Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lessons for Today

What lessons are there for me today?
First. Often, a person doesn't see herself acccurately. L sees the messy things of others but she does not see the huge mess of her attachment to things that had left no room for other people and their meager possession. It also coincides with the gospel reading of recent days. She really doesn't see. And I hope to avoid not seeing my own faults by examining my conscience.

Second. I had been sick and need to see a doctor. Many have offered to accompany me but here I go again. I can do it in my own. That arrogance of self-sufficiency that won't allow myself to be the recipient of the kindness and goodness of other people. I am the one who is supposed to be the do-gooder and that is pride. Yes, it is good to bring out the goodness and kindness in other people and so I accepted the generosity of another to accompany me. God will be much happier with that.

Third. How far should we be merciful as the tough question came in blogs as to the death of the Nazi war criminal. The decease was denied funeral mass in Catholic Churches. That is difficult and I still wrestle with that. What if the late-term abortionist Gosnell would ask for a Catholic funeral mass when he dies? Difficult decisions.

Fourth. The trauma of the people and the devastation of historical Churches in Bohol due to the earthquake was heart-breaking. The Churches at first glance were uttetly collapsed because the walls turned into rubbles. But with professional engineers inspecting the site, there were many instances when the inside was intact. Retablos unscathed. Amazing were free-standing images of Jesus and our Lady remained standing amidst the rubbles. Yes, amidst our brokenness, something inside can remain untouched.

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