Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Questions on Reproductive Health Bill.

Is the RH Bill pro-life?
--- Why doesn't it define personhood? Aren't we all EMBRYO at one stage in our lifetime?
--- Is it healthy to render ourselves INFERTILE when we are meant to be fertile?
--- Is it healthy for the woman to take pills and injectables that will DECEIVE her reproductive system into thinking she is pregnant?
--- Is it healthy for a woman to have a foreign object like IUD lodged inside her body?
--- Is it really against abortion when all countries that had passed Reproductive Health Bill also legalized abortion?

Is the RH Bill pro-poor?
--- Isn't it elitist to judge who are better parents by the house they live in?
--- Isn't it elitist to look at the poor as if they are not fufilling a purpose?
--- Isn't it presumptuous to cast their future as definitive and they will never have a chance for improved lives?
--- Are we now judging people who is worthy of living or worthy of having children?

Is the RH Bill constitutional?
--- Is there freedom of Conscience when all employers and healthcare workers are mandated to provide for artificial contraceptives even if it is against their conscience or factual knowledge at the cost of fine or imprisonment?
--- Is there freedom of expression when it criminalizes speaking against the bill when passed into law at the cost of fine or imprisonment?
--- Is it really a health bill then why is the Population Commission the overseer of its implementation?

Is the RH Bill pro-women and family?
--- Is it good for marriage for a spouse to procure artificial contraception without spousal consent?
--- Why is contraception identified as essential medicine, doesn't that make fertility a sickness?
--- If a female child becomes a victim of rape, no parental consent is needed to acquire artificial contraception. Is this the morning pill? The post-sexual act abortiifacient. Doesn't the child need her parents at a crucial time?
--- Should grade 5 & up have a subject on sex education? What will be the lesson plan year after year?
--- Will it really diminish abortion, then how come they legalized abortion if it is so effective?

Is the RH Bill pro-environment?
--- Isn't rendering one as infertile against the Law of Nature?
--- How come the countries with artificial contraception are the greatest carbon monoxide contributor?

Is the RH anti-poverty?
--- How come the NSSM report says that population control of third world countries is beneficial for US interests?
---- How come France, England, Singapore, Taiwan among others are giving financial incentive for couples to have babies so as to boost their plunging economies?
---- Who will really gain economically with this bill?

Is the RH pro-God?
--- Does "subdue" in Genesis justify population control or just SELF-CONTROL in all our human appetites whether it be for sex, food, drink, material things to prevent us from Greed, Avarice and Lust?
--- Isn't it in the sexual act wherein man and woman become co-creators with God? Wouldn't artificial intervention in the sexual act an act of blocking God and telling Him that He is not a part of the marriage or the bedroom?
--- Isn't population control an act of telling God that He doesn't know what He is doing in the creation of human life? Aren't we questioning His capacity to provide sustenance for human life?
--- Isn't life a GIFT that we should welcome it when the GIVER of the gifts want to?

Is there a hidden agenda in the RH Bill?