Thursday, May 29, 2014

Technically Two Popes

Ratzinger has not retired to private life. That's why we really have two Popes
from Corriere della Sera , Wednesday, May 28, 2014, Vatican

(Vittorio Messori) "Dear brothers, I also called today to announce a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After a long examination of my conscience before God, well aware of the gravity of the act, in full freedom, hereby renounce the ministry of the Bishop of Rome, successor of St. Peter ... ".
Totally unforeseen, said in Latin, in a low voice, those words were like a whip which he did in a few minutes around the globe. And that even in countries with no Catholic majority and not even Christian, but where is immediately understood the historical novelty of the event. Do not forget that - even according to the words of the recent Protestant Obama, the orthodox Putin, dell'anglicano Cameron - the Roman Pontiff today would be the highest moral authority in the world.
To return to that of 11 February, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, who knows the Catholic world still knows that there are questions and we compare it even harder. Seem to be two sides: on one side the keepers of tradition, for which the "unsubscribe" (no discharge, not having the Pope in any land where present), despite being required by the Code of Canon Law, would have constituted a kind of defection, almost Benedict XVI considered his office as the president of a corporation or of a State. And, therefore, it was necessary to retire to private life at the age of decline, in the name of efficiency considerations, rejected, however, by the long agony in public, chosen by John Paul II.
On the other hand, here is the deployment of those who rejoice: the renunciation would be the end of the sacredness of the Papacy, the mystical aura around him and then the adjustment of the bishop of Rome to the standard common to all the bishops, desired by Paul VI. Give up, that is, the government of a diocese and official positions in the Roman Curia to the achievement of 75 years.
In the background, however, were still questions that seemed to have no adequate answer: why not choose to be called "retired bishop of Rome" (as suggested by the same Catholic Civilization), but "Papa Emeritus"? Why not give up the white dress, despite having removed the cape and the annulus piscatorius on his finger, a sign of the authority of government? Why not retire in the silence of a cloistered monastery, instead of staying within the confines of the Vatican City, next to St. Peter's, dealing often - albeit privately - with the successor, receiving guests and participating in ceremonies and as the recent canonization of Roncalli and Wojtyla? I confess that I myself had asked similar questions, it being puzzled.
An answer to those questions is now a study by Stephen Violi, esteemed professor of canon law at the Faculty of Theology of Bologna and Lugano. It is worthwhile to examine those crowded pages, as with the decision of Benedict XVI, the Church is open to new scenarios and somewhat disconcerting. It is expected that the conclusions of Professor Violi arouse debate among colleagues, as this canonist assumed that the act of Ratzinger innovate deeply and that the Popes are now living two really. Even if one of them voluntarily "halved", to put it in a somewhat 'simplistic but, it seems, is not wrong. To understand, to be cleared first of all the delusions of conspiracy and conspiracy, taking seriously Benedict XVI spoke of the growing burden of old age as a reason first and only of its decision: "In recent months I have found that my strength had decreased ... my resources, physical and intellectual, advanced age, are no longer appropriate to exercise properly the ministry ... ".
But, studying in depth the highly controlled Latin with which Joseph Ratzinger has accompanied its decision, the eye of the canon lawyer discovers that it goes far beyond the few historical antecedents and beyond the regulations set forth by the "unsubscribe" Code of the Church today. It turns out, that is, that Benedict XVI did not intend to give up the munus Petrinus, the office, the task, that is, Christ himself attributed to the head of the Apostles and has been handed down to his successors. The Pope wished to give up just Ministerium, ie exercise, practical administration of that office. In the formula used by Benedict, stands first among the munus, the papal office, and the executio, that is the active exercise of the office itself. But the executio is twofold: there is the aspect of government that exercises et loquendo acting, working and teaching. But there is also the spiritual aspect, not less important, which is exercised in suffering praying, praying and suffering. This is what would be behind the words of Benedict XVI: "Do not return to private life ... I do not wear more than the power of leadership in the Church, but for the good of the Church and in the service of prayer, rest in the yard of St. Peter." Where 'fence' should not be understood only in the sense of a place to live but also a "place" theological.
Here, then, why the choice, unexpected and novel, to be called "Papa Emeritus". A bishop is the bishop when age or illness requires him to leave the government of his diocese and retired to pray for it. Especially as the bishop of Rome, to which the munus, the office, the task of Peter, was given once and for all, for the whole of eternity, the Holy Spirit, using the cardinals in conclave only as tools. That is also the reason for the decision not to abandon the white dress, while private signs of active government. That's why the desire to stand next to relics of the Chief of the Apostles, venerated in the great basilica. In the words of Professor Violi: "Benedict XVI is stripped of all power of governance and control inherent in his office, without abandoning the service to the Church this continues, through the exercise of the spiritual dimension of the pontifical munus entrusted to him. At this, he did not intend to give up. He has not given up to the task, which can not be revoked, but at the implementation stage. " Perhaps for this reason Francis does not seem to love to call "Papa," as it is aware of the munus pontifical share, at least in the spiritual dimension, with Benedict? However, what was inherited entirely by Benedict XVI is the office of Bishop of Rome. That is what this, as you know, is his preferred self-definition, right from the first words of greeting to the people after the election? So much so that many, surprised, wondered why he had never used the word "Pope" or "Pope" on an occasion so solemn, in front of the TV the whole world, and he just talked about his role as successor to the Roman episcopate.
For the first time, then, the Church would really have two Popes, the reigning and emeritus? It seems that this was the will of Joseph Ratzinger himself, with that waiver of only the active duty who has been "a solemn act of his teaching," in the words of the canon law. If indeed it is so, so much the better for the Church, a gift that there is, next to each other physically, who directs and teaches and who prays and suffers for everyone, but above all to support the brother pontifical office daily .

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