Thursday, June 12, 2014

Why Pick on the TLM?

There are many write-ups on NY Cardinal Dolan's dismissal of Fr. Justin Wylie brought about by his sermon on shepherding those who prefer the Traditional Latin Mass.

I do not really understand why there is such a strong resentment or obstruction by bishops and some sectors toward it. The TLM is not mandatory nor prohibited so why should it be so bothersome.

From a non-traditionalist perspective i can only reckon:
• They are no cafeteria Catholics, they are UNCOMPROMISINGLY Catholic. Thus, the progressive Catholics who want to REINVENT the Church would look at them as obstructions to their efforts.

• They are WATCHDOGS or VANGUARDS of everything Catholic- dogma, moral teachings, rubrics, Cathechism, Canon law, and abuses thereof. Thus, they are often perceived as rigid and legalistic. ABUSIVE prelates and laity do not want to be watched. GAME and BUDDY BUDDY prelates and lay leaders just can not enjoy their style and may even be repulsed by it.

• They are using Latin, old Missal, Chant, OLD style vestments.They consider the TLM as the Mass of the Ages. MODERNIST who wants to be in touch with the times consider them as Medieval, out-dated, impractical. Then, there are those who having to learn Latin may find it cumbersome. It can be threatening to some Clerics when they find some laity more adept in Latin.

• It could also be the desire for decentralization and become more nationalistic and cultural while the adherent of TLM would always be a UNIVERSAL CHURCH.

I love the Holy Mass and I still believe in its efficacy for as long as the Holy Eucharist is there... whether it is Novus Ordo or TLM. I have to admit though that the TLM seems more like the Rock upon which the Church is built on --- solid, firm, universal, transcendent. When all the innovations and experimentation on the Novus Ordo will come and go, the TLM will last until Christ returns.

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