The world at a glance continues its battle and search in this tapestry of life.
Peoples want independence from Emperors, Monarchs, and dictatorships. Fighting revolutions and crying FREEDOM. Yet, freedom is hard work. Grumbling like the Jews OUT OF EGYPT and lobbying, let our governments make the CHOICE for us - HHS mandate in the US, RH bill in the Phil. No smoking here and here. Sex is like this and this. Give us education, jobs, food, and cure for our sickness.
Exasperated, leaders want ONE World, One GOVERNMENT but let me choose the number and form of its citizens. Back to empire perhaps. The TOWER OF BABEL can be built and MAKE A NAME for ourselves but communication is never easy in to each his OWN WAY.
Women seek itheir happiness - work, no man, no child, work to fame and fortune. To take over manhood or perhaps the helms of power. Cleopatra seeking the weak spot of Samson. Still FEMALE children NOT WANTED and aborted. While women continues its search, the BATTLE for EVE goes.
Those with same-sex attraction seek their ACCEPTANCE in an imstitutionalized relationship. Marriage like heterosexual. Redefining marriage would REDEFINE HOMOSEXUALITY. SODOM and GHEMORRA, no more be it destroyed. And so the search for IDENTITY goes.
Free love and SEXUAL REVOLUTION led to sexual abuse by fathers, teachers, coaches, pastors, and priests. Victimhood runs deep , it doesn't matter if only 0.1% of priesthood. Someone has to pay for the LOST CHILDHOOD. GOD must pay, new IDOLS we create. Lady Gaga perhaps for now.
IMPEACH the NOT LIKE through little lady, vatileaks, wikileaks. People reading only headlines, hasty to judge. Still searching for PARADISE yet driven into the WILDERNESS.
Battle against ABORTION with those for abortion. Seeking one's personhood. Like Esau & Jacob, for crumbs, the BIRTHRIGHT had been exchanged.
Yet not much outcry for Chinese eating fetal parts. Thy own flesh and blood for one's pleasure. Tired of the MANNA from heaven.
Throughout HISTORY, people always feel their generatiom is the WORST of times. Yet saints were there and have lived through it. There is no denying that we get affected by what is HAPPENING AROUND.
St Alphonsus Liguori in his time writes, "As for ourselves, we much keep silence, RESPECT the SECRET JUDGMENT of God, and hold ourselves in PEACE”.
And during the time of World War II, St. Edith Stein says, "God revealed himself only in the impenetrability of His mysteries, welcomed in faith, hope and love. That which we catch a GLIMPSE of is but a FLEETING reflection of that which the DIVINE MYSTERY HIDES, until the day of future brightness. That faith in a SECRET HISTORY should strengthen us, and give us PEACE.”
The worst of time welcomed in FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE can bring out the best of time. There can be peace within even if everything outside seems amiss. There is that conviction of the LAMB OF GOD who came to be the spotless VICTIM to restore us to LIFE and conquer DEATH. The Lamb of God that had given His own Flesh for us.
All these things will pass and perhaps the next generation will be no better times. Still, in every generation the UNCHANGING TRUTH remains to give us a glimpse of eternity and in there is... LOVE.
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