Sunday, July 27, 2014

Come What May

So easily it has gone viral. Admittedly, it appeals to believers and non-believers alike. A shepherd who eats with the sheep.

But who am I to judge? Most especially by appearance, photo op, and mass media.

It's hard to have a photo op that will illustrate Pope Francis saying "to recover mankind, restoring him to the centre of reflection and the centre of life. He is the king of the universe!” he exclaimed. “And this is not theology, it is philosophy and human reality."

Or a photo op that will manifest a decision to appoint a false prophet, Enzo Bianchi, to ecumenical council.

It's really okay to have such photo circulated but why aren't Catholic pages posting the other news? Are we positivist who choose to talk only about the "nice" and "positive" looking things? Can't we look at the whole picture and say I still trust this is the Church Jesus instituted and this is where I will be?

Thank you St. Corbinian's Bear. The Bears' "By Rivers of Babylon": We must plant our vineyards and live out our lives out in the era we have been given. And yet,...

Thank you Cardinal Ratzinger. Ratzinger's letter on Ecumenism, translated by Beatrice of Benoit et Moi
Excerpt: This is simply an attempt to leave to God what is only his business, then explore, in all seriousness, what is our task. To this sphere of our tasks belong acting and suffering, activity and patience.

Thank you Pope Benedict XVI.
This is our response, we are realists in expecting that evil always attacks, attacks from within and without, yet that the forces of good are also ever present and that, in the end, the Lord is more powerful than evil and Our Lady is for us the visible, motherly guarantee of God’s goodness, which is always the last word in history.
- Benedict XVI, Portugal, 2010

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