Sunday, April 6, 2014

Papal Bull_et

Pope Francis had become the UNIVERSAL ARSENAL for those who wants to change Church teaching and his words are being shoved down the throat of Catholics defending the Church.

Here in the Philippines media (de Quiros) using it to promote the RH law. In some cases it is bishop against bishops like the issue on allowing the reception of the Holy Eucharist to pro-abortion politician in the US. In England, it is the same issue with one bishop going against the bishops' conference.

Granting that the pope's words were misinterpreted (sometimes deliberately), it had become ingrained in the minds of many people.

In the name of being pastoral. In the name of mercy. Let everyone get what one wants. Relativism is the name of the game.

It's a walk in the quicksand and many are being pulled down. The shepherds want to smell like the sheep and they acted like the sheep. And no one is guiding the sheepfold while many are falling into the abyss.

God became Man but He never lost His divinity. Even when Jesus walked the same ground and ate the same food, He was always on a redemptive mission. He saved man from his own self-destructive nature. Jesus' compassion and mercy was not about letting humanity continue its way but to raise them up with Him.

May we truly find Easter and accept that we are destined for the resurrection.

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