Monday, October 24, 2011

Digging Deeper into the RH Bill

Women and Children
  • woman's choice to get pregnant or not = woman's power
  • less children = more share of the pie 
Digging deeper... 
  • Reproductive Health isolates the woman from the man. This gives armor for irresponsible men to engage in sexual pursuits without accountability or responsibility.
  • The rate of marital separation or divorce is higher with the use of artificial contraception. Single parenting and fatherless children is one of the most difficult situation for women and children. 
  • Having a choice in planning one's pregnancy is a worthy objective but the means for which this must be achieved is just as important. Not getting pregnant is not the be all and end all of woman empowerment.   
  • Artificial contraception as essential medicine = fertility is a common sickness. Fertility as a no-no in society had elevated homosexuality as a more preferred orientation. In Thailand, because of the rise of HIV infection and the fear of pregnancy (in spite of the prevalent use of artificial conraception), the target of prostitution industry were very young girls on pre-menstrual stage.
  • Children have pricetags thus objectifying children. A mindset of children having a pricetag sets the social conditioning that leads to child abuse and child trafficking. 

Service to the Poor

  • free, easy service at local government clinics
  • educating the poor on their options
digging deeper, the RH Bill has no concrete plans to help the poor even in maternal services. The primary thing being offered to the poor is to control its population.
  • Rampant abuses by giving quota (quantitative target) to health workers leading to implementing family planning without the consent of patient, bribing women to be acceptors of artificial contraception in exchange of goods; coercing women to be acceptors of artificial contraception in order to be eligible to other govt programs; misinforming patients of side effects and irreversibility of sterilization, worst - using the poor as lab animals to test new artificial contraceptions.
  • The poor becomes unknowing receptors of sterilizing agent. 


  • less poor people = less poor country
digging deeper eliminating the poor populace would be good for the country.  Statistically, it would be viable in terms of GNPs; so it would seem that the country is getting richer.  
  • the greatest contributor to poverty are civil unrest, natural calamities, corruption and the RH bill opens another avenue for corruption (corruption - a manifestation of greed and laziness) 
  • Statistics show that the Phil had grown economically, the problem is the wide gap between rich and poor. The rich sector is at par with the Western Countries while the poor sector is at par with the poorest country like Bangladesh. Distributism is, thus, a better resolution for the country.


  • less pregnancy = less maternal deaths
  • artificial contraception = safe sex = less STD 
  • sex education = informed choices 
digging deeper, there are really many health issues that the pro-RH are in denial. Since all medications have side effects why worry with the side effects of artificial contraception. But then, most medications are upon prescription and/or advice of doctors while artificial contraception can be made available in dispensers, Seven-Eleven, and Watson's.
  • the synthetic hormones is harmful to fishes, evenmore to women. 
  • false security in sexual pursuits raises the proportion of exposure to STD.
  • WHO classified birth control pills as group 1 carcinogen. 
  • Since artificial contraception do not protect from HPV, thus the increase medical need for HPV immunization.

Less Abortion

  • less pregnancy = less unplanned pregnancy = less abortion
  • [Miriam's logic 101] contraception = no conception = no abortion 
digging deeper
  • The bill does not define when conception begins.
  • NFP = 99% no conception// BC Pills = 60% no conception// condom = 80%no conception. Since there is no fullproof guarantee, there will still be percentage of conception.
  • the mental conditioning of "unplanned and unwanted" pregnancy necessitates the need for abortion as the last resort or guaranteed artificial contraception.
  • the assent to Reproductive Health will force the government to live up to the international standard of Reproductive Health which includes abortion. [But the truly novel developments of the last half century have involved primarily the vertical dimension. Thus, contrary to the misimpression of many of our politicians, the national debate on reproductive health is not only limited to the Constitution, but necessarily include Philippine obligations under the legally binding obligations of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, as well as other treaties to which the Philippines is a state party - Miriam Defensor Santiago, RHB logic 101. ]
  • Ireland had to stand up to UN that has been forcing the country to legalize abortion.


  • less people = less people's waste // less people = less need for natural resources
digging deeper
  • artificial contraception specifically the pill is entering our aquatic system and causing shocking ecological imbalance 
  • Condoms are often disposed improperly.
  • less people does not necessarily equate to less materialism that is the cause of natural resources depletion  


  • more accessible = more choice
  • sex education = informed choice 
digging deeper
  • without the RH bill is the real pro-choice. ACs are made available by ordinances or by employment in accordance with belief. The RH bill is pushing a choice for prevalent use of artificial contraception
  • the right to religious liberty is violated by the bill's lopsided propagation of artificial contraception. [Consistent with the intent of Article 134 of the Labor Code, employers with more than two hundred (200) employees shall provide reproductive health services to all employees in their own respective health facilities. Those with less than two hundred (200) workers shall enter into partnerships with hospitals, health facilities, or health professionals in their areas for the delivery of reproductive health services.]


  • Stewardship and responsible parenthood = artificial contraception
  • Bishops are not God 
digging deeper

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Secret Superpower

Praying does have a bad image.  One mother was afraid to prod her daughter to pray before exams because she thinks her daughter would become lazier and just depend on prayers.  And the old ladies praying daily in church and goes about cursing their spouse and children, gossiping about their neighbors, or maltreating their house helps; what's the efficacy of their prayers as many would wonder.  And the smart alec would say, "we don't need your prayers, we'd rather have your cash."  Then, the activist would say, "we don't need prayers, we need action".  

Still, it makes me wonder why some people end in dissipation while others have a chance to rise up and regain their lives.  God is Just, so it couldn't be just random "time's up, finished or not, pass your paper".  Neither could it be favoritism, "you come from a good family, I will give you another chance".  There is something in people's lives -a hidden factor even from the person himself or herself.  I think intercessory PRAYER is the invisible factor in people's lives.  There are people praying for them.
We ask others to pray for us and our loved ones.  For Catholics, we even ask the saints to pray for us, our loved ones, our country and more.  I wonder who prays for me; But then, I am not really sure who prays for me, only God knows.
But why should intercessory prayers be so powerful to make a difference in people's lives?
Prayer moves people into action.  It allows grace to flow from God to humanity.  And it is love, secret it may be, to pray for someone else - a good will for another.  An invisible helping hand in the trials and challenges in life.

St. Augustine was seeking something in his restless heart.   It led him to relationships, cults, and various studies that left him unsatisfied.  The prayers of his mother, St. Monica for his son was persevering.  Eventually Augustine found what he was looking for in Christianity.
When I see someone whose life changes for the better, I see the love and mercy of God but I also see the prayers that people have said for this person.

Yes, intercessory prayer is love. Pray.