Open to Life is Open to God is Open to Love
Sexual relations reflects the very INTEGRITY OF LIFE, since all human life comes from sexual union of a man and a woman.
Sexual relations is a total giving and receiving for it to be a gift of LOVE. With Artificial Contraception, one is rejecting the fertility or infertility of one's self or one's partner. It is a rejection of an integral part of a person's uniqueness. Much like saying, I like you but I don't like your face, can we cover it or just cut it off. Whether we like it or not, there will be something in another person that we may not like but learn to live with and respond with ably.
More than the rejection of another person's totality, is the rejection of God's manifest Hand in Creation. God being the SOURCE of life and love, is being barred from the most personal and most fundamental of co-existence. Artificial contraception is not open to life, it is not open to God, it is not open to love, and it is not open to life's possibilities.
Sexuality is not just a facet in a person that has something to do with sexual organs and sexual gratification. It is the total integration of body, heart, and soul of the person. A totality which makes every individual unique in every stage of life. It allows a FREEDOM OF BEING so that a child can be a child, a woman can be a woman, a man can be a man, a sick can be sick, a celibate can be celibate, a married person can be a married person.
Artificial contraception, though, accepted by couples with well-meaning intention, was never meant tor a loving sexual relations but for a "using" or even abusive sexual relations.
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