Yet, St. Paul said in Philippians 2:12
"12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,"
The devil is a fallen angel and angels are superior to us in intellect and strength. It can quote Scriptures and it would not introduce itself as the antiChrist. Cunning and deceiving it would be. Subtle in ways while slowly inverting and perverting the Truth.
Looking back at history, one would wonder how some people could have gotten so many followers. Arius had totally divided Christianity, yet followers from bishops and courtiers he had. Even after his death, his teachings persisted.
One would wonder why Rodrigo Borgia was chosen and made Pope when he had created scandals in his earlier years and it was known that he had a mistress and children. Political leaders like Hitler had followers. Cults have come and go.
It is easy to be swept by images. It is easy to be wooed by great rhetoric. It is easy to be convinced of good intentions. We are often unthinking and not discerning.
It is the thirst for Truth that allows our mind to think and our faith to grow. Our biggest obstacle is our capacity for self-deception. In our attempt to justify ourselves, we convince ourselves of fallacy. We remain in a church that's comfortable and doesn't demand much of us. No need for the transforming love of God. No need for the promptings of the Holy Spirit to lead us into the depth, width, and length of Truth.
We can be our biggest enemy, yet we can also be our biggest friend. Discernment comes from being true to oneself; And when we go to God true to ourselves, it is the prayer that truly comes from the heart. Not just emotions, but of the truth that we possess. With such disposition, we can become pliable to the workings of the Holy Spirit leading us more into the fullness of Truth.
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