Excerpt from RORATE CÆLI: Ratzinger: Hierarchy, Theologians must not scandalize "the little ones": - Primary good of the Church is protecting Faith of Ordinary People - Those in authority cannot abuse the Faithful's readiness to listen
"and whosoever shall scandalize even one of these little ones that believe in me, it would be better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck and he were cast into the sea” (Mark 9, 42).
The “little ones” here in this verse, are not children; with this term, in Jesus’ language, He is indicating His disciples, the future Christians. Moreover the “scandal” that seduces them is not a sexual seduction, but the stumbling stone that brings them to a loss of the Faith.
“To give scandal,” according to the results of present exegesis, means, “to disturb the faith” and, thus, “ to deprive of eternal salvation.” The primary good for which the Church is responsible is the faith of ordinary people. Attention for the faith of simple people must also be the intimate criteria of every theological doctrine. The one who is not merely doing private research, but is teaching on behalf of the Church, must be aware of this. To take on a task of this type and to speak not in the name of the common subject which is the Church implies the taking on of responsibilities for which the individual imposes some limits on himself.
Indeed, he is thus given an authority that as a private teacher and without men’s trust in the word of the Church he would not have. With authority, he is given power, which is responsibility, as it is not about a power which has its origins in him; [this power] has its foundation in the mandate from the Church in whose name he is given to speak.
Those who speak about abuse of power regarding the way teaching in the Church is disciplined, today are thinking only of the usual abuse of power from those in the Church that have this duty. However, forgotten, instead, is that there is also an abuse of power given by means of the mandate to teach; this is the abuse of those who take advantage, for a purely private word, of that readiness to listen and of that trust which is given, even today, to the word of the Church.
Church authority becomes an accomplice in this abuse of power if it tolerates that this is done without qualms, and so places its authority there where it is not allowed. For her [the Church], concern for the faith of the little ones must be more important than fearing the opposition of the powerful.
This is what authentic pastoral care is, reconciling love of God and love of neighbor. Thanks Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger.