Rorate Cæli reported the Pope's restrictions on the Latin Masses officiated by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. Although, I don't attend EF Masses, I was saddened that somehow it will hold back the propagation of the TLM which of yet has not flourished. Its presence would certainly bring back the solemnity and sacredness of the Holy Mass in the Novus Ordo and bring Jesus as the Center and Source of the Mass.
I have not read Fr. Z's article on this but it seems, he got more passionate reactions than the Pope's actuation. It surely did for Ars Orandi, I find Ars Orandi a beautiful website that posts the Collect of the Day. Another reaction and a sobering one was from Australia Incognita.
Dr. Taylor Marshall also wrote about the TLM and FI and advised readers not to go to Traditionalists' blogs like Rorate Cæli. Somehow, I like the Traditionalists' blogsites, even the satirical ones. They don't gloss over Church events and personalities. They critique or praise when warranted. And to me, it shows their conviction of the True Church that remains holy and fount of truth not because of its members but because of its founder - Jesus Christ.
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