Sunday, July 20, 2014


Many bloggers recommend ignoring Pope Francis' homilies, addresses, and interviews since they are not doctrinal, not ex-cathedra anyway. Let the mass media do their spin on it or wait for Vatican's explanation. If you love Christ and His Church and your neighbor, one can not simply take everything in stride.

•• Majority of Catholics will not take the time to read encyclicals, read the Catechism of the Catholic Church, or watch EWTN. Their first source will be what the mass media says. The other alternatives will be the talk-of-the-town/parish/community/org, internet social media, bloggers.
What has been said by the mass media will have lasting impressions on the majority and if they are giving wrong feeds to the public, it will be extremely difficult to undo and correct. The alternative sources must do the job.

•• Lots of battle had been won and lost in the informal arena before it was tackled in the legal and formal way.
Social conditioning and social acceptability begin subtly until it gains strength for a formal launching. Indifference to issues paves the way to who is the "loudest and most active" becoming the voice of the majority.

•• You can not evangelize and say "ignore the pope". It is the oddest situation, perhaps, but you have to explain the teaching in light of, or in spite of, what the pope said. Evangelization woes.

•• We can not numb ourselves to what is happening if we truly desire truth.
Many had become victims of dangerous cults because of this desensitization and self-deception.
Although we can not condemn people to hell, we can judge actions and choices that we know can be harmful or leading to perdition. Our free will is God's gift that empowers us to follow God and be mindful that we are being followed by those who trust us.

That being said, it is quite understandable that others will choose a different way. We choose our battles or better yet we find our place and purpose in this battlefield of life because we are more than a field hospital.

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