Thursday, July 10, 2014

Social Acceptability or Research?

The banner of the new world order is tolerance and co-existence so we can accept what used to be unacceptable. A tolerance that will remove lines and boundaries so we no longer know the definition and purpose of life and that which makes life "life".

This tolerance and co-existence in a pluralistic society that is supposed to give us peace, love, compassion will actually lead only to a HOMOGENOUS society. The uniqueness that makes us truly equal would be erased. The land of nice, pretty, happy, peaceful robots. Yet, even robots need a god. Who could it be?

The one thing admirable with the proponents of this new order is that they really spend money and time to prepare for it. For the Reproductive Health agenda, they have the social acceptability project covering all sectors and recruiting the best people including premier Catholic universities.

So again for the same sex marriage agenda as mentioned in this article.
“In many parts of Asia, the social and legal environments remain far from inclusive for the LGBT community,” said Maurice Dewulf, the Philippine country director for the United Nations Development Programme, which paired with the United States Agency for International Development to spearhead the new report: Being LGBT in Asia.

In the workforce, for example, LGBT individuals often face discrimination in recruitment and hiring. Many also report cases of sexual harassment, said report author Michael David Tan.

Unfortunately, even if reliable studies are brought forth just like those of artificial contraception. It will all be disregarded in the name of gender equality.

From Psychiatry Online re: Phedophilia as quoted by Kevin O'brien of "The Word Inc".
A study by Abel et al. (32) of 377 nonincarcerated, non-incest-related pedophiles, whose legal situations had been resolved and who were surveyed using an anonymous self-report questionnaire, found that heterosexual pedophiles on average reported abusing 19.8 children and committing 23.2 acts, whereas homosexual pedophiles had abused 150.2 children and committed 281.7 acts.

Dale O'leary has extensive research and studies on same-sex marriage and contingent issues.


During Pope Francis' visit to Molise, he posed an important question: Perhaps it is time to ask whether it is a true freedom to work on Sundays.
Perhaps Pope Francis is referring to ECONOMIC FREEDOM but a "working Sunday" affects our family life and faith a lot.

During the time of St. Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney (born in 1786) as Parish Priest of Ars-en-Dombes, working on Sunday was what he most often preached about.

There are works that can not afford an off-Sunday like hospital workers but many establishments, though, they can very well have a work-free Sunday just can't let pass a day's profit. Working on Sunday is just a by-product of our productivity-oriented society and the workaholism that plagued us.

Workaholism is the easiest way to douse the fervor of faith. One tends to just veg out on Sunday or catching up with housekeeping. The holiness of Sunday as Lord's day becomes a mere breather from work that even going to Mass is just a matter of convenience inserted to a day that is too short for the workaholic world.

To the modern world, it is even seen as an admirable trait. A hard-worker. A productive person. Yet, it is the most numbing state wherein a person keeps on moving but going nowhere. Not really realizing the problems taking root within the family most especially with the children.

Untie my hands and deliver my heart from sloth.
Set me free from the laziness that goes about disguised as activity when activity is not required of me,
and from the cowardice that does what is not demanded, in order to escape a sacrifice.
But give me the strength that waits upon you in silence and peace.
Give me humility in which alone is rest, and deliver me from pride which is the heaviest of burden.
And possess my whole heart and soul with the simplicity of LOVE.
Occupy my whole life with the one thought and the one desire of love.

Thomas Merton, New seeds of Contemplation

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Baptism News in the Viral World

Everything and anything can get viral.

Pope Francis baptizes child of unmarried couple. He called those priests who refuse to do so as "hypocrites". I don't really see the connection between hypocrisy and refusal to baptize. Many Protestant sects actually do not believe in infant baptism.

On another newsified baptism, Cebu priest embarassed unwed mother. The priest gave a bit of sermon during the baptismal rite that it was not the child's sin but of the parents who had premarital sex... The young mom was seventeen and the event uploaded in youtube.

I don't really understand what the commotion is all about. Perhaps the family and the young woman got embarrassed by having the public know of her predicament of being an unwed mother. It was a teaching moment for the priest but perhaps he referred to the young woman in particular.
Having seen the longer version, the priest went overboard and started berating the young mom with questions.

I have heard priests have the same sermon during Baptism because of the growing trend of co-habitation. It was quite reasonable that in Infant Baptism, the parents and godparents are responsible for handing down the faith to the child; And that being so, they should bear witness to the Sacrament of Marriage to start with.

So the mass media bandwagon made it into a mountain. Love Radio said the Catholic Church should close... according to some listeners. Be careful what you asked for.

The priest apologized for his rudeness and so did Redemptorist Order. The letter sounds so grave. With investigation?

Be careful. Someone's watching you and it's not just the mass media and social

Monday, July 7, 2014

Sadness and Happiness

There are things that can make us sad yet there are still things to be happy about. Sometimes, we just have to embrace both with acceptance and trust in God, so we can find that peace, hope, and strength to keep on going. To do what we must do without being numb to the realities of life but with confidence that God is with us in both sadness and happiness.