides of issues whether in politics, showbiz, pro-life, economics really is about reverberation. We are suppose to propagate what we believe in is true, good, and beautiful. Sometimes we have to bring out the lies, the evil, and the ugly in order to see what is true, good, and beautiful.

Many have actually blogged out and in the case of Deacon Connelly of Protect the Pope, it was in obedience to his bishop that he did so. One of the dramatic blog out was that of Ars Orandi. It was s beautiful site that can be appreciated even by non-traditionalist like me. I don't remember the name of the blogger, David Wuerl(?), but he didn't like what was happening to him. He actually expressed his angst just a few times and one can really sense his passion and frustration. Hopefully, he need not have to fall into mediocrity just to squelch his passion.

Negative emotions can really be consuming and understandably many (most esp. the popular ones) have to stop awhile. Many comboxes had been disabled, too. Yet, one can not be passive for so long in the battlefield. Sometimes, it is a matter of finding your vocation. Some may be wielding the armors. Some are medics. Some in communications. Some in the kitchen. Some in chaplaincy. Some in training. All in praying.

Blog out and log in where God calls.

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