Thursday, June 12, 2014

Unhealthy Compromise

In an interview regarding the
Catholic Church in Ireland, Father Tom Forde, OFM Cap, Chaplain at the University of Cork attributes the embrace of Contraception and its consequence as one factor:
With a refusal to co-operate with God’s plan for human sexuality and fertility – a moral problem – there comes the spiritual problem that faith does not thrive under disobedience. This interior conflict leads to either repentance or exterior rebellion – they walk away.

In Fr. Ray Blake's post on Danish gay couples given right to marry in Church, he asks:
I am sure at first most Catholic clergy will refuse and bishops will not comply but down the line, in two or three years, what will happen, and if this law were introduced into England, or the rest if Europe?

There will always be people who will be on artificially contraception or even abort. There will be people who will be in homosexual lifestyles. There will be broken marriages. Institutionalizing is never a solution. Institutionalizing abortion by making it legal did not diminish abortion, nor did it lessen the painful experience of those who undergo it. A wrong even made legal will remain a wrong and the law of nature is not suspended either. Consequences will still be there. A sickness even if it will be declared as no longer a sickness will remain to be what IT IS.

We so often neglect or ignore what are being legislated. It doesn't matter because I am not going to have abortion anyway. Down the line, as Fr. Ray asked, many will acquiesce.

Legalizing poison will always put it in the menu and down the line, more and more trusting people will choose it. Compromise with the devil is extending your hand in a handshake, its grip will lead you in a different direction.

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