I love Pope Benedict XVI so dearly among the popes we've had. When I heard his resignation at EWTN's daily mass, I was surprised and sad like all the rest.
I wasn't afraid for the Catholic Church, I trust Jesus who instituted it and believe as He said that the "gates of hell will not prevail against it". I knew much of history, too, to know the different personalities that have been placed in the papal office. The sadness, though, comes from missing someone you look forward seeing and listening. Fr. Benedict Groeschl retired last year and Mother Angelica had been in the cloister for years. I miss them. I miss their presence. Sometimes, they just have to withdraw, a farewell which Jesus did after the resurrection. ...Because it will be good for us. ...Because it will allow the Holy Spirit to pour and lead us deeper into the Truth.
I trust the Pope in his decision. Pope Benedict/ Joseph Ratzinger was not a crowd pleaser nor a limelight hugger. He just serves as faithfully as he can His Lord anf Master, Jesus Christ. He does so even if it means displeasing people. He does so even if meant being vulnerable to attacks and mockery. He remains a priest. He is not abandoning the flock, but will be serving the flock in a different way. Perhaps not in the way we want to but perhaps in the way God wants to.
Affections may be different from pope to pope but ultimately it is about Jesus who is God and Messiah. It is about the Truth that makes the Catholic Church withstand the vicissitudes of time.
You are Peter and you are my Papa Bene
Your ways are simple,
and your message is clear to those who listen.
Such quiet courage,
that must have its origin from a trusting heart.
Allowing vulnerability,
reaching out where you can be hated or loved.
Like a little child,
such confidence you have on the God who is love.
In your simplicity,
enemies thought you can be discredited.
How can they,
when your conviction is beyond them.
It was in humility,
that you have grown in faith and reason.
It was in prayer,
that you have grown in love for humanity.
Your words speak to my heart;
They evoke the truth in its beauty and splendor.
Amidst the storms of life,
you walked the water to go to Jesus.
And in weakness,
you cry out to Him, "Jesus save me".
You are Peter,
leading a flock, confused by the world.
You are Papa,
restoring the true meaning of every word.
You lead us through,
anchored in your Lord and Master.