Saturday, April 9, 2011

For Me?

My nephew was in Grade 2 then; And how he would insist in going to school early. Every school day, it was like he was always in a hurry for school.
"You are going to make it in time." Exasperation. I did not want him to be stressed and I don't want the agitations either. We managed somehow, though there were still days of trying to convince him that it will be alright.
One afternoon, he came home with a small stuffed toy puppy. He said it was his "early bird reward". I smiled but then, he went further, "it's for you". "For me?" was all I can say. Kind of embarrased to myself of the times I reprimanded him for wanting to go to school early.

That stuffed puppy is truly a precious gift. It was earned by a young boy's effort and determination.
Sometimes we do not understand the ways of other people and even that of God's ways... until we come to realize... it's for our good and happiness. It's a gift. We ask, "for me?" and the answer is "yes, because I love you."