Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Replay Vatican II

The upcoming extraordinary synod on family probably stirs the same atmosphere as that of Vatican II Council. It is of curiosity what it was like then, that it brought about more splinter groups in the Catholic Faith. The Sede vacantists consider the papacy still vacant since Pius XII. There is also a group that claims that Cardinal Siri was the legitimate pope and not Pope John XXIII. Expectations, apprehensions, power playing, and propaganda.

Doubting the intent of the October Synod, Christopher A. Ferrera of The Remnant Newspaper has an online petition to stop the synod.

The symptoms are unmistakable: after a period of relative remission during the years of Pope Benedict’s mysteriously self-terminated reign, the postconciliar “process of decay” remarked by the former Cardinal Ratzinger has resumed with a vengeance, like a rebound infection after an incomplete course of antibiotics. The progressivist priests and prelates who are the disease-causing agents of Vatican II Fever are now running amok throughout the ecclesiastical bloodstream. They have been let loose by a Pope who is so fond of publicly staged “surprises,” all tending to the diminution of traditional Roman Catholicism, that Respice in Me (look at me) could serve as the motto of this pontificate.

On the other hand, the Jesuits and Jesuit-formed are excited and promoting their agenda, THE FAMILY: Event to discuss ‘women’s take’ on PH families.

The talks are as follows:
• “The Catholic Church in the Philippines: Some Perspectives on Gender and Public Policy on the Family” by Eleanor R. Dionisio
• “Women, Family and the Church in a Changing Society: An Introduction to the Socio-Cultural Issues” by Mary Racelis, Ph.D
• “Gender and Family Dynamics: Building Climate Resilience Among the Urban Poor” by Emma E. Porio, Ph.D
• “Gender Roles in the Context of Feminization of Migration: Challenge to Papal Teachings?” by Agnes M. Brazal, Ph.D
Reactor: Fr. Ruben Tanseco, SJ

Will the Synod have the same outcome as the Council? When I think of Vatican II, the personalities that come to mind are Popes John XXIII and Paul VI, and French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre of the post-Vatican II created SSPX. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre before Vatican II was gifted with apostolic zeal working in French Africa and later in the diocese of Tulle, France. He was a member of the Preparatory Commission of the Council of Vatican II as appointed by John XXIII.

Newly released was the The Personal Diaries of
Mgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton

Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton was a priest of the diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts, ordained in 1930.
“I had always thought that this council was dangerous. It was started for no sufficient reason. There was too much talk about what it was supposed to accomplish. Now I am afraid that real trouble is on the way.” (Oct. 13, 1962)
“I started to read the material on the Liturgy, and I was shocked at the bad theology. They actually have been stupid enough [to say] that the Church is ‘simul humanam et divininam, visibilem et invisibilem’ [at the same time human and divine, visible and invisible]. And they speak of the Church working ‘quousque unum ovile fiat et unus pastor’ [until there be one fold and one shepherd], as if that condition were not already achieved.” (Oct. 19, 1962)
“Liberal Catholicism as understood by these men was and is the system of thought by which the teaching of the Catholic Church were represented as compatible with the maxim that guided the French Revolution.” (May 11, 1963)
“[Fr.] Ed Hanahoe gave me two books on Modernism. In one of them I found evidence that the teaching in the first chapter of the new schema on the Church [the one that became the Vatican II dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium] and the language are those of [the excommunicated Modernist Fr. George] Tyrrell. May God preserve His Church from that chapter. If it passes, it will be a great evil. I must pray and act.” (Sept. 24, 1963)
“M [Fr. John Courtney Murray] has just come in to see the triumph of his false doctrine [of religious liberty].” (Sept. 21, 1964)
“[Mgr.] Joseph Quinn just told me that the H.O. [Holy Office] is being abolished and that Card. Ottaviani will not be the head of the new, non-supreme, congregation which will take its place. The old man is being humiliated. He is a saint.” (Nov. 21, 1964)

The post-council was even worst. From Australia's Reaping the whirlwind

Yet I would not for one instant trivialise the abuse of minors by clerics and other people in positions of authority in the Catholic Church.

Rather, I want to do two things. First, I want to offer some thoughts on how this process of obstruction has been used by the same Church authorities to neutralise protest against other obvious abuses of liturgical practice and doctrine. Second, I want to show how this process—and the bad theological thinking behind it—began well before the Council, and how the rot that appears to have followed it actually predates it.

The author talked about the parish priest being sent to the United States and coming back to implement the renovation of the church and change the Missal and hymns. Going to other parishes was to no avail since the same thing was happening. (mid-1970's)

It wasn't happening in diocesan sector but also in Religious congregations were revision of constitutions were done in keeping with the Council losing the spirit of their founding fathers. Catholic Schools, too, changed into modernist schools again losing the vision and mission of their founders.

It was truly the Universal Church and it was happening everywhere. Anne Roche Muggeridge’s book The Gates of Hell (1975) chronicled that of Canada.

Unfortunately, the hammer of Vatican II continues to pound as related by John B. Manos' The Forensics of an AmChurch.

So would the Synod be like the Vatican II? The trend since Vatican II had continued its direction. It was disrupted for a while by the pontificate of Benedict XVI. He was given seven years or... we were given seven years so we can make our choices well.

So it seems that the extraordinary synod is just a continuation of Vatican II. Vatican II's drivers are still pushing for their humanistic worldview. The motor is running and many are cheering them on as they hammer on and try to break the gate of heaven. Of course, they can't. They need to make their own "heavenly" kingdom.

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