Neighbor1: Neighbor, why do you keep planting on that pot and yet I never see anything growing from it.
Neighbor2: Oh neighbor, I like planting but I don't like growing plants. It's too much effort. I don't have the time. I have other plans.
Neighbor1: Really! So what do you do?
Neighbor2: I poison the soil or sometimes I put the seed in a plastic then plant it.
Neighbor1: What if a plant still grows, in spite of, what you do?
Neighbor2: Oh, I simply pull it and throw it away.
Neighbor1: Well, why don't you just stop planting?
Neighbor2: I can't. I like planting. It makes me feel good.
Neighbor1: It doesn't make sense. What, then, is the purpose of planting?
Neighnor2: Nothing... just for my pleasure.
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