Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Great Marriage

Faith and reason, as some people would like to depict it, is contrary to each other; But truly, it is a marriage of faith and reason that allows us to grow and make informed choices.
Like all true marriages, the marriage of faith and reason does not take away their differences or uniqueness. Faith is faith and reason is reason. However, in their marriage, they begin to compliment each other. Faith feeds reason; And reason feeds faith. Only in the marriage of faith and reason can we journey to the depth, breadth, width of Truth. We can touch, feel, see, and know that which is bigger than us.
The great divorce of faith and reason, thus, is of immense consequence to living. As one becomes unfaithful, one becomes more unreasonable; And as one becomes unreasonable, the more one becomes unfaithful. It is paradoxical that one who loves reason to the abject rejection of faith is actually debilitating his/her reason. It is, likewise, with one who loves faith divorced from reason would be actually clinging to a false faith. Divorce of faith and reason leads to fanaticism or idolatry.

Another great marriage is that of Truth and Freedom. Truth sets us freer and freedom walks us to the truth. Even though truth is truth and freedom is freedom, totally different from each other; The great marriage makes them complimentary and nourishing each other.
When freedom is divorced from truth, there is only a license. Much like a driver's license, it does not follow that one can reach one's destination. Divorced from truth, love of freedom is bondage. There is no real choice because the truth is made unavailable. On the other hand, truth divorced from freedom is dictatorship. It has the roadmap and guidepost but without the driver's license, it cannot move.
The great divorce of truth and freedom leads to chaos and oppression while the great marriage of truth and freedom is the road to fullness of life.

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