My niece doesn't want any religion for her child and so on with the brainwashing stuff. I tried to put forth some logic into her view but to no avail. She considers herself liberal and she wants to teach her child just what it is to be human. Her ideal president is Uruguay's Jose Mujica.
I was tempted to tell her, "I think you will like our new pope, Francis." Of course, I did not. She isn't a Catholic, she's with the Victory Church. I do love her and I am not going to reinforce her humanistic idea by telling her about the pope. Soon enough, without my help, she had an FB post with adulations for the pope.
Oh my! Surely Mujica and Francis.
José Mujica is a non-believer in God but he believes in austere living, championing the poor, legalized marijuana, legalized abortion, legalized same-sex marriage, strict ban on cigarettes, and environmental protection. All this, he was able to accomplish in a predominantly Catholic country.
For a brief period in my life, I was inclined to socialism as influenced by my university. It seems so ideal. Equality. Freedom. Concern for the poor. Concern for the environment. Coexistence.These are all good things wherein believers or non-believers can agree upon.
When Pope Francis says communists are closet Christians who’ve “stolen our flag", it drew varied reactions from professional media and bloggers. Actually, I had the same line of thinking but I do not think Communists or Socialists as "closet Christians". It was more like the Communists/ Socialists aped Catholicity but removing God. It was a similar thing that Julian the Apostate (b 331, d 363) did but with pagan gods. For Julian albeit with most of Socialism adherents, there is resentment or hatred for Christianity because of the actuations of some Christians. In his case, it was the massacre of his family. He could not accept the God of the Christians. The God of the Christians had been obscured by the Judases among them. He cried out when dying: Nenikekas Galilaie (Thou hast conquered, O Galilean).
For Julian the Apostate, it was the Christian virtues that he liked most especially charity, mercy, and justice. On the other hand, socialism is like the monastic life wherein there is common ownership of goods. There is work according to one's capacity that brought dignity to manual labor. There is discipline. Yet, paradoxically even if the structure of socialism is the same with Christian monasticism, the product is different.
I did not have any underlying anger towards "perceived" Christians, I just find socialism sounding so right and good. Yet, even when socialism wants to empower the masses, there will still arise a pyramid of power, just different personalities from that which was rejected.
As one grows in experience and exposure, we recognize the difference between permissiveness and freedom. Most of the things permitted like abortion, illegal drugs, euthanasia, same-sex marriage are all short cut solutions to man's ultimate desire but only leads him/her to a dead-end wall of bondage. Sameness is not equality but a grave injustice because it suppresses the uniqueness of each person in the seasons of life.
All these liberal ideas of abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage have gone against the connectivity of all things and all humanity and most importantly our First Source, God. It would be so crazy,to think of someone so adamantly against smoking and yet find no qualms in killing the life of a child in the womb where human life begins. It would be so crazy to care so much for the environment and go against the very basic natural law of man-woman marriage.
We all love. We love our family. We love our neighbors. We love the poor. Yet, without our relationship with God, we really would not know how to love. We will not know what is good for us, let alone what is good for others.
In the socialist / humanist way of life, there will be someone or something who would replace the true God, and that idol will be the source of our way of love and goodness and our sense of humanity. A false god is a false god and it will invert the way. The only way to find happiness and contentment in a socialist/ humanist environment is to be a robot. It keeps on moving with all semblances of activity and life, but in reality, it has fallen to sloth and numbness. Creativity has been stifled. And one can not ask one's self if this is really love and is this really life.
Socialism and humanism will breed people with messianic complex. A suppressed woundedness masked in the idea that "I can do good, charity, mercy without having a need for God." In spite of its "equality, liberty, and fraternity" slogan, it is in socialism and humanism where you will find . And behind the picture-perfect love for the poor and the minorities are atrocious denigration of human life. Behind every liberties granted is a dependency borne. Still, a creative minority will still exist impelled by higher goods beyond what the world could give.
Back to P. Francis, he may be technically orthodox, but in all practicality, what he had been doing is affirming and reinforcing people in a humanist/ socialist worldview that will not bring them joy here and the hereafter. Perhaps... that is what he really wants.
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