Thursday, March 28, 2013

Passion of Christ Today

”My Words are there and I SPEAK, yet, so few LISTEN .”
”My House is there and I WAIT, yet, so few CAME.”
”My Miracle is there and I THIRST, yet, so few PARTAKE.”
”I left everything in place for them.”

”They can spend hours in front of the television and computer monitors,
they can’t even GAZE AT ME FOR AN HOUR.”

”They can spend an hour naked in bed with someone they hardly knew, yet,
they can’t BARE THEIR HEARTS out to Me even for a few minutes.”

”They can spend countless hours and days working for money and fame,
yet they can’t give Me a LORD'S DAY to give them some providence.”

”My feet are BRUISED, I kept running after them,
but they kept on chasing adventure. They never had time for me.”

”My knuckles are SWOLLEN from knocking,
they won’t open the door, they were with alcohol and drugs.”

”My voice is HOARSE from shouting,
but the television and radio were too loud, they couldn’t hear.”

”My hand reached out to TOUCH them,
but they couldn’t feel because they were having fun and feeling good.”

”I wanted to carry and PROTECT them,
but they don’t trust me, they would rather trust Science, Psychology, money, and Democracy.”

”I wanted to GIVE them something,
but their hands are too full holding on to material things.”

”I wanted to WHISPER ’I love you’
but fame’s clapping and cheers drowned my whisper.”

”I have given them everything that they may KNOW ME and know love,
still they want their way.”

”I have SHED blood, sweat and tears for them;
yet, they shed their blood, sweat and tears for what? For things that pass away.

”I have CARRIED My Cross,
yet won’t let Me help them in their baggages.”

”If only they knew that they need not be a victim anymore,
I have taken their place for them - became a victim for them, THEN and NOW
Just so they can have the victory of love and eternal life. Still, they don’t want to CHOOSE ME.”

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