Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Man and woman I free you from each other. I give you DIVORCE.
Awww! Don't I hear a clap, clap, clap.
Yes, really! I give you the right to make mistakes and try again. How many times, you ask! Oh, as much as you want.
You have to ask why. Isn't it obvious. It is hard work to make it work. You have more important work to do.
The children? Oh, I propose only two. You can remarry so there will be a replacement parent to provide for the family.
You are asking if it would be good for the children. Come on, no more fightings, no more putting up with an undesireable spouse. No more third parties.
What! You are confused what marriage is for! Oh, marry for whatever purpose you want, there is nothing to be afraid of anymore.
Haha, you are asking why marry. Good question. We are insecure people, we need the word "marriage". At least, we can make it profitable for those who want to.
What? You are asking about family value. I am giving you the right to have your ideal family. You are empowered to write your script and choose the characters in it. You can rewrite as you go along and erase the characters you don't want.
Don't you just love it! This is exciting, It is a tragedy to be alone and lonely in this over-populated world.
It doesn't sound realistic to you, aha! It is as real as your reality shows.
What? What happens to you when the show has ended? Of course, you start a new one. Haven't you learned enough from television.
Oh women, you are afraid your children might be abused by their stepfathers. Just waive your right and give the children to the men.
And don't you worry about the children. We are working on the child's right to be free from parental intervention.
Children must have freedom in their sex education and reproductive rights as early as possible.
Oh why aren't the children listening here. Still playing and watching cartoons ha! We will change that.
Oh men, of course, you will still be working. Oh, you would rather be single again... that is exactly what we are giving you. Tie the knot. Cut the knot. Two separate threads of life. A little bit if loose ends but there will be much for you to work on, you won't even notice.
Broken families? That is a discriminatory and hate speech, we will not allow anyone to call it as such even if it is. This is freedom.
Oh, the Catholic Church will not accept it? Oh, that kill joy of humanity. Just leave it. There are so many religions that would accept it. Choose one or start one or just no-religion religion.
Am I making you sad? Oh no, I am giving you the free pursuit of happiness.
You are uncertain? Don't be stupid, this is freedom. Don't get stuck. Just do it.
Okay, okay. Stop grumbling. I make you man free for man and you, woman free for woman. I give you freedom in "SAME-SEX MARRIAGE".
Cool! Isn't it? We are such freedom loving people.
Of course, you would have divorce as well. You do make mistakes and it's hard work to make things work. There are more important things you can do.
What, you are asking what difference it will make? Well... let me think. I see. It will make marriage free for all. We are freedom loving people. Hooray for us.
Oh, you are thinking. Stop it. Look, you will be accepted as a couple. You can have the benefits just like the rest. You don't have to be alone and lonely in this over-populated world.
Oh, you are thinking of family? Well, you were a child of parents, too, so you must be eligible to adopt children. There are many children from poor parents. You can have them.
Hey, you people should be happy. I am giving you everything you want. And if problems crop up, we will have more laws to cover it.
Fine. We free you from humanity. We give you EUTHANASIA and ASSISTED SUICIDE.
Imagine you can wipe out humanity by eliminating yourself. So easy.
Don't try to be funny. You are asking what if you changed your mind. Don't be stupid, there are no second thoughts here. Don't think about it... just focus on your freedom.
Abuse? Yeah right! Who cares, you are being freed from people anyway.
Look at it this way. It takes a lot of work to take care of the sick and the elderly. It is a great burden on your pocket. Be free from that.
And it is hard work to live and make life work. Be free from that and you will be assisted.
Oh, now you are thinking of religious belief. Leave that killjoy Catholic Church, we will give you New Age. It is a great concoction of everything you want. This will free you from religion and tradition. You make your own dogma and change it along the way. Well, that doesn't sound like a dogma but we can redefine everything. Always new.
People, you are free. No one to dictate to you. Nothing is imposed on you. I am freeing you.
You make me laugh, you are asking if I will give peace in this world. I give you freedom.
Can't you see people, this is good governance. I am giving you pain killer. We numb your pain but your RESTLESSNESS, we can do nothing for. We are freedom loving people.
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