Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Reaching the Unreachable

In light of the Sandy Hook shooting tragedy caused by a 20-year old young man suffering from mental illness, there have been articles on mental illness. My mother suffers from episodic dementia due to Alzheimer but the stories here are about children. The challenge to their parents as caregivers are tremendous. It is heartwrenching and at the same time, it is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. There is the love that perseveres amidst the odds, and frustrations over things they can not change. There is the courage to face the fears and adjust to the best possible option that would be good for the sick and society at large.

Here are their stories:


One of the most frustrating part of dementia (or perhaps any other mental illness) is the futile effort of reaching the unreachable. They are physically present but they belong to another world. Nothing can appease them. One can not explain the situation away. You have to hold on and hope the dementia ends. Sometimes it feels like it will never end. Sometimes it scares you that it might end in tragedy.
Since no words can really reach them, often, I keep quiet and just caress the hair while continually saying a prayer mentally. I also put Ipod on the speaker dock and play the Rosarycast - the entire four mysteries , and it quiets her for a time. I distract her with DVDs of Sound of Music, King and I, and Shirley Temple movies. The episodes of dementia can really be straining- physically, emotionally, and mentally for both the caregiver and the sufferer.
Like most caregiver, caring for a loved one can not be done alone. I have my sister who alternates with me. And there are occasions when both had to be present. You learn to weave your life in this tapestry. When to clean up, when to garden etc. You learn to adjust things, hobbies like crochet when the situation requires just sitting down with her.

My Advantage. I live in a highly urbanized city in the Philippines but there's a difference. We live in a Family Compound. This is were I grew up and living out my childhood as a childhood is supposed to be. The culture is not individualistic. People from all walks of life are generally nice , respectful, and helpful of the elderly. Although, there is the busyness of modern life, there are still avenues of integrating one's life with other people.

Little things can help a lot. My cousin would always ask if there's anything needed at grocery or market since that is her destination. There would be someone who would be willing to bring out the garbage. My niece would bathe the dog. Even my sister abroad helps out by talking to my mother on the phone. Referrals for doctors when someone is sick. And of course, there are the prayer warriors and God's cheering squad. In turn, my sister gives food to others. When allowable, she drives for the young ones. Since, I am home based, I am the junction- connecting people, relaying messages. I do sweep the yard and beyond the boundaries. I help out tutoring the students when they need it.

There is without a doubt room for improvement. We have excess of things we csn let go. We have to keep on discerning priorities. There is definitely room for helping hands. Some people are so near and yet so far in their hearts to care. Still, we can not expect from others to understand what we are going through.

Little things we can do for each other and somehow we get by and still living out God's purpose in our individual lives. It is not to say that everything is sweet and easy, it is difficult. There are times when one's body can get so tired, the emotions so drained, the mind so heavy and even God seems to be absent. Here (http://vitae2day.blogspot.com/2012/07/my-life-into-prayer.html?m=1 ), I asked God to. turn my life into a prayer.

Still, it is all worth it... the opportunity to love and serve as I have been loved and served. To find those jewels- precious moment that give as a glimpse of what truly love is.

Monday, December 17, 2012

When Darkness Comes

Senate and Congress passed the Reproductive Health bill marked as urgent by President Noynoy
Aquino. The gloom coming from the tragedy of the Sandy Hook shooting had not dispelled, yet we see another avenue for the degradation of human life.

It is sometimes hard to comprehend how God believing people can not be shaken into the truth. Busy-ness, fame, limelight, fear, repulsion, ambition can do cloud our visions. Though we love God and accept God's love for us, we do not yet know how to love.

TRUTH is the WAY to the fullness of LIFE; And the fullness of life is LOVE. Jesus became Man and showed as the depth, breadth, and width of truth and love that we must journey. Still, many settles for the seashore. A little bit of water to touch our legs and an occasional splashing of the waves that beckon us to be part of the Ocean of Truth- to be co-workers and partakers of God's divinity.

God allows the darkness to cast upon our lives, so that those who carry the light can shine brighter. No shades of grey to choose from and one must find the conviction to make that choice. Padre Pio once said that the time had comewhen there is no middle ground. It's black and white and that should make things easier; But, alas, we must continue to desire Truth, seek it and live it. We can be deceived ... it feels like love, it sounds like love, it smells like love, it looks like love but it was just a poor itation of love we have settled for masking in sheepskin.

So amidst the darkness that seem to hover over us, we light the candle and pass on the flame to others. We pray. We desire that is true and beautiful . We seek. We reveive. We give what we receive. We choose love. We choose life. We choose truth. We choose beauty. In other words, WE CHOOSE GOD.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Message of RH Bill

There is much to be sad about...
the RH Bill was passed on second reading at 113-104 votes.
Today, there was the shooting incident in Connecticut in an Elementary School. In China, there was also stabbing outside a school.

Everyone is shocked and shaken by the incident. With our technology, we just don't just hear or read the news, we also see it. Yet, in spite of, the human tragedy that surrounds us, we are still willful people who wouldn't let go of our chains.

The RH bill resounds with the message that "CHILDREN are burdens that carry with them a pricetag".
The RH bill says "don't trust and believe in GOD... YOU, a human being knows better".
The RH bill says "MOTHERHOOD is a degradation".
The RH bill says "WOMAN should consider their womanhood a liability, a sickness".
The RH bill says "SEX is defensive".
The RH bill puts MONEY as the ultimate measure and goal of humanity.

In spite of, the medical, anthropological, psychological studies done on reproductive health - artificial contraception and abortion- so many intelligent, well-meaning people and organizations are riding it. Perhaps the boob tube had really dulled our minds. Perhaps, we have become lazy and never go beyond the headlines. Perhaps we just follow but never really knew who we are following.

One thing is clear, there is a spiritual
battle and souls are being won and lost to one side or the other.